For fast economical dry-blending try Diamond PVC-50 - Chemical

Nov 5, 2010 - For fast economical dry-blending try Diamond PVC-50. Chem. Eng. News , 1954, 32 (25), p 2499. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v032n025.p2499...
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For fQ-jst» economical d r y - b l e n d i n g try Diamond

ΡΛΛ050 If you want to dry-blend polyvinyl chloride with a minimum of time, expense and equipment, try DIAMOND PVC-50. DIAMOND'S careful control of every production step results in a resin that readily absorbs plasticizers. T h e blended product flows smoothly, does not ball, bridge or cake, even after being stored or transported. The compounds handle easily, are readily molded or extruded, and result in products with good physical properties, fine heat stability and uniform appearance. If you haven't tried DIAMOND PVC-50, write today for. samples and technical co-operation. DIAMOND ALKALI Co., 300 Union Commerce Bldg., Cleveland 14, Ohio.

Many laboratory tests, such as this one to determine bulk density, are made continually as a check on the uniform high quality of DIAMOND P V C - 5 0 .



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