four acs audio courses - American Chemical Society

Thin Layer Chromatography by Dr. Victor Rodwell. Partition and adsorption TLC, equip- ment, preparation and activation of adsorbents, sample applicati...
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Organic, analytical, p o l y m e r chemists Researchers, t e a c h e r s , students, t e c h n i c i a n s

FOUR AGS AUDIO COURSES help you understand, choose, a n d use t h e most efficient t e c h n i q u e s of


The techniques of chromatography are vital to those interested in analyzing mixtures and separating components as they apply to isolation of new compounds, collection of minute samples in experimental work, quality control in the lab, and many other important areas of chemistry. For some, it's enough to know and use one of the basic chromatographic techniques . . . for others, it is important to be knowledgeable in several. That is why ACS offers separate audio courses in each of the basic techniques. Combining the ease of listening with the challenge of doing, each chromatography course was created by an established authority in the field, teaching in his own words, recorded in his own voice, supple­ mented by an integrated manual he has written. INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP USE Like all ACS Audio Courses, these are ideal for individual or group use, with extra manuals available for individual students. NO RISK GUARANTEE If you are not completely satisfied with your chromatography course, you may return it within ten days for full refund or cancellation of invoice.

1. Basic Gas Chromatography by Or. Harold M. McNair

3. Modern Liquid Chromatography by Dr. L. Snyder and Dr. J. J. Kirkland

The basic principles of chromato­ graphic separation, selection of proper equipment and conditions, proper pro­ cedures for qualitative and quantita­ tive analysis.

Theory; equipment and detectors; types of LC methods—liquid-liquid, exclusion, ion-exchange, and adsorp­ tion chromatography; selecting the proper method; quantitation; prepara­ tive separations. Complete unit (twelve audiotape cas­ settes and 330-page manual). . . $170.00. Extra manuals . . . $14.00 each.

Complete unit (six audiotape cassettes and 110 page manual) . . . $95.00. Extra man­ uals.. .$7.00.

2. Thin Layer Chromatography by Or. Victor Rodwell

4. Gel Permeation Chromatography by Or. Jack Cazes

Partition and adsorption TLC, equip­ ment, preparation and activation of adsorbents, sample application and development, physical processes, sample visualization, quantitative TLC, selection of a TLC system. Complete unit (4 audiotape cassettes and 75-page manual) . .. $80.00. Extra manuals ... $5.25 each.

Mechanism of separation, resolution, instrumentation, column materials, calibration of GPC systems, fractiona­ tion of low molecular weight sub­ stances, preparative and recycle techniques. Complete unit (four audiotape cassettes and 217-page manual) . . . $90.00. Extra manuals ... $10.50 each.

Use the coupon below and put the versatile techniques of chromatography to work for you ! Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Society 1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. 20036 (202) 872-4588 Please send the following chromatography courses and extra manuals: Extra manuals Quantity





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Basic Gas Chromatography Thin Layer Chromatography Modern Liquid Chromatography

Choose the course or courses that will be most helpful to you in your work today... and the work you plan on doing in the future.

Gel Permeation Chromatography D

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