For Better Vinyls - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Santicizer 213 was developed as the outgrowth of a technical service problem brought into the Monsanto laboratories. The manufacturer of a small vinyl...
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For Better Vinyls New "tack" reducing plasticizer and light stabiliz­ ing formulation improve vinyl plastics properties

Photograph Courtesy of the Fleischmann Laboratories. Standard Brands Incorporated


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Γ w o NEW Monsanto Chemical devel­ opments are seen as a t>oon to the vinyl plastics industry. A new plasticizer, trade named Santicizer 213, used in P V C formulations has reduced surface "tack" by more than T 0 % ; a n d a light stabilizing system has been formulated to boost significantly outdoor durabil­ ity of vinyl plastics. Santicizer 213 will Ije introduced to t h e public \: the Plastics Show open­ ing in N e w York on J u n e 11. In addi­ tion to the reduced