Fluorine as a Halogen - Reaction with a highly deactivated aromatic

Jan 31, 2005 - Lucius Bigelow, Reade Tompson, and Paul Tarant. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1947, 39 (3), pp 360–364. DOI: 10.1021/ie50447a625. Publication Dat...
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FLUORINE AS A HALOGEN Reaction with a highly deactivated aromatic nucleus Lucius A. Bigelow, Reade Y . Tompson', and Paul Tarrant' DUKE UYIVERSITY, DURH.A\l. 3 . C.

THE fundamental reasons are giben for the gre'at \igor of organic fluorinations with the free element, as coniparecl with corresponding chlorinations. W a j s and means are discussed by I+ hich these reactions h a l e been controlled and caused to proceed in orderl) fashion. The chlorination of t h e aromatic nucleus under conditions fa,oring a 1 1 atomic chain mechanism is compared with the Taporphase fluorination of benzene. Both are shown to proceed, first by addition, then substitution. followed, in the case of t h e more reactile fluorine, by fragmentation and polymerization. 1 description is included of the direct vapor-phase fluorination o\er a metal catalkst of the highl? deactilated aromatic nucleus of i-chloro-1,3-bis(trifluoromethy1)benzene wider niild operating conditions. The di- and tetrafluorides were formed bj addition, the heptafluoride and perfluoro-1,3-dimethjlc) clohevane b j substitution, and perfluoromethy I c y clohevanc and perfluorocjclohewane bj fragmentation. These results and interpretations are presented in support of the general proposition t h a t organic fluorinations proceeding b? atomic chain mechanisms are fundamentally similar to the corresponcling chlorinations, and may readily be ac-rounted for O I I the basis of modern theoretical con*ideratioii-.

ficult. Consequently, in organic fluorinations the fast chain rcactions n-hirh actually take place might well be expected. Uockeniueiler ( 1 ) directed attention t o another fundamental cause of t h e violence of these reactions-namely, the very high heat of formation of hydrogen fluoride and of carbon-to-fluorine honds:



many years, especially in the field of organic chemistry,

F O the R element fluorine was believed to be a thing ai?art, following no generalizations, obeying no rules, and c~liaracterized by disruptive and explosive reactions. S o w , rapidly developing knowledge makes clear t h a t 'the reactions of fluorine \vitli orguiiic compounds fit in very well x i t h existing theoretical considerations, and are nearly as predictable as those of t h e other halogens. As Figure 1 shows, any halogen, X,, may react by either of two mechanisms: -4, ionic, carrier-catalyzed, leads to t h e active S ion; B , atomic, often light- and heat-catalyzed, leads to tlir active X. atom. Since fluorine, the most electronegative of a11 elements, has a high positive nuclear charge, it should react atomically rather than ionically, because t h e complete remora1 of a n electron from it, t o form a positive F ' ion, would be very dif-


-~ substitution , I -it €IS+ --C--S i

heat of dissociation of C-C



+ .lI

kg.-cal. (1)

71 kg.-cal. (approx.)

Reactions 1 and 2 represent substitution and addition, respectively. When X is fluorine, the heats of reaction, J..and S , exceed t h e heat of dissociation of a carbon-to-carbon bond by a subrtantial margin, even n-ithout t h e heat of activation; n-hen S iz chlorine, corresponding values do not do this. Consequently fluorine n-ould be expected t o disrupt' a n organic molecule easily, whereas chlorine should not. T h e powerful reactions actually observed can, in general, be moderated arid caused to take place in a n orderly fashion, first, by breaking u p the reaction chains, and second, by dissipating the lieat. T h e more common means for moderating direct fluorinations are iis fo1lon.s:

1. Diluting the fluorine by a n inert gas. 2 . 'Conducting the reaction in a n inert solvent. 3. Fluorinating by means of compounds which easily release fluorine atoms or molecules, such as CsHJFp, SbFj, PbF,, I.InFJ, ion in the vapor phase, n-ithin the iiieshes of a metal packing, n-ith or without other catalyst. $. Reacting the fluorine Tvith a relatively inert compound. 6. 1-arious combinations of the preceding.

Of these, dilution of the fluorine with an inert gas, which surrounds the halogen n-it11 unreactive molecule., has not heen m c cessfulalone; conducting the reaction in an inert solvent, m-hich similarly envelops t h e reactant, has often failed becau-e nearly all organic liquid, + F ~ X Q (Ionic) react with fluorine, and fluorocarhoii< themselves are not good solvents for organic compounds. By combining items 1 and 2, Bockemueller ( 1 ) fluorinated some aliphatic compounds successfully in carbon tetrachloride solution at .* 0-15' C.; but Jve have found in the aromatic x (Atomlc) series t h a t these conditions often result in the for.* mation of C l F rvhich then cauSes deep seated chlorination of the organic moierules. Liquid IiyFigure 1. Activation of Halogen Molecules drogen fluoride has, however, heen used successfully as a solvent by Simons (6) and others. T h e reagents which easily relraqe fluorine atomi or molecules have Present address, General Chemical Company, Laurel Hill, K. Y. t h e common advantage that it portion of the heat of fluorina1 Present address, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.


: x+







March 1947

A. subs t i t ! A t i o n





light, heat.

radical Figure 2.

A 2 d lt io n


Ionic and Atomic 3Iechanisms for the Attack of Chlorine o n .iromatic Nucleus

tion is consumed in dissociating the reagents, and the overall reaction is thus moderated to a certain extent. Their disadvantage is t h a t they have to be regenerated unless the reactant is sufficiently inert to fluorine so that they can be used as carrier catalysts, n-hich is usually not the case. Of those mentioned, the aryl iodofluoride has not been used to any extent,, and antimony pentafluoride is a powerful fluorinating agent only

recently available commercially. The metal fluorides have all been used n i t h considerable success, but only the cobalt fluoride has been employed for a considerable time o n a large commercial scale in a regulation t x o . cycle process. Vapor-phase fluorination within the meshe3 of a metal packing (sometimes silver-plated) has proved successful in this laboratory ( 3 ) and elsewhere, since the large mass of metal rapidly conducts heat away from the re-

c1 c 1



S t a b l e CGCl1,

Stable C6ClI2

g Cl Cl


Cl c1





c 1 c1

isomer ( s a t u r a t e d )

S t a b l e CeKCll

CN C l z addition

; J f Hc

and s u b s t i t u t i o n



Y isoners

Figure 3.

Reactions i n Liquid Chlorine Solution under Pressure i n Sunlight ( 5 )

e1 c1



Vol. 39, No. 3


action zone, and t h e relatively great metal halide surface exposed tends t o break u p t h e reaction chains. At least one important example of t h e use of a deactivated reactant will be discussed in detail later in this article. CHLORINATIOX COJIPARED WITH FLUORINATION

Turning now t o chlorine, a n d confining ourselves t o t h e unsubstituted aromatic nucleus, Figure 2 s h o w t h a t a h e n this element acts ionically, as in A , t h e result is orthodox substitution, leading finally t o t h e formation of hexaclilorobenzene. As already pointed out, fluorine does not behave in this manner. On the other hand, when i t act's atomically, as in B , addition occurs instead, Kith the ultimate formation of benzene liesachloride. Van der Linden (5) studied t h e intensive chlorination of aromatic rings under conditionsfavoring atomic reactions-namely, in 0 CYo IO liquid chlorine solution under pressure, and simultaneously exposed t o bright sunlight. A few represenF i W r e 4. .iPParatue for Vapor-Phase Fluorinn tion of Volatile tative results from this n-ork are illustrated by Figure 3. The aroOrganic Liquids ( 4 ) matic, b u t still unsaturated, hesnchlorobenzene by addition yielded t h e highly stahle compounds CaC1,o and c,Cln, depcndilig 1i1)on addition colnp(,untls. Ti~rouglithe courtesy of the x a v a l Reconditions. On the ot'her hand, since the 8-stereoieonier of henscarc.11 Idixljor:~t~~ry, rl, substance .,%-ell suited for thi.3 purpose zene hexachloride was completely saturated under these coilmade avuilat,le. Til;, \vas 4-chloro-1,~-t~ij(triiluorometliyl) ditions, the stable C6HC111 was ultimately formed, presumakdy benzene, ~ r h i c hn-as prepared and purified in this laboratory achy aliphatic substitution involving an orthodox chain mcchacording to tile follotving scheme: nism. Finally, benzonitrile reacted both by addition arid subCH, stitution as shown. S o evidence of ring cleavage by direct chlorination was reported. I n contrast, benzene was fluorinated in t h e vapor pliase over a metal catalyst in this laboratory ( 4 ) by Fukuhara, using the ape1 paratus shown in Figure 4. T h e sample in the small flask, A , under compressed air pressure entered t h e heated vertical reCF3 actor, C, through calibrated capillary D; the vapor mingled in HF t h e meshes of t h e packing, n-ith the fluorine entering a t H and rising from below in countercurrent f l o i ~ . T h e products left the reactor at J , passed over sodium fluoride in L ttnd L' to remove c1 c1 hydrogen fluoride, were condensed in liquid air t r a p M , and were This proccdure involved nuclear and side-chain substitution, then rectified. follon-ed by side-chain replncement under pressure; the details Table I summarizes the results, Tvhich include CaHFll a2d will be described elsen-here by P. 11. Gross, C. K. Bradsher, and csF12,formed by addition and substitution; they should be co-aorlcers. pure, iiicrt compouI1d, boiling a t 148-150' c.9 pared with the corresponding CBHCllland C6Cl12just mentioned. is stable t o alcohclic alkali a t reflus temperature. It \vas highly Then come CF,, CeF6, C3F8, C,Flo, and CsFlo, produced by fragdeactivated by withdrawal of electrons from the ring tiy t h e mentation, and finally ClzF,, Tj.\-hichresulted from dimerization. strongly electronegative substituents, and was fluorinated ( 7 ) aromatic products could be isolated. The fUndalllerltal in the v w J r phase over a silver-plated copper wire packing in similarity of tile primary attack of atomic cf,lorine and atomic


fluorine upon the aromatic nucleus by addition and then substitution is thus obvious. The more reactive fluorine atom also produced extensive fragmentation, often follo\ved by polymerization. FLUORINATION O F A H I G H L Y DEACTIVATED NUCLEUS

I n the fluorination of benzene, no products intermediate between the hydrocarbon and CeHFl, could be isolated; therefore, i t seemed desirable t o fluorinate, under mild conditions, a compound with a highly deactivated nucleus, in the hope of moderating the reactions still further and isolating such intermediate

TAIJLI:I. Compound

CFI CrFa C ~ F ~ CiFio CIF,o Carla CsHFii


P LYRE COLIPOPiDS I 5 9 L A T E D BESLESI:(4) B.P., C . Literature Found

- 128 - 78 - 36

-5to-3 23 51 I




-128 - 78 - 36



22 50 6% 90

hfol. Wt. C d c d . Found 88 138 188 238 250 300 282 562

88 138 188 238 250 300 282 563



Yo Fluorine Calcd.

.. . .., ...

79.8 76.0 76.0 74.1 74.4


... ... . . I

80 0 26.1,78,." (6.1,75.8 74.2, 74.1 74.1

March 1947




Figure 5 .


Apparatus for Direct Fluorination






C1 I

