First anual report

California Section. The members of the Northern. California Section will be listed in a later issue. Romeo P. Allard, Loyola University, Los Angeles. ...
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A YEAR after the adoption of its constitution, the Pacific Southwest Association of Chemistry Teachers is able to report an exceptionally profitable series of artivitics and a n U I H I S I ~~~r o w f hin mcmbcrship. Sinre the 1949 Kovrmbcr mectine in Pan 1:ranciwo' the .Issociation has become firmly established as a representstive organization of California chemistry teachers. President Arthur Furst of the University of San Francisco and the Chairmen of the two local sections, L. Reed Brantley of Occidental for the Southern Section, and Benjamin Naylor of San Jose State for the Northern Section, deserve commendation for their able leadership during this initial period of the Association. As a first annual report of the Association, a publication of its membership will be made in two installments. The first part includes the members of the Southern California Section. The members of the Northern California Section will be listed in a later issue. Romeo P. Allard, Loyola University, Los Angeles Ralph Barmore, Pasadena City College, Pasadena Sheila Murray Bituer, South Gate High School, South Gate James E. Biby, Occidental College, Las Angeles Ernest L. Bickerdike, University of California, Sants. Barbara College W. Kent Bishop, Wilson High School, Los Angeles Francis E. Blacet, University of California at Los Angeles Blanche Bohhitt, Los Angeles Board of Education, Los Angeles L. Reed Brantley, Occidental College, Los Angeles Brother R. Augustine, F.S.C., Cathedral High School, Los Angeles Brother Joseph J. Enright, F.S.C., Csthedrd High School, Los Angeles Philip L. Bruee, Long Besoh City College, Long Beach Hallie Bundy, Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles Bessie E. Butcher, (Retired), 1339 South Sycamore, Los Angeles 0 . 1%.Cady, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Edith J. H. Chu, Immaculate Heart College, Los Angeles Edwin D. Cooke, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles IIarper W. Frante, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, W. A. Freeman. W. H. Freeman and Cnmnnnv W. C. Gregory, Compton College, Compton John H. Griffith, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles John W. Hsmaker, Whittier College, Whittier J. Robert Harper, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Neil J. Hawington, San Diego State College, San Diego Marion C. Hays, Hollywood Evening High School, Los Angeles Morris J. Heldman, East Los Angeles Junior College, Los Angeles

' See Tms JOURNAL, 27, 166 (1950).

Robert Isensee, San Diego State College, San Diego Lionel Joseph, San Diego State College, San Diego Norman Kharasch, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Frank L. Lambert, Occidental College, Los Angeles W. D. Leech, Pasadena City College, Pasadena (Mrs.) Ruth H. Major, Benjamin Franklin High School, Los Angeles W. B. Mathews, Garfield High School, Los Angeles Claude F. Merzbacher, S m Diego State College, San Diego Dorothy A. Miller, San Diego Stste College, San Diego Glen H. Miller, University of California, Santa Barbma College C. J . Monroe, Compton College, Compton C. T. Morton, Huntington Park Highschool, Huntington Park Ray E. Moser, Adolfe Frese Corporation, 116 West 17th Street, Los Angeles Mother M. Benedetta, Villa Cahrini Academy, Burhank Karol I. Mysels, University of Southern California, Los Angeles W. Roy Newsom, Whittier College, Whittier Ambrose R. Nichols, Jr., San Diego State College, San Diego John Michael OJGorman, University of California, Santa Barbara Colleee Linus Pauling, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena Norris W. Rakestraw, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, La Jolla Evamaria Riegger, University of Southern California, Los Angelos G. Ross Robertson, University of California At Los Angeles Dudley H. Robimon, San Diego State College, San Diego Nellie D. Rogers, Alexander Hamilton High School, Los Angeles Robert B. Rowe, San Diego State College, San Diego Eva Schwartz, San Diego State College, San Diego R. A. Seihert, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa Allen E. Senear, University of California, Santa Barbara College A. M. Shaffer, Los Angeles City College, Los Angeles Sister Agnes Ann, Immaculate Heart College, Los Angeles Sister M. Alma Rose. H.N.. St. Monica's Hieh School. Santa Monica Sister Alice Marie, Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles Sister M. Charles, Immaculate Heart College, Los Angeles Sister M. Nepomucen, Immeculate Heart High School, Los Angeles Sister Mary Alma, St. Ferdinand High Sohool, San Fernando John A. Spangler, San Diego State College, San Diego Carl Strem, Compton Junior College, Compton G. W. Swanbeck, San Bernardino Valley College, S m Bernar-



Agnes M. Toland, Ventura Junior College, Ventura Clinton E. Trimble, East Los Angeles Junior College, Los Aneeles ~ e o r i L: e Turcott, Antelope Valley Junior College, Mojave Marjorie J. Vold, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Harold Walba, S m ~ i e State ~ o College, San Diego Robert F. Ward, Van Nuys High School, Van Nuys Robert Winans, Occidental College, Los Angeles