fountain of youth for rubber - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 6, 2010 - fountain of youth for rubber. Chem. Eng. News , 1966, 44 (15), p 18. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v044n015.p018. Publication Date: April 11, 1966...
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fountain of youth for r u b b e r . . . Ever present in the atmosphere is ozone, deadly enemy of rubber. More than a decade ago, UOP research pioneered in the development of chemicals to prevent ozone cracking. Ever since, the UOP family of phenylenediamine antiozonants — 88®, 288®, 588™, 688®, 788™—have been used by nearly every major rubber company around the world, for products from tires to gaskets to footwear. Our research efforts continue in the development of new materials useful to the rubber industry: antioxidants, accelerators, odorants and antiozonants, as well as other compounding ingredients to add to our growing line of rubber chemicals. The UOP field marketing representative in your area can provide you with the benefits of UOP's specialized experience and research in helping to solve your rubber problems. At UOP Chemical, we care about you—and your needs.



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