For your convenience—short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Obtain

May 17, 2012 - For your convenience—short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Obtain free information on any of the products or services described by ...
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For your convenience—short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Obtain free information on any of the products or services described by circling the corresponding key number in the "Product Capsules" portion of the reply card preceding this section.

Acids. Copy of new " C P " acid bro­ chure offered. 151

Arsenic Pentoxide. Details offered on reagent powder. 13

Catalogs. 500-page "Chemical Mate­ rials Catalog" offered. 29

Absorbents. 14-page sample offered.

Balances. New single pan unit for repetitive weighings. 158

Cathodes. Manual on mercury cath­ odes for separation of metals. 2

Analysis Services. Bulletin on neu­ tron activation analysis service. 204

Balances. Electrobalance samples. Details.

Cells. Details on matched spectro­ photometer cells. 84

Analyzers. Info pulse height unit.

multi-channel 149

Balances. Circle 56 for info on line of substitution units. 56

Analyzers. Unit detects, continually records chloride to 0.005 p.p.m. 101

Balances. Details on unit featuring microλvedge beam. 179

Analyzers. Booklet, "Modern pH and Chlorine Control," offered. 160

Balances. Data single pan units.

Analyzers. For automatic and/or peptide analyses.

protein 161

Balances. Bulletin on precision unit for repetitive weighings. 37

Analyzers. Unit detects, continually records hydrazine to 0.005 p.p.m. 113

Balances. Data on new single pan analytical unit. 21



and 190

Analyzers. Data file on automatic amino acid unit. 18 Analyzers. Data on 512 channel ana­ lyzer-computer. 184 Analyzers. Unit for quick, automatic nitrogen analysis. 107

on fast,

for small 103

accurate 77

Balances. New automatic recording moisture unit. 144 Books. Data on 10 books on analytical field. 203 Books. Data on 4 analytical chemistry monographs. 1

Analyzers. Bulletin on 400-channel pulse height unit. 81

Buffers. Info on pH reference buffer solution. 202

Analyzers. 16-page carbon-sulfur bul­ letin offered. 187

Buffers. Samples of assorted buffer powders offered. 205

Analyzers. Unit detects, continually records ammonia to 0.005 p.p.m. 140

Cabinets. Details on new, large desic­ cating cabinet. 210

Analyzers. Details on new microspectrophotometer.

Capillaries. Stainless and nickel alloy capillary tubings. 186


Cells. Data on complete line of glass absorption cells. 124 Celluloses. Reference sheets on ion exchange celluloses. 155 Centrifuges. Data on full line of small and large units. 156 Centrifuges. Bulletin on general pur­ pose units and accessories. 119 Chemicals. inhibitors.

Full data on 5 chemical 35

Chromatographs. New programmed temp preparative gas unit. 36 Chromatographs. Data on full line of gas units and accessories. 99 Chromatographs. New unit attenu­ ates, integrates GC signals. 72 Chromatographs. low-cost gas unit.

Bulletin on new 192

Chromatographs. and accessories.

Data on gas unit 137

Chromatographs. Gas flame ionization detector.


with 17

Chromatographs. Detects toxic materials in parts per billion. 49 (Continued on page 148 A) VOL. 34, NO. 3, MARCH 1962


147 A

Product Capsules


Chromatographs. Data on dual column programming gas unit. 131 Chromatographs. Data on precise, low-cost, compact gas unit. 69 Chromatographs. Bulletin on lowcost preparative gas unit. 109

*Suitable for

Chromatographs. Quarterly tins, "Research Notes," offered.

Precipitation from Homogeneous Solution


Circulators. Heater, stirrer for water bath control. 127 Clamps. Data on new frame clamps in 5 types. 211 Colorimeters. Bulletin on multi-purpose photoelectric unit. 213

For Example:

Comparators. Optical unit is a projection macroscope. 139

8-ACETOXYQUINOLINE for METAL 8-QUINOLATES Use this superior reagent for determining Aluminum, Magnesium, Thorium, Uranium, and other metals. 50 grams, $15 Method reprints available

Controllers. New automatic unit for bomb calorimeters. 63 Controllers. Bulletin on temp controllers in 30 ranges. 4




Counters. Info on low background flow counter. 48


Counters. New compact gamma ray counter/computer. 12


Circle No. 141 on Readers' Service Card

Eastern " j o b - s i z e d " pumps and stirrers save weight





Eastern has just the right pumps or mixer for your laboratory or pilot plant application. The wide range of Eastern products lets you choose standard units so closely geared to the job that they might have been created just for it.



Crystals. Scintillation crystal radiation detectors. 44 A wide range . . . in midget pumps: centrifugal and positive pressure models—motors fron 1/30 to 1/3 hp, capacities to 20 gph, pressures to 60 psi. in variable speed stirrers: From 1/100 to 1/15 tip · non-sparking motor with · clamp or ring stand just right for your lab use.





Circle No. 127 on Readers' Service Card ·

Densitometers. Bulletin on unit for recording electrophoresis. 212 Detectors. For gas analysis and vapor phase chromatography. 40 Detectors. tectors.

Brochure details leak de138

Detergents. guide offered.

Samples and cleaning 95

Detergents. Circle 135 for sample and literature. 135 Dilatometers. Fully automatic, electronically recording. 142


Cryoscopes. Direct rending in .001° C. fromO° to - 1 ° C. '" 143

Crystals. Info on ion exchange crystals offered. 19

Send for laboratory equipment bulletin No. 1540


Counters. New low background beta counting system. 166

Crystals. Data on new x-ray analyzer crystal. 47

A complete engineering service to help you. and a big selection of more compact, versatile, high performance pumps and stirrers - - this is the formula for your quick and easy choice.


Counters. Electronic unit for air contamination measurement. 110




Dispensers. set volume.

Plastic unit delivers pre154

Product Capsules

NEW 2"

Disposal Systems. Packaged u n i t for radioactive liquid waste. 78


Dryers. Bulletin on new unit for air and gases u p to 90 p.s.i.g. 43 Electrometers. Catalog features unit with 64 d.c. ranges. 50 Equipment. D a t a on line of new spec­ troscopy equipment. 46 Equipment. Bulletins on wide line of new lab units. 102 Filter Paper. Samples of 3 new quan­ titative papers offered. 191 Filters. In 11 pore-size grades from 5 μ to 10 ηΐ/Λ. 57 Filters. Brochure sintered filters.



glass 6

Fittings. D a t a on plastic tube and valves.

fittings 3

Fluorometers. Ideal for micro and macro volumes. Bulletin. 167 Furnaces. Wide line of units ranges to 3000° F .

CBS Laboratories' 14-stage CL-1090 is the only photomultiplier tube combining LOW DARK CURRENT WITH FAST TRANSIT TIME At A Gain Of

Max, Anode Dark Current

10,000,000 0.03 microamperes 30,000,000 0.1 microamperes The C L - 1 0 9 0 is uniquely de­ s i g n e d f o r h i g h - s p e e d , lownoise c o i n c i d e n c e c o u n t i n g . A catalog of detailed specifica­ tions of the CL-1090 and other tubes in the CBS line of photom u l t i p l i e r s is a v a i l a b l e on request. Engineers and Physicists: If you are e x p e r i e n c e d in e l e c t r o n optics or electronics R&D, we in­ vite you to investigate our em­ p l o y m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s . An Equal-Opportunity Employer.



with 129

Furniture. Catalog on metal scientific lab furniture. 162 Furniture. Catalog with specs and data offered.

complete 33

G.C. Apparatus. Full data chromatography accessories. G.C. Apparatus. chromatography.


U n i t for thin layer 136

G.C. Apparatus. D a t a on chromato­ graphic spray bottle. 83 G.C. Packing. Details on inert col­ umn-packing aggregate. 121 G.C. Supports. earth. D a t a .

Lompoc diatomaceous 93

G.C. Supports. Catalog and Chrom Newsletter" offered.


G.C. Tubing. In stainless steel or 3 0 % cupro nickel. Bulletin. 79 Gages. gages.

Adjustable closed end McLeod 157

G a g e s . D a t a on wide range of vac­ uum gages and indicators. 152 Glove Boxes. glove box. Goggles. glare.



plastic 41

Goggles to block out yellow 64

Gratings. Catalog explains gratings in light dispersion.


of 14

Heating Units. Catalog on high fre­ quency induction units. 128


(Continued Circle No. 39 on Readers' Service Card

gas 31

on page 151 A)

*/• TUBING: ;

EVERYTHING NEEDED I N A LABO­ RATORY TUBING . . . * Transparent, Non-Breakable

* Chemically Inert * Non-Toxic, Non-Contaminating 0 Flexible, But Not Limp * Won't Kink or Collapse * Acid and Alkali Resistant * Sizes 7 , 2 * 1 . 0 . to 3 * I.D. * Costs far less because you order direct, we pay the postage'. 9 Used in laboratories for 15 years




For the hard to convey chemicals, remember Polyethylene (Cobonol) 7 s " I.D. to 2 " I.D. Teflon (Coboflow) V s " I.D. to 1 > / , " I.D. M A I L TODAY FOR SHIPMENT TOMORROW C O B O N PLASTICS CORPORATION 3 9 Lafayette St., N e w a r k 2 , N . J. Enclosed is • Purchase Order G Checkfor $ Please send the following Cobon (PVC) tubing by prepaid return mail: T A K E Q U A N T I T Y D I S C O U N T (ASST'D S I Z E S ) (100' @ 5%) (250' @ 10%) (500' " —50 @ 2 0 % ) . 15%) (750' Size •Price Q u a n - Std. Coil (I.D.xWa.) Lgth. per Coil tity 100' Ά " Χ 7w" $ 9.24 100' Vie* Χ Ά β ' 12.44 100' V/'X'Ae" 15,04 100' Vie* X V, 6 " 18.16 100' V8"X7.6" 21.32 100' V8" X 7 5 " 39.72 100' Ά " X V>6" 25.96 100' 7 / Χ Vs* 69.34 ι" Χ 7 / 44.58 50' ι72"Χ7." 50' 132.55 2" X V / 165.63 50' 300.00 50' 3" Χ 74" OVER 4 7 ADDITIONAL SIZES AVAILABLE FROM STOCK. LIST YOUR REQUIREMENTS HERE A N D WE WILL QUOTE BY RETURN MAIL. I 1 Check here for free literature. NAME TITLE FIRM ADDRESS CITY ZONE STATE Circle No. 44 on Readers' Service Card V O L . 3 4 , N O . 3 , MARCH 1 9 6 2





Product Capsules


Help Wanted. Senior chromatog­ raphy, electrochemistry, IR, UV engi­ neers. 16 Help Wanted. B.S. in chemistry for supply house sales. 85 Hoods. Brochure on new lightweight fiberglass unit. 126 Hot Plates. Thermostatic control over stepless range to 700° F. 164 IR Units. Data on new attenuated total reflectance units. 108 IR Units. Data file on complete line of new IR instruments. 15 Igniters. IR safety unit for oxygen flask combustions. 82


Incubators. Catalog on continuous shaking action incubators. 61 Incubators. Unit controls range, moisture, carbon dioxide.

temp 60

So, for one thing, your order comes to you fast, ready-to-use, because it's a n in-stock item a t a warehouse near you. Same thing with almost every Will item. Another . . . you're always protected by Will's exclusive double guarantee . . . t h e manufacturer's w a r r a n t y backed u p by an unconditional guarantee of satisfac­ tion by Will . . . and you're always wel­ come back to use the industry's finest service facilities. You choose from almost 1000 brands, over 20,000 items, when you buy from Will. Your Will representative has a com­ plete technical reference file on practically every one of them. We like to think t h a t you can't make a better buy, anywhere. We think that makes a lot of difference.

Instruments. Details on extensive re­ search line offered. 27 Instruments. Bulletin on wide range of units offered. 119 Instruments. line.

Catalog sheet lists full 34

Integrators. New disc unit for chromatogram analysis. Bulletin. Ill Labels. Chemically inert labeled bottle bands. 181 Labels. Plain or pre-printed tape ad­ heres to any surface. 70 Meters. small

Bulletin on low-cost unit for flows. 24

Microscopes. Electron unit with range of 600X to 250.000X. 114 Microscopes. Unit with new, auto­ matic micro-camera attachment. 188 Microscopes. Interference unit meas­ ures optical path difference. 8 Mixers. Electronic controlled lab mixer with constant torque. 117 Mixers. small

For mixing in test tubes or flasks. 106

Moisture Testers. IR tester and new IR moisture analyzer. 90 Monitors. Data on new portable con­ ductivity monitor. 53 Nuclear Units. Radiation detectors, decade scaler, sample changers. 141 Nuclear Units. Full data on versatile neutron diffraction system. 146 Oil Distillates. Bulletin on applica­ tions, characteristics, prices. 100 (Continued on page 152 A)


ROTOCON ASSEMBLERS Quickest way ever to erect any kind of lab frame. Use only three basic connectors—"slip on," "snap on," and special mounting base connector. Use standard 3^2 " rod or tube and simple or complex assemblies go up quick as a wink. Stable, too—and no tools are needed. Just torque up with a penny! Strong, all-around grip snaps on anywhere without disassembling frame—clamps a t any angle in 10° increments. Made of strong, die-cast zinc alloy—rust proof and corrosion resistant. __^ In stock at your nearest Will ware­ house. Write for technical literature; ask » • your Will representative to show you how Rotocon works. No obligation. Specialists in the distribution and service of scientific supplies




ROCHESTER 3, N. Y. · NEW YORK 52, N. Y. · BUFFALO 5, Ν. Υ. ATLANTA 25, GA. · BALTIMORE 2 4 , M D . · SO. CHARLESTON 9, W. VA. Circle No. 112 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 3 4 , NO. 3 , MARCH 1 9 0 2




Product Capsules Osmometers. pressure unit.

Brochure on new vapor '80

Ovens. Details on extensive line of ovens and incubators. '48 One of life's problems is how t o contain one's flamboyance in t h e face of exciting prospects. Judge for yourself t h e magnitude of our current efforts : First consider Ealing Kits. These are new pieces of equipment de­ signed a n d teaching tested b y lead­ ing universities, published b y t h e American Institute of Physics under the A p p a r a t u s Drawings Project, and now offered by Ealing in k i t form a t rockbottom prices. I t ' s ridiculous, really. Cal. Tech's 10,000 Gauss, Large Electromagnet weighing 250 pounds, 4 X 4 inch pole pieces with micrometer drive providing a continuously adjustable gap 0-10cm. in kit form for $359 ! With such a magnet about t h e lab, one is painlessly enticed into John Dewdney's ( D a r t m o u t h Univ.) Versatile M a s s Spectrometer for $235, a n d Swarthmore's N M R P r o b e K i t ($65) a n d E P R P r o b e Kit ($49.50). A n d so it goes through nine such kits. T h e bro­ chure with full details is free for t h e asking. Were Ealing Kits not turbulence enough, we have added bombshell to temerity b y immodestly sug­ gesting t h a t you consider stretching your present Laboratory Glassware Porcelain a n d Filter Paper budget by as much as 2 5 % b y ordering from our new catalog of t h e same name. Need a copy? Finally, T h e Word is getting o u t t h a t we stock British D r u g Houses concentrated volumetric solutions and their chromatography supply items. W e ' d be pleased t o send you more information. And just delighted t o " s c h e d u l e " t h e m for your " laboratory." B . D . H . Prod­ ucts, anybody?

pH Meters. Unit features automatic temperature compensation. 206 Photometers.

aerosol unit.

Full details on new 104

Photometers. Details on colorimeters and fmorimeters. '23


Pipet Washers. Polyethylene pipet baskets, jars, rinsers. 5°


Pipets. New catalog features pipets and controls. 42 Pipets. Data on new design automatic pipet. '25 Polarimeters. Direct reading polarimeters and saccharimeters. 68 Presses. Bulletin on presses in 12 and 20 ton models. '45 Presses. Hydraulic unit in 30 and 50 ton sizes. '32 Printers. Unit prints data on strip charts. Details. 73 Pumps. Catalog on single- and twostage vacuum pumps. 87 Pumps. Folder on midget pumps and stirrers offered. 112 Purifiers. Bulletin on new table-top hydrogen purifier. 168 Radiochemicals. Catalog details line of radioactive chemicals. 215 Reagents. Data on Woodward's rea­ gent K, a new peptide-former. 209 Reagents. Bulletin on reagents and auxiliary solutions. 25 Reagents. Full details on complete reagent line. 173 Recorders. Info on digital integratorrecorder-controller. 174 Recorders. Bulletin servo-recorder.

on linear-log 214

Recorders. Bulletin on new graphic unit. 1 mv. full scale. 130 Recorders. New, for chromatography, spectroscopy, temperature. 58

Telephone : 617 — Ki 7-5760

Recorders. New integrating unit. Flush-mounting or portable. 159

152 A





33 University Road, Cambridge 38, Massachusetts Cable : Ealing (Advertisement) Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card


Pipet Fillers. Safety bulb filler hold liquids indefinitely. ' '8

Recorders. Data on potentiometric unit in 6 models. 300




Ion-exchange is a convenient and lowcost method for purifying water by the removal of all ionizable dissolved solids. Industrial size equipment for this pro­ cess consists of large tanks with associ­ ated valves and piping, and requires periodical regeneration with strong acid and alkali. The ILLCO-WAY Cartridge is simply a small and handy non-regenerable version designed for laboratory use. Tap water passed through the Cart­ ridge (which is a clear plastic tube 2ιΛ" diameter, 19" long) gives up to the "mixed-bed" resins in the tube the cation and anion radicals of common dissolved impurities such as various carbonates and sulfates, chlorides, CO2, and silica. The effluent is a water of high chemical purity, comparable to triple-distilled (except that ionXchange cannot re­ move bacteria, pyrogens, or suspended c o n t a m i n a n t s ) . T h e purple-colored resins in the tube change to a yellowish color as the resin becomes progressively exhausted from the top down. When t h i s clear designator of remaining capacity nears the bottom, the Cart­ ridge is simply removed from its holder, thrown away, and replaced by a fresh one. Write for Bulletin CA giving details of construction and methods of use. RESEARCH MODEL CARTRIDGE ONLY Removes all ionizable solids includiiifi silica and CO;. Average in ef­ fluent les* than 0.5 ppm total solids. Capacity, 500 grains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gpli max. Price, 51^.50

UNIVERSAL MODEL CARTRIDGE ONLY Removes all ionizable solids, except silica and COs. Suitable for funeral pure water needs. Capacity, 1000 trains as CaCOs. Flow Rate, 5 gph max. Price, S9.75

WALL BRACKET with s ip-on connection to water S7.50 MOUNTING FIXTURE, clamp-in type for tine$12.00 pressure use Order from your Laboratory Supply House

ILLINOIS WATER TREATMENT CO. 840 Cedar St. Rockf ord, I I I . NEW YORK OFFICE: 141 E. 44th St., New York 17, N.Y. CANADIAN DIST.: Pumps & Softeners, Ltd., London, Can. Circle No. 62 on Readers' Service Card

Product Capsules


*3?ot SPcienleefo


Recorders. Info on new transistorized graphic u n i t . 193 Rotators. Details on new multi-pur­ pose r o t a t o r . 76


Sampling Accessories. D a t a on full line of 1R a n d TJV units. 54 Sample changers. Details on new, a u t o m a t i c sample changing system. 1 9 2 Sensors. Details on air, immersion, surface, and pressure sensors. 22 Spectrographs. Details on reading quality control unit. Spectrometers. NMRunit.


D a t a on new, simple 195

Spectrometers. Full data on compact, versatile mass unit. 169 Spectrometers. on N M R unit.

Samples analyzed free " 196

Spectrometers. N e w console system has 100 sample capacity. 62 Spectrometers. F o r simultaneous air and vacuum analysis. 177 Spectrometers. channel unit.

D a t a on new single 97

Spectrometers. Details designed mass units. Spectrometers. fast Κ M R unit.


custom 198

Application d a t a on 194

Spectrophotometers. atomic absorption unit. Spectrophotometers. cost I R grating unit. Spectrophometers. to 2,500 ηΐμ unit.

amazingly realistic wrist action® You control procedures from gentle to violent shaking and repeat any opera­ tion, exactly, at another time. Side clamps take bottles and Erlenmeyer flasks. Loads need not be balanced.

Multi-lamp 178 Info

on low120

Heavy-Duty Model

E x c l u s i v e Build-Up® D e s i g n

This rugged flat-top unit shakes u p t o 40 Erlenmeyer flasks or bottles.

One basic unit a d a p t s to any c o m b i n a ­ tion. Y o u build-up with a n 8 place flat­ top a n d with side arms for 4, 12 o r 16 flasks.

Info on 200 πιμ 91

S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r s . Sample spectra on new high-resolution unit. 67 Spectrophotometers. "Fundamentals of S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r y " offered. 5 Spectrophotometers. double-grating I R unit.

Low - cost 66

©Trademark Registered U.S. Patent Office

Spectrophotometers. new recording unit. Standards. I R spectra.



on 9

Brochure includes sample 153

Standards. Circle 197 for brochure and sample of UV spectra. 197 Stirrers. D a t a on line of light a n d heavy d u t y units. 80 Supplies. D a t a on full equipment line.

instrument/ 75

Supplies. D a t a on cabinets, plates, balances, analyzers. (Continued

on page IS4 A)

hot 45

Cat. No. 75-765 75-750 75-765 7S-775



, '

Shaker Build-Up Wrist-Action Shaker, Size BT for 8 top and 8 side flasks Burrell Heavy-Duty Shaker, Size 40 for 40 flasks—flat-top only Build-Up Wrist-Action Shaker, Size Τ —for 8 top flasks Build-Up Wrist-Action Shaker, Size BB —for 8 side flasks


Price 259.50 400.00 230.00 229.50

For 115 volts, 60 cycle, one phase. Other voltages to order. Prices listed are F.O.B. Pittsburgh, Pa.

Ask for Bulletin No. 307



Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Supplies 2 2 2 3 FIFTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH 19# PA. Circle No. 37 an Readers' Service Card VOL. 34, NO. 3, MARCH 1962


153 A



Product Capsules Syringes. Details syringes a n d burets. Tables. tables.


micrometer 92

New vibration-free

balance 23

T a p e s . Catalog on heating tapes a n d jackets. 133 Thermistors. alog offered.

Thermistor-varistor cat86

GAS FLOW Measurement

T i m e r s . Guide to timers a n d chronog r a p h s offered. 71

made more c o n v e n i e n t dependable—precisely accurate.

Titrators. Catalog features automatic recording unit. 20

highly dependable




Titrators. Bulletin details new dual recording unit. 74 T i t r a t o r s . Bulletin on new potentiometric unit in 2 models. 116 Titrators. Bulletin on new unit for Karl Fischer moistures. 89 Torches. Details on flameless electric blow torch. 55 T u b e s . N e w 2 " 14-stage photomultiplier t u b e . 105


WET TEST METERS with the FEATURES you asked f o r • LONGER METER LIFE — a modern, stronger cast aluminum housing—epoxy plated—resists effects of corrosive gases —adds years of service. • ON-THE-SPOT SERVICE - the new removable back allows you to service your meter, minimizing down time, and saving DOLLARS. • IMPROVED GLASSWARE PROTECTION—recessed thermometer and relocated manometer . . . further increasing instrument life. • PRECISE ACCURACY - w a t c h - l i k e components measure gas flow to within +}/2 of 1% of volume. • M O D E R N S T Y L I N G — attractively designed . . . right for your laboratory. • E X T R A C O N V E N I E N C E —new carrying handle for easy portability. • CHOICE OF M O D E L S - a v a i l a b l e in 20 cubic feet per hour, or 680 liter per hour models. • EXCEPTIONAL OPERATING RANGE — measures gas accurately from 0.3 inches water pressure to 15 psi for a variety of new metering applications. PRECISION WETTEST METERS, backed by 40 years of manufacturing " k n o w - h o w " , are setting new standards of performance and dependability . . . get the facts , . . write for Bulletin ?612 SINCE


PRECISION S C I E N T I F I C CO. 3731 West Cortland St., Chicago 47, III. Local Offices in Chicago · Cleveland · Houston New York · Philadelphia · Los Angeles Circle No. 140 on Readers' Service Card 154 A



T u b i n g . Resistance chart and sample tubing offered. 165 Tubing. tubing.

Details on flexible

"Teflon" 65

T y p e . 450 special characters fit any typewriter. Catalog. 185 V a c u u m S y s t e m s . New compact syst e m for thin-film coating. 28

Type 2500 . . . 7' round, stepless control A precision laboratory i n s t r u m e n t , that combines the finest in performance with outstanding appearance. Fast, even heating. Aluminum top plate, stainless steel body. Extra-sensitive thermostat provides stepless regulation with exceptionally close control from room temperature to 370°C (700°F). Cool base and controls. Dovetail sockets at rear. 115 volts a-c. $32.50.

Viscometers. U n i t operates on falling-ball principle. Bulletin. 38 V i s c o m e t e r s . U n i t operates on coneplate principle. L i t e r a t u r e . 189 W a r e , Ceramic. Catalog t e m p ceramics offered.


high 52

W a r e , G l a s s . New catalog includes expanded " K i m a x " line. 122 W a r e , Poreclain. New catalog features tubes and crucibles. 30 Ware, Quartz. quartz labware.

32-pagc catalog on 163

W a r e , Stone. Circle 7 for info on stone surface material. 7 W a s h Bottles. Catalog features plastic wash bottles. 175 X-Ray Units. Goniometer for x-ray diffraction, spectroscopy. 150 X-Ray Units. Emission gage monitors up to 6 elements. 39 X-Ray Units. Article on electron probe microanalysis offered. 26

Type 2600 . . 4-heat control



For heaviest duty jobs, designed especially to stand hard use for prolonged periods. Built with extra strength to support heavy loads. Smooth cast iron top plate, stainless steel body. 4-heat control: L-400°F; LM-535°F; M-710°F; H-93CTF (without load). 115 or 230 volts a-c. $45.00. Write for data and name of nearest dealer.

THERMOLYNE CORPORATION (formerly Thermo Electric Mfg. Co.)

4 7 8 Huff St., Dubuque, I o w a

X-Ray Units. F o r vacuum x-ray a n alysis of elements above atomic 11. 1 0 Circle No. 102 on Readers' Service Card