Fischer & Porter Company

A complete integrated catalog is on press now. Drop us a line and we'll send your copy as soon as the ink is dry. Fischer & Porter Company, 1520 Count...
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FISCHER & PORTER NOW BRINGS YOU A COMPLETE SELECTION OF K I M B L E L A B O R A T O R Y 6LASSWARE F E A T U R I N G T H E K l M A X ® T E F L O N® S T O P C O C K * Tempered glass pipe to test tubes, the complete Kimble line is now available from Fischer & Porter. But the biggest news is the labware itself, featuring no grease—no leak—no freeze Kimax® Teflon® stopcocks.* A complete integrated catalog is on press now. Drop us a line and we'll send your copy as soon as the ink is dry. Fischer & Porter Company, 1520 County Line Road, Hatboro, Pennsylvania.

Lab Crest

*Manufactured by Kimble Glass Company under licenses granted by Fischer & Porter

Circle No. 37 απ Readers' Service Card

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