For Plywood — Glue Chemicals - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - AT A PEAK OF PRODUCTION in its 50th anniversary year in 1955, the fir plywood industry of Washington, Oregon, and northern California ...
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CHEMICALS in 1934. Today, chemical engineers of the supplying adhesives manufacturers and in t h e plywood industry itself are constantly working toward n e w and improved glues—for more efficient production a n d for a better end product. This means further changes and diversification in t h e plywood industry's dem a n d on their suppliers, as well as continuing growth in volume. Eftiyl Offers Improved Antiknock Compound

As the veneer cornes from the dryer, it is graded. Some sheets are repaired and others are "edge-glued" to provide a full-size sheet. Various types of material going into the panel are then properly combined in various grades at the glue spreader (above). Cross-banding is fed by the "spreader-man" between steel or rubber rollers in the glue spreader which covers the veneer with an even coat of glue. At the "out" end of spreader, sheets are assembled with alternate dry veneer in 3-, 5-, and 7-ply panels

For P l y w o o d — Glue Chemicals A major user of glue chemicals, fhe plywood industry will use $21 million worth in 1955, according to study A T A P E A K O F PRODUCTION i n i t s 5 0 t h

- ^ anniversary year in 1955, the fir plywood industry of Washington, Oregon, and northern California emerges as a major consumer of chemicals used in laminating adhesives. During 1954 more t h a n 3,903,000,000 ft. of plywood were produced by 100 plants operating in the Pacific Northwest. This production volume called for an estimated 135 million pounds of various components of the glues used by the industry. Principal items of consumption were: 70 million pounds of proteins, including dry blood and soya bean (basic components of glues for interior type plywood ) , and 23 million pounds of phenolic resin (primarily for waterproof glues used in exterior type plywood and also with various extenders in interior t y p e ) . Additive chemicals used in the final formulation of glues were consumed as follows: caustic soda, 12 million pounds; soda ash, 2 million p o u n d s ; silicate of soda, 18.4 million p o u n d s ; "dope" (carbon bisulfide), 180,000 pounds; and some 11 million p o u n d s of various extenders such as bark, walnut shell flour, and Furafil. An estimated 12.5 million pounds of phenol and 7.7 million pounds of formaldehyde w e n t into the phenolic resin adhesives. These fig2652

ures do not include the chlorinated phenols used in toxic water repellents and mold inhibitors. This golden anniversary year of t h e fir plywood industry marks the culmination of a spectacular growth, especially in post World W a r II years, as reflected in the following figures: 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1954 1955


153,000,000 305,000,000 480,000,000 1,200,000,000 1,200,000,000 2,554,000,000 3,903,781,385 4,400,000,000

ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft."

12 plants 17 plants 17 plants - 25 plants - 31 plants - 68 plants - 100 plants - 111 plants

e Estimated. Industry is producing of t h i s rate for the first quarter, 1955


T h e estimated glue cost for 1955 is $21 million for t h e entire industry, to produce the 4.4 billion ft. of plywood, the realistic goal t h a t is already in process of achievement as of t h e first quarter. As a further projection of t h e fir plywood industry's potentials, t h e Stanford University Research Institute's recent study of the wood products industries p r e d i c t s a market demand of 7.5 billion s q . ft. of plywood by the year 1975. T h e development of phenolic resin waterproof adhesives was a great boost for the entire industry when it came,

An improved "Ethyl" antiknock comp o u n d to be known as Motor Plus has been introduced b y Ethyl Corp. In addition t o its primary purpose of increasing t h e antiknock quality of gasoline to t h e desired level, Motor Plus is said to c u r b t h e increase in gasoline octane requirements of automobiles b y reducing engine deposits. Key to the improved product, says company, is a change in t h e proportions of t h e chemical scavenging agents which are added t o tetraethyllead to form the complete antiknock compound. T h e change results in more effective scavenging action thus removing waste products of combustion from the engine's combustion chamber. Motor Plus can lower the octane requirements of automobiles b y as m u c h as one octane number, says companv. CS 1

• Metalsaits has developed what is described as a superior m e t a l mercury, possessing improved physical characteristics. N e w mercury presents a beautiful mirrorlike surface brilliance with no observable oxidation apparent as a result of extensive test shipments between N e w Jersey and California, says company. CS 2 • Surface active a g e n t , Lavepon WS-1 developed by Rohm & H a a s , is for use in n e w n e u t r a l wool-scouring process developed by company's textile chemists. Process which i n ' o l v e s no alkali or salt of any kind is said to result in significant improvement in color and loft of scoured wool; increased staple length of fiber d u e to elimination of alkali d a m a g e ; costs comparable to or lower t h a n an alkali scour; and greater production p e r train because of faster drying r a t e t h e process makes possible.



For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y k e y e d i t e m m e n t i o n e d h e r e , see

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