Five New Alkaloids from Colchicum ritchii - Journal of Natural Products

New Colchicinoids from a Native Jordanian Meadow Saffron, Colchicum brachyphyllum: Isolation of the First Naturally Occurring Dextrorotatory Colchicin...
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Journal of Natural Prdcts VOI.50, N O .4, pp. 684-689,J u I - A ~ 1987 ~


FIVE NEW ALKALOIDS FROM COLCHlCUM RlTCHll ALANJ. FREYER,MUSAH. ABUZARGA,’SADIQA FIRDOUS, HE&NE G U I N A U D E A U and , ~ MAURICESHAMMA Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, Uniwrsity Park, Pennsylvania 16802 ABSTRACT.