For the fourth time in five years, increased ... - ACS Publications

Nov 6, 2010 - For the fourth time in five years, increased production has enabled Celanese. Chem. Eng. News , 1961, 39 (36), p 13...
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For the fourth time in five years, increased production has enabled Celanese




to reduce the price of TRIMETHYLOLPROPANE 30.5*0 I.IJHUJJJ.I

Celanese t r i m e t h y l o l p r o p a n e — t h e ideal intermediate for producing ure­ thane foams and coatings, and alkyd resins—is now available at the lowest price in its history: 30.5£ per pound. That means you can get all the many advantages of trimethylolpropane— and save money at the same time. In urethane foams, trimethylolpro­ pane offers three primary hydroxyls as the base for polyethers. This results in uniform products and assures repro­

ducibility. It also means improved dimensional stability and heat distor­ tion points in the finished foams. Used in urethane coatings, this intermediate improves heat, chemical and corrosion resistance. Alkyd resins made with trimethylol­ propane are characterized by impact resistance, hardness, flexibility, adhe­ sion, and resistance to yellowing, heat and chemical attack. At the new low price, you simply

Celanese Chemical C o m p a n y is a Division of Celanese C o r p o r a t i o n of* America. Canadian Affiliate: C a n a d i a n Chemical C o m p a n y L i m i t e d , M o n t r e a l , T o r o n t o , V a n c o u v e r Export Sales: Amcel Co., I n c . a n d P a n Amcel Co., I n c . , 522 Fifth A v e n u e , New Y o r k 36.

can't afford not to investigate the ad­ vantages of trimethylolpropane in your application. For information, please write, briefly outlining the use you have in mind. Celanese Chemical Company, Dept.654S, 180 Madison Ave., N.Y. 16. Celane:

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C Ν ΒM ICALS *Zone I Carload Price (per pound) Zone II Price: 31.5£ (Ariz., Calif., Idaho, Mont., Nev., Ore., Utah.Wash.)