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The application of high pressure during proteolysis is a very efficient way .... It has to be taken into account that physical treatments can cause re...
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Chapter 25

Effect of Combined Use of High Pressure and Proteolytic Enzymes on Milk Allergens 1




J. Belloque , R. Chicón , E. Alonso , and R. López-Fandiño 1

Instituto de Fermentaciones Industriales (CSIC), Madrid, Spain Hospital Infantil Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain

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The application of high pressure during proteolysis is a very efficient way to produce whey protein hydrolysates with hypoallergenic properties, particularly for β-lactoglobulin, the major allergen in milk whey protein ingredients, and which is a very resistant protein to proteolysis.

Cow's Milk Allergy Cow's milk allergy is the most common allergy in children, particularly in early childhood, with a prevalence of 2-3 % in infants during the first year of life, but this is outgrown in most cases at 3-4 years of age (1).Usually it is an IgE mediated reaction against cow's milk proteins that can cause cutaneous, respiratory, gastrointestinal problems, and, in severe but rare cases, anaphylaxis. It is manifested when cow's milk proteins are introduced in the diet through cow's milk, formulae based on cow's milk proteins, or even other products that contain milk protein ingredients. The approximate milk protein composition of human milk, cow's milk and whey-based formulae is shown in Table I. All of the cow's milk proteins in the table are allergens in hypersensitive individuals, but caseins and β-lactoglobulin are considered major sensitizing agents (2). While cow's milk contains 80% caseins, human milk only has 40 %, being predominantly the whey proteins. βLactoglobulin, the major whey protein in cow's milk, is absent in human milk. Compared to human milk, cow's milk protein-based (or casein-based) formulae have a high content of caseins, but also contain β-lactoglobulin. On the other hand, whey based formulae, with similar proportions of caseins and whey 400

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401 Table I. Protein Composition of Human Milk (HM), Cow's Milk (CM) and Whey-based Formulae (WF*)

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Protein Caseins Whey proteins (3-LactoglobuIin a-Lactalbumin Bovine serum albumin Lactoferrin Immunoglobulins

HM 40 60 None 30 3 15 7

CM 80 20 10 4 1 Tr. 2

WF 40 60 30 12 3 1 6

NOTE: Approximate values in percentage of total protein content. W F composition calculated for a casein/whey protein ratio equal to human milk.

proteins to human milk, contain high amounts of P-lactoglobulin. Therefore, these two proteins are the major challenges for children fed with infant formulae.

Hydrolyzed Formulae Cow's milk allergy prevention and treatment rely on dietary hydrolyzed formulae, frequently based on caseins or whey proteins (3, 4). Hypoantigenic formulae, or partially hydrolyzed formulae, can be applied for allergy prevention, although this remains a controversial issue. For infants already sensitized, dietary treatment is based on allergen avoidance, thus hypoallergenic formulae, or extensively hydrolyzed formulae, are used because of their good tolerance properties. The difference between these two types of hydrolysates is the molecular weight of their peptide components, which are smaller in the extensively hydrolyzed formulae. However, extensive hydrolysates may still contain largefragmentsand even intact proteins; this is the reason why, in many cases, they are subjected to an ultrafiltration process in order to remove the large peptide material. Extensive hydrolysis is an efficient way to remove allergenic epitopes but it is detrimental to the organoleptic and functional characteristics. In order to improve hypoallergenic hydrolysates it is important to minimize the degradation of the peptides. Several authors have studied the allergenicity of whey protein hydrolysates in relation to the peptide size. Van Berejstein et al (5) have shown that the minimum peptide size for eliciting allergenicity is 3000-5000 Da. Ena et al (6) found that peptides with molecular mass lower than 3400 Da did not bind IgE from patients' sera. Van Hoeyveld et al (7) reported that peptides above 2600 Da provoked positive skin response and IgE inhibition but peptides below 1400 Da did not provoke skin response although they were positive in IgE inhibition tests. The importance of the enzyme specificity in the manufacture of

Siantar et al.; Food Contaminants ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

402 hydrolysates has also been pointed out (6, 8) and the use of selected fractions of the hydrolysates has been proposed to produce a well-tolerated formula (9).

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(3-Lactoglobulin Whey protein-based hypoallergenic formulae have p-lactoglobulin as the major protein substrate. P-lactoglobulin is a small globular and compact protein, with known 3D structure (70, 77) (Figure 1) and it has been extensively studied (72). In principle, the absence of P-lactoglobulin in humans leads to a potential immune reaction towards epitopes on the whole protein. However, some protein regions have higher immunoreactivity. Several authors have studied the IgE binding capacity of different regions of P-lactoglobulin using tryptic and synthetic peptides (75-75). They found common epitopes forfragments41-60, 95-113, 97-108, 102-124, and 149-162 that react with most patients' sera. In addition to these, other sequences that show immunoreactivity towards patients' sera cover most of the protein sequence. Fritsche et al (16) have shown in sensitized rats that, among tryptic peptides, the sequence 149-162 retains the bivalent IgE epitope with highest mast cell triggering capacity. In general, P-lactoglobulin is resistant to proteolysis and, in particular, to enzymes that target hydrophobic residues, e.g., chymotrypsin and pepsin, and to those that work in acidic conditions, such as pepsin, due to the structural stability of the protein at low pHs (77, 75). Due to its relevance in hypoallergenic hydrolysates, an important issue is to enhance its proteolysis.

Figure 1. Structure ofP-lactoglobulin.

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Proteolysis Enhancement of p-Lactoglobulin by Changing its Structure The proteolysis process depends on the enzyme activity and the substrate structural state, since the enzyme attacks the protein on regions that are unfolded or flexible. Different methods have been used to modify the structure of Plactoglobulin to make it more susceptible to the proteolysis attack, by unfolding the protein and exposing buried targets that otherwise would be inaccessible to the enzyme. Two major approaches have been tried: 1) modifying the protein before being hydrolyzed and 2) proteolyzing the protein while it is being unfolded. Modification of p-lactoglobulin prior to the proteolysis process has been carried out by chemical means, such as esterification, causing a rapid hydrolysis by pepsin (19). However, physical treatments are usually preferred in order to maintain the amino acid sidechains unmodified. p-Lactoglobulin heated to temperatures higher than 85 °C is more susceptible to proteolysis by pepsin and trypsin than the native protein (20, 21). P-Lactoglobulin denatured by high pressure is also a better substrate for trypsin, chymotrypsin, and pepsin (22-26). It has to be taken into account that physical treatments can cause reversible changes when mild conditions are used. When applied prior to proteolysis, it may lead to refolding of the protein when the denaturing conditions cease, burying again targets for the proteinase action. On the other hand, if the processing is intense, irreversible changes occur which can lead to the permanent unmasking of buried amino acids and also detrimental chemical changes. Heating leads to covalent binding of carbohydrates and loss of lysine through the Maillard reaction, as well as the formation of covalently linked proteins, mainly through S-S bonds (27). P-Lactoglobulin processed by high pressure undergoes aggregation through S-S exchange (28), but to a lesser extent than by heating (29). On the other hand, proteolysis performed under denaturing conditions is very efficient, since proteolysis occurs while the protein is unfolded, and milder conditions can be used. Evidently, conditions have to be chosen so that the protein is unfolded and the proteinases maintain their activity. The addition of alcohols to a solution of P-lactoglobulin has been shown to modify the structure of the protein towards a a-helix structure and facilitate its proteolysis (30). Heating is an efficient way to proteolyse P-lactoglobulin (31, 32) and it is actually used in the manufacture of commercial hydrolysates. However, due to the secondary effects of heating, high pressure processing has become a very interesting alternative to heating for proteolysis enhancement (22, 24-26, 33-35).

Siantar et al.; Food Contaminants ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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Proteolysis of P-Lactoglobulin under High Pressure The effect of high pressure on P-lactoglobulin has been studied by various techniques (36-52). These studies have shown that the protein undergoes reversible structural changes that include dissociation, unfolding, and irreversible changes such as aggregation through SS/SH exchange reactions. Protein dissociation and the formation of a swollen state occur at pressures between 100 and 200 MPa and significant increase in the flexibility of the overall protein has been shown at pressures >200 MPa. Recent studies in our laboratory (25, 26) have applied high pressure to study the proteolysis of P-lactoglobulin by trypsin and chymotrypsin. Similarly to other authors (22, 24, 33, 55), it was found that the proteolysis rate with trypsin and chymotrypsin increased significantly as pressure increased from 100 to 400 MPa, and it was particularly efficient at pressures of >200 MPa. This efficiency has been attributed to the pressure-induced exposure of ample regions of the protein (24). Proteolysis products originating from S-S bonds rearrangement have not been found or have been found in small amounts (22, 24, 25). Since no S-S rearrangements seem to occur in the peptides once released (22) it has been proposed that the proteolytic events precede the S-S/SH exchange reaction and, although a small amount of S-S oligomers may be formed, they would be readily proteolysed (22, 24, 25). Analysis of the peptide pattern obtained in hydrolysates prepared at different pressures and times has shown that either at atmospheric pressure or at high pressure the same proteolytic products are obtained, but the quantities vary to different extents (22, 24-26, 33). For a similar degree of protein elimination, large peptides accumulate in the hydrolysates obtained under high pressure, compared to those obtained at atmospheric pressure, as illustrated in Figure 2. These fragments are reduced to smaller proteolytic products on longer incubation with the enzyme. Similar results have been found for p-lactoglobulin proteolysed under heat treatment (57). A progressive mechanism for proteolysis occurs at atmospheric and high pressure. The main difference is that at high pressure, the first steps are fast and the proteolysis into smaller fragments is slow, while at atmospheric pressure both processes are slow. The overall effect of high pressure on the structure and proteolysis of Plactoglobulin is depicted in Figure 3. Due to its compact structure at atmospheric pressure it is slowly proteolysed to large fragments that are broken up slowly into small peptides. Therefore, after some time, a rather inhomogeneous mixture is present, since by the time that the smallfragmentsare already formed, the intact protein is still being cleaved for the first time. On the other hand, as the result of structural modifications induced by high pressure, the first steps in the proteolysis are accelerated, leaving no intact protein, but releasing peptides that are further cleaved, though slowly into small peptides. Because of the rapid

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Atm. pressure

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24 h




HPLC elution time (min) Figure 2. HPLC peptide profile of a chymotryptic hydrolysate of P-lactoglobulin obtained at amospheric pressure and high pressure.

Siantar et al.; Food Contaminants ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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conversion of the protein into intermediatefragments,more homogeneity in the size of the peptides is expected.

Figure 3. Effect ofhigh pressure on the structure ofP-lactoglobulin and i proteolysis. Hydrolysates obtained by enzymatic treatment of P-lactoglobulin under high pressure have shown reduced antigenicity and allergenicity, as assessed by the extent of binding to IgG antibodies raised against the protein, to IgE of sensitized animal sera, and to IgE antibodies of allergic patients' sera (24, 5356). In accordance with these studies, preliminary results in our laboratory have shown that hydrolysis under high pressure for a short time (minutes) can remove most immunoreactivity against commercial polyclonal IgG and IgE of patients' sera and residual immunoreactivity can be removed by longer incubation time.

Siantar et al.; Food Contaminants ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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Potential Application to the Manufacture of Hydrolysates The most common method used for the production of protein hydrolysates is with a batch reactor, which uses proteinases while heating. Temperatures of about 50 °C and slightly alkaline conditions are used. The continuously stirred tank membrane reactor (CSTMR) incorporates an ultrafiltration system that allows recovery of the enzyme and selection of the molecular weights of the products. Enzyme leakage, membrane fouling, and inactivation of the enzyme by heat are the major drawbacks, although improvements have been made to overcome these effects (57). Proteolysis under high pressure has some advantages over heating, such as energy saving and the possibility of manipulating pressure and temperature simultaneously. In addition, it causes minimal effects on flavor, color, nutrition, and protein aggregation (29, 58). The significant acceleration of the first steps of hydrolysis could be translated into a more efficient process. It is easy to obtain hypoallergenic hydrolysates with no intact protein and probably more homogeneous than those obtained at atmospheric pressure. The enzyme remains active after processing although the degree of recovery of activity should be tested. Whether this method is more efficient or cost saving than those currently used is not known but, in our opinion, it is worth to look into it further.

Acknowledgements Projects AGL2004-03322 and CAM-GR/SAL/0379/2004.

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Siantar et al.; Food Contaminants ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.