Flexible gas cells for infrared spectroscopy

polyethylene absorption bands are not introduced. Spec- tra obtained are comparable to those determined using rigid cells. K, N. Carter. Presbyter...
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Flexible Gas Cells for Infrared Spectroscopy A very useful and relatively inexpensive gas eell with salt windows can he easily made from a polyethylene bag. A round salt plate is placed inside a polyethylene sandwich bag and secured with a flat rubber hand placed around it on the outside. A plate for the other side of the eell is then mounted similarly and the polyethylene is trimmed away from the face of each plate. A stopcock device is secured to the open end of the bag by means of a rubber hand. A simple frame to bold the cell in the spectrophotometer is made by cutting slots in each end of a metal strip and turning these up. This type of cell is especially useful for the analysis of gases evolved from reacbion mixtures and analysis of gas chmmatograph effluent. It has the advantage over the plain polyethylene bag in that polyethylene absorption bands are not introduced. Spectra obtained are comparable to those determined using rigid cells. PREGBYT%RIAN COLLEGE CLINTON, SOUTHCAROLINA


Volume 43, Number 1, January 1966
