Formation and dissociation of dications of naphthalene, azulene and

Formation and dissociation of dications of naphthalene, azulene and related heterocyclic compounds. S. Leach, J. H. D. ElandS. D. Price. J. Phys. Chem...
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J. Phys. Chem. 1989,93, 7575-1583 in Figure 3. The averaged electronic transition moment for various levels v’ to u” is obtained from the following equation:” IKl2= 4.94 X ~ O ~ / ~ ( U ’ , V ’ ’ ) ~ ( V ’ , V ’ ’ ) T ~ , , , (111)


IReI2 is expressed in terms of atomic units. B is the emission frequency in wavenumbers. q(v‘,v’? represents the Franckxondon (17) Okabe, H. Phofochemisfryofsmall Molecules; Wiley: New York, 1978; p 39.


factor for the v’- d’transition, T~~ being a luminescence lifetime. By use of the data T~ > 12 ps at &-im N 500 nm, IG1”(v’,v’’) is found to be