M a k e s a c o m p l e t e c a r b o n a n a l y s i s in 21/2 m i n u t e s
FISHER INDUCTION CARBON APPARATUS New, Improved, Fully Automatic Completely Self-Contained R. F. Induction Heats ONLY the Sample No Heating of Laboratory —No Danger No Waste: Standby Power Only 200 Watts Full Power Only 1500 Watts
C O O L - R U N N I N G , compact, selfcontained a n d accurate—here is a carbon-content analyzer that can be placed anywhere in your laboratory, ready to deliver precise measurements of carbon in iron, steel and other materials in 2Yz to 3 minutes, at negligible power cost. U N L I K E conventional resistance furnaces, it heats only the sample tested —not the furnace itself. It can be placed next to delicate balances or other laboratory equipment without
complications. And its standby power (and power costs) is no more than that of two 100-watt lights! FIRST introduced by Fisher in 1950 for steel analysis, the new and improved apparatus is utilized today for a wide variety of ferrous and nonferrous alloys, for analysis of soils and many other organic and inorganic compounds. For the full Descriptive story, just drop a line t o : Fisher Scientific Company, 130 Fisher Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Ask for Bulletin FS-223. B-95
FISHER SCIENTIFIC America's Largest Manufacturer-Distributor of Laboratory Appliances & Reagent Chemicals
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