165 Broadway, New York 6, Ν. Υ. WHEELER. Foster Wheeler. *. Process Heating Systems. Dowffierm Vaporizers assure: High Temperature at Low Pressure...
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May 1949




edible o i l deodorization

Are / o u Employing the Best Techniques for Uniform and Controlled Heating?

oil b o d y i n g fatty acid distillation

resin processing

Foster W h e e l e r * Process H e a t i n g Systems Dowffierm Vaporizers assure:

esterifi cation

phthalic anhydride

High Temperature at Low Pressure Precision Control Constant Temperatures Low Maintenance Cost Simplicity of Operation

castor o i l dehydration

sulphuric acid concentration catalyst heating and regeneration


Manufacturers of Heat Exchanger Equipment f o r over 5 0 years Foster W h e e l e r , long recognized as one o f the w o r l d ' s foremost builders o f complete processing systems, manufactured heat e x ­ changer equipment since 1 8 9 8 . This vast background o f e n g i ­ neering a n d manufacturing ser­ vice t o the processing industry places Foster W h e e l e r in a n unique position. It assures p r o p e r design a n d construction o f e q u i p ­ ment o n d complete systems f o r those new processes d e m a n d i n g high a n d closely controlled tem­ peratures.

heat exchanger equipment, v a ­ porizers, a n d complete systems using Dowtherm, the heat transfer medium f o r high temperatures. Dowtherm heating has improved product quality a n d reduced o p e r a t i n g costs in such w i d e l y v a r i e d fields as foods, fabrics, plastics, r u b b e r , paints, and v a r ­ nishes. Proved b y M a n y Years of Service

Foster W h e e l e r w a s the first t o design, engineer, a n d construct

Foster Wheeler-constructed plants employing Dowtherm heating have been o p e r a t i n g with com­ plete satisfaction since 1 9 3 2 . During that time Foster W h e e l e r also built hundreds o f v a p o r generators used in conjunction with complete systems. Foster W h e e l e r installations r a n g e from laboratory models t o plants y i e l d i n g as much as 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 pounds o f f a t t y acids p e r y e a r .


165 Broadway, New York 6, Ν. Υ.

Built Earliest Systems Employing D o w t h e r m