For Extra, Protection in Epoxy Coatings - Chemical & Engineering

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For Extra, Protection in Epoxy Coatings

3 3 AiiBK, 33 B U T A N O L , 3 4 XYLOL

33 I 2-Nf»


2 - Nitropropane

makes the difference With 2 - N P , you get • • • •

G r e a t e r Çherniç?·! Reslstar?€e U n i f o r m E v a p o r a t i o n Rate M i n i m u m Pinholing and C r a t e r i n g Thicker Films

G r e a t e r C h e m i c a l Resistance. In the test illustrated here, A -inch steel bars were given a resin coating 6 to 8 mils thick. They were dried one week, and then exposed to 3 0 % Nitric Acid. T h e unretouched photographs a r c striking evidence of the improvement contributed by 2-NP. 3



Uniform Evaporation Rate. T h e evaporation rate of 2 Nitropropane is ideal for spray systems, contributing favorable flow properties a n d excellent blush resistance with i m proved drying times. O t h e r A d v a n t a g e s . Films using 2-Nitropropane show m a r k e d reduction of water vapor permeability, excellent spray characteristics, a n d less tendency to crawl. Also, substantially thicker films can be obtained at n o loss o f other desirable features. 2 - N P can be used to advantage in both polyamide o r amine catalyzed systems, and systems employing urea-formaldehyde o r phenolic cross-linking agents. Write for Technical Data Sheet No. 23C.



2 6 0 M A D I S O N A V E . , N E W VORK 16, Ν. Υ. Atlanta. · Boston · Chicago · Cincinn?.t! · Qi^v/