First aid manual for chemical accidents (for use with

each compound there are reference% t u toxi- cology tcwered in white pages, and to first aid im>vrdurrs in rase r,t inhalation ~yeiiow poyw. ingpstim ...
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learning activities which can be done without a lot of sophisticated equipment. Most of the weaknesses of the earlier modules have been eliminated from the revised set which is now available. Now included are soecial safetv notes in bold tvoe and a h;mrtl'symhol h k n d rach rxper~n&t in which aiwciiicdrty musl he rrcuyni~rd. Problem sets and exercises have also been interspersed throughout the student modules to provide practice material for the students. The minimal use of mathematics has been identified as both a strengthand a weakness of the IAC program. I have found, however, thnt the flexihilitv of the modules does allow ~~~

plemental material easily. I strongly recommend the use of the IAC set for introductory chemistry classes. The set would also be a useful addition to the libraries of teachers of higher level courses. A. M. Sarquis High School Editor

Ellicott St., Buffalo, NY 14203, which this reviewer would find easier to use hut covers fewer substances and has substantially less general information. Also there now is an updated version of the National Safety Council's. "Pocket Guide to First Aid." which includespoisoning in its domain but in much briefer treatment. The present hook disclaims liability or responsibility of the author, editor, and puhlisher far any errors, omissions, or use of the book. This may well be a prudent statement in our suingsociety, but there also is a moral, and ootentiallv leeal. .. . resoonsibilitv for qualified persons at inr scene ul an accident to takeapproprlatc rrmrdial mrawrrs uutil . book will mrdilal practitioners ~ T T I V P Thts be useful to chemical professionals in preparing for emergencies. Malcolm M. Renfrew University of Idaho


MOSCOW. ID 83843



First Ald Manual for Chemical Accidents (For Use with NonpharmaceuticalChemicals) Marc J. Lefevre. (compiler) with English Language Edition Edited by Ernest I. Becker, Dowden. Hutchinson, and Ross, inc., 218 DO. TaStroudsbura. -. PA.. 1980. ix bles and appendices, 15 X 23 cm. $25.00. [Academic Press. Inc., New York, NY, 1980.1


This book aims to provide an easily readable, handily indexed sourcebook for rapid use by workers with industrial chemicals whenever an accident occurs. There is a 5page introduction describing the use of the manual followed bv an index of 500 industrial products including rrmmon synonyms. For each compound there are reference%t u toxicology tcwered in white pages, and to first aid im>vrdurrsin rase r,t inhalation ~yeiiow poyw. ingpstim ifreen), skin rcnulct ipinkl. and eye nmtart ihluer. 'l'hir indexing schmmc makes the informatlm readilv a\,a~lablr,but the authors recommend use of the book in a training pmgram prhr to wurking in haparduus situatims rather lust \\ hen tragedy strikes. The manual was conceived and tested in Solvay & Cie, S.A., but then it wasextended in scope beyond that required by a single company. The Solvay American Corporation and LaPorte Industries, Ltd., collaborated in the issue of this English-language edition. Both in the preface and in appendices there are ties to American Practice with citations of NIOSH and OSHA, hut the book does have some foreign flavor; for example, some of the trademarked names are not familiar in this country. The hook stresses the Golden Rule of First Aid: Always treat t h e most urgent symptom first. I t then lists in order cessation of breathing, eye injury, skin contact, and shock. I t does not list arterial bleeding, which, if present, is the most pressing of problems in an accident whether or not chemicals are involved. Our readers may wish to compare the bwk with "The Chemical Emergency Action Manual" (1981) of The American Lung Association of Western New York, Inc., 766 ~


Solving Inorganic Spectroscopic Problems (Chemistrv Cassette and Booklet) Alan Vincent, Educational Techniques Subject Group, London, England, 1981. iv 20 pp. Figs. and tables. 15 X 21 cm.


Spin-Orbit Coupling In Molecules. International Serles of Monographs on Chemistry W. G. Richards. H. P. Trivedi, and D. L. Cooper, Oxford University Press. Oxford, England, 1981. viii 105 pp. Figs. and tables. 15 X 24 cm. $29.95.


The Peptides-Analysis, Synthesis, Biology. Volume 4: Modern Techniques of Conformational, Structural, and Configurational Analysls Erhard Gross and Johannes Meienhofer. (Editors), Academic Press, New York, NY. 1981. xix 309 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $51.50.


The Quality of Foods and Beverages, Volume 2 George Charalambous and George Inglen, (Editors), Academic Press, Inc., New York, 390 pp. Figs. and tables. NY. 1981. v 15.5 X 23.5 cm.


Ingredients of Smoke and Smoke Flavor Preparations, Werner Bakes, Reiner Wittkowski, Ingeborg Sochtig, Helmut Block, and Lazla Tath; Enzymatic Flavor Development in Faods, Gerard J. Maskowitz and Gerald G. LaBelle; Wheat Flour Fwds in Japanese Diet and Expectation on Wheat Quality, Seiichi Nagao and Kenji Tanaka; Organic Compounds, Inorganic Salts, and Processing Re-

actions as Means of Enhancing Fruit Flavors in Desserts, Mushtaq Ahmed; Practical Applications of New Forms of Dried Fruits, Martin R. Silge; Quality Evaluation of Macadamia Nuts, Catherine G. Cavaletto; Mechanized Plating for Viable counts, G. D. Anagnostopoulos; Moisture Relations of Food Microorganisms, Gerasimos D. Anagnastopoulos; Moisture Relations of Food Microorganisms, Gerasimos D. Anagnastopoulous and Gaysorn Dhavises; Pollution of Liquid Food by PVC Container, Jean-Maurice Vergnaud, Djelloul Messadi, and JeanLouis Taverdet; The Effect of Indole-3Acetic Acid and Ca2+ on Triacontanol-Promoted Growth in Zeo mays, Andrew 3. Welebir; Views on New Food Developments in Sweden, Charlotte af Malmborg; Novel F w d Proteins: View in Italy, Renzo Boni and Giancarlo Sodini: Recent Advances in Shoyu Research, Tamotsu Yokotsuka Development of a Flavor at IFF, Planning, Creation, and Commercialization, Manfred H. Vock; Advances in Legume Processing, Samuel Kon; Water and Lipid Interactions of Plant Additives as Related to the Quality of Fwds and Beverages, Cheryl W. Hutton; Going from the Food and Beverage Analytical Laboratory to the Process Line, Martin S. Frant; PreEvaluation by Computer of Model Systems Application to the Reaction of Furfural with Hydrogen Sulfide and Ammonia, Michel Petitjean, Gaston Bernin, Jacques Metzger, Rene Barone, and Michel Chanon; Changes in the Organoleptic Quality of Spices and Their Oleoresins in Stored Food Products, J. M. H. Bemelmens, L. M. Nijssen, L. J. van Gemert, and H. Maarse; Flavoring of Extrusion Cooked and Textured Meat Extenders and Analogs. I. Ben-Gera, B. Gosney, and 0 . B. Smith; Determination of Cocoa Butter Substitutes in Chocolate, Dina Gegiou and Kostis Staphylakis; Application of HPLC for Evaluation of Coffee Flavor Quality, Takayuki Shibamoto, Kimihiro Harada, Satoru Mihara, Osamu Nishimura, Kenji Yamaguchi, Akiyoshi Aitoku, and Tatuso Fukada; Carotenoids and Cell-Mediated Immune Responses. Eli Seifter, Giuseppe Rettura, and Stanley M. Levenson; Certain Elements in Greek Wine, Apostolos P. Grimanis, Maria Vassilaki-Grimani, and George D. Kanias; Integrators and Computers for the Laboratory. A Review from Experiences, G. G. Barberio; The Role of Enologyand Viticulture in California: Past, Present, and Future, George Thoukis.

Treatlse on Analytical Chemistry, Second Edition. Part 1, Volume 7: Theory and Practice Philip J. Elving, Edward J. Meehan, and I. M. Kolfhoff. (Editors), John Wiley 8 Sons. Inc., New York, NY. 1981. xxviii 816 pp. Figs. and tables. 17 X 24 cm. $65.00.


TITLES OF INTEREST Electron Beam X-Ray Microanalysis Kurt F. J. Heinrich, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 1981. 608 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 24 cm. $42.50. (Continued on page A2241

Volume 59

Number 7

July 1982
