Francois-Marie Raoult, master cryoscopist - ACS Publications

of work, the romance of his life was that almost sudden rise to fame, spreadingfrom this nearly unknown comer, first over the frontier of his country,...
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HILE the name of Francois-Marie Raoult is associated in the minds of most students of chemistry with the law which hears his name and with the early developments of the theory of solutions, i t is probably true that relatively few are aware of his remarkable achievements in the realm of precise cryoscopy. Very soon after undertaking to measure the freezing points of solutions, Raoult recognized that the experimental methods which had been developed by Riidorff, de Coppet, and Beckmann left much to be desired; While these methods served quite satisfactorily for the routine determination of molecular weights, where a fairly large depression of the freezing point of the solvent could be obtained, Raoult became convinced that an apparatus capable of of a pair of beveled gears, the latter being rotated by greater precision was absolutely essential for his pro- means of a small water turbine a t the rate of 180 to 300 revolutions per minute. jected experiments with dilute solutions. After making a detailed study of the various sources In carrying out freezing-point determinations with of error involved in the measurement of freezing points, this apparatus Raoult exercised extreme precaution to Raoult undertook the construction of a piece of appara- secure results of a very high order of accuracy. In tus which he designated as a "cryoscope of precision." order to minimize changes in concentration due to A diagram of this apparatus is shown in Figure 1. It supercooling he systematically inoculated the solution consisted of a glass vessel B, hermetically closed with a in the freezing tube with a minute fragment of ice, lid of copper; attached to this cover was a copper muffle thereby limiting supercooling to 0.5O. He made a which reached nearly to the bottom of B and within thorough study of the influence of the temperature of which was placed the freezing-tube C. The vessel B the environment on the freezing point of a solution was filled with ether through which a current of dry and derived a simple mathematical expression for the air could be bubbled by means of an aspirator p. A calculation of the true from the apparent freezing brass tube bent into the form of a ring and perforated temperature. In this connection it is interesting to with a series of holes served to admit and distrihute observe that in this investigation he fully confirmed the air through the ether in B. By proper regulation the conclusions previously reached by Nernst and of the velocity of the current of air i t was possible to Abegg concerning the convergence temperature. Furcontrol the degree of cooling. If i t was desired to thermore, Raoult took into consideration errors arisraise the temperature in C, i t was only necessary to ing from the formation of a sheath of ice on the walls of transfer some ether from the vessel D by compressing the freezing tube as well as from the heat developed by the rubber bulb E. The excess of ether from B was the agitation of the solution by the stirrer. It is hardly collected in the vessel A . With this relatively simple necessary to mention that the usual corrections inarrangement Raoult was able to maintain any tem- volved in precise measurements of temperature with a perature he desired between that of the room and mercury thermometer were applied throughout his - 15°C. In order to insure greater thermal insulation cryoscopic investigations. The influence of dissolved of the apparatus Raoult surrounded B with a heavy air on the freezing point was also studied with the jacket of felt. The consumption of ether was rela- result that Raoult found that the lowering of the freeztively small, one liter sufficing for ten hours of con- ing point of pure water, saturated with air a t 0 ° , is tinuous operation. The liquid in the freezing tube C not more than 0.002°, and that if one employs water was efficiently stirred by means of a spiral stirrer con- which has been distilled for a sufficient time to permit structed of platinum foil which was attached to the of saturation with air no appreciable error is introduced, thermometer by means of platinum wires. The upper provided the same sample of water is used in the portion of the thermometer was passed through a preparation of the solutions. A detailed summary of stopper inserted in the center of the horizontal wheel these and other corrections was published by Raoult in a 153


paper treating of the sources of error in precise cryoscopic measurements. The accompanying illustration,* Figure 2, is taken from a hitherto unpublished photograph of Raoult in his laboratory a t Grenohle:

on the table beside which he is seated may be seen the "cryoscope de prbcision" previously described. Although the thermometer employed by Raoult was made by the celebrated Baudin of Paris, evidently the latter did not approve of the type specified by Raoult for his particular work, as appears from the following incident related by van't Hoff. Happening to be in Paris, van't Hoff paid a visit to the shop of the famous mechanician and asked Baudin to supply him with an exact replica of Raoult's thermometer. Baudin strongly advised him against this, remarking, "The thermometer which M. Raoult uses is 'antediluvian!' " But, as van't Hoff adds, "Nevertheless with this 'antediluvian' thermometer the world was conquered." In order to appreciate the high degree of accuracy attained by Raoult in his cryoscopic measurements one need hut compare his results with the data given in the International Critical Tables, which may be accepted as the best available data in this field. Such a comparison is given in the following table for four different solutes taken a t random from Raoult's papers.


The author is indebted to Professor Andrieux of the Institut d'&ctrochi7nic et d'6lectrom&llurgie of the University of Grenoble for the interestingphotograph of Raoult.

Although the introduction of Dewar vacuum vessels, platinum resistance thermometers, thermoelectric couples, and their various accessories, such as Wheatstone bridges and potentiometers, have enabled the modern physical chemist to extend his investigations into the realm of extremely dilute solutions, the degree of accuracy attained by Raoult over the range of concentration embraced by his measurements remains unsurpassed. The period from 1878 to 1896 was one of intense activity in Raoult's scientific career. During this interval of time he published forty papers on his cryoscopic studies alone which, together with a series of papers treating of his investigations of the vapor pressures of solutions, constitute the major part of his contribution to scientific literature. In his memorial lecture on Raoult delivered before the Chemical Society in London in 1902, van't Hoff said, "The work on cryoscopy came just a t a time when an ardent activity was developing in different countries and from different points of view. Victor Meyer in Germany and Paterno in Italy applied Raoult's method of determining molecular weights as early as 1886; . . . . then came the theory of solutions, developed by Arrhenius in Sweden and by myself in Holland, and then the great support lent by Ostwald in his Zeitschrgt fur physikalische Chernie, in which Raoult a t once took part with enthusiasm.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rarely has science seen such an international interest centered on one problem, and Raoult stood a t once foremost, in the position of advantage belonging to the man who relies on fact in the first instance and is eager for generalization, absolutely independent of his opinions, and open to every achievement on his way." Raoult was born in 1830 in the small village of Fournes in the northern part of France. His father, who held a subordinate government appointment, arranged for his son to enter the Bureaux de Z'Enregistrement, but this failed to satisfy the young man's aspirations and he finally persuaded his parents to consent to his plans for the pursuit of his studies in Paris. With very limited means and without influential friends to assist him Raoult entered upon a period of privation and struggle in order to attain the education he so much desired. At the age of 33, however, he obtained the long-coveted degree of Docteur &-sciences physiques from the University of Paris. After holding a succession of appointments a t Rheims, Bar-le-Duc, and Sens he eventually joined the faculty of science in the University of Grenoble in 1867 and three years later was promoted to the chair of chemistry in the same institution, a position which he filled with distinction until his death in 1901. A man of retiring disposition, he found his greatest satisfaction in the quiet life of a small university where he could carry on his work free

from distraction. I n writing of his life, van't Hoff has pointed out that "He rarely left France, and for the larger part of his life, lived in that somewhat out-of-way town, Grenoble. Raoult's life thus offers little of attractiveness; i t is not romantic; yet after many years of work, the romance of his life was that almost sudden rise to fame, spreadingfrom this nearly unknown comer, first over the frontier of his country, and then back to France, which made him one of the most prominent men of science of his age." The career of this retiring and unassuming man strikingly exemplifies the truth of Emerson's words: "If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the World will make a beaten path to his door." In 1889 Raoult was awarded the P.rix Internutwnul de Chimie LaCaze, amounting t o 10,000 francs, and this was followed three years later by the Davy Medal of the Royal Society. In 1890 he was made Correspondent de l'lnstitut and also honorary Fellow of the Society of Rotterdam, while similar honors were bestowed upon h i by the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester (1892), the Chemical Society of London (1898), and the Academy of St. Petersburg (1809). In 1895 he received the Prix de l'lnstitut of 20,000 francs, andin 1900 was elected to the post of Commandeur de la

Ldgion d7Honneur. Of the many distinctions awarded Raoult the latter was the one which afforded him the greatest satisfaction. Although he had reached, in 1900, the age limit established a t Grenoble for the retirement of its professors, Raoult continued to pursue his investigations in the field which he had made his own, and only a short time before his death, in the spring of 1901, he had projected a new series of researches. The rector of the Academy of Grenoble, N. Boirac, in a memorial address on Raoult, said of h i , "La vie de M . Raoult se rdsume dam un seul mot: le travail." Another of Raoult's biographers has written: "None of those who have been privileged to know him will ever forget his gentle manner, the w a m t b of his greeting, his absolute fairness or the inspiration of his countenance." It thus appears that Raoult the man was not overshadowedby Raoult the scientist. Whether as organic chemists, inorganic chemists, or physical chemists, we all are debtors to this remarkable man for his coutributions to the fundamental principles of our science. It is especially fitting as we approach the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of that series of papers recording the experiments which form the underlying basis of our modern views concerning solutions that we should recall the important part played by Raoult in this work.