fred s. carver inc. - American Chemical Society

Courses: Aug. 5 to 9, Technique: Aug. 12 to 16, Applications. MIT. Richard C. Lord, Dana W. Mayo. Contact (5). Aug. 7 to 9—Extractive Distillation. ...
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Scheduled Courses in A n a l y t i c a l Techniques

Information is given in t h e following order: date, name of course, location of LABORATORY course, professional person (s) in charge of course, a n d / o r sponsoring organizations


and Contact (numbers in parentheses refer to addresses and telephone numbers given at the bottom of the list of scheduled courses).

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N . J.

Aug. 5 to 9—Computers and Scientific Data Processing. Hopatcong, N . J. R. F . Gabriel. Contact (1) Aug. S to 9—Teaching Modern DC Measurement and Research Applications of New DC Technology. Univers^- of California, Irvine. Contact (2) Aug. 5 to 9—Industrial Use of the Polarizing Microscope. Chicago, 111. McCrone Research Institute. Contact (J) Aug. S to 9—Infrared Interpretation, Part I. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Aug. 5 to 16—Special Summer Program on Infrared Spectroscopy. Two Intensive Courses: Aug. 5 to 9, Technique: Aug. 12 to 16, Applications. M I T . Richard C. Lord, Dana W. Mayo. Contact (5) Aug. 7 to 9—Extractive Distillation Workshop. Hopatcong, N . J. Dimitrios Tassios; Edward C. Roche, Jr. Contact (1) Aug. 7 to 9—Determination of Molecular Weight. University of Massachusetts. Con­ tact: Sidney Siggia, Chemistry Dept., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass. 01002 Aug. 12 to 16—Two Separate Courses: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy; Techniques of Infrared Spectroscopy. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Aug. 12 to 16—Measurement of the Appearance of Materials. Washington, D. C. Contact: Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., 9529 Lee Highway, Fairfax, Va. 22030. Tel: (703)591-5310 Aug. 12 to 16—Identification of Small Particles. Chicago, 111. McCrone Research Institute. Contact (3) Aug. 12 to 16—Teaching Modern DC Measurement and Research Applications of New DC Technology. Union College, Lincoln, Neb. Contact (2) Aug. 12 to 16—Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Spectroscopy—Analytical and Bio­ chemical Applications. Hopatcong, N . J. G. G. Guilbault. Contact (1) Aug. 12 to 23—Modern Industrial Spectroscopy. Arizona State University. Jacob Fuchs. Contact (β) Aug. 12 to 30—Neutron Activation Analysis. Oak Ridge, Tenn. Contact: Special Training Division, Oak Ridge, Associated Universities, P. O. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 Aug. 19 to 23—Gas-Liquid Chromatography—Theory and Techniques. Fisk Institute. Nelson Fuson. Contact (7) Aug. 19 to 23—Infrared Spectroscopy. Canisius College Institute. Contact: Herman A. Szvmanski, Canisius College, 2001 Main St., Buffalo, Ν . Υ. 14208. T e l : (716) 883-7000 Aug. 19 to 23—Electroanalytical Workshop (2nd Annual). Hopatcong, N . J. G. W. Ewing. Contact (1) Aug. 19 to 23—X-Ray Crystallography. Chicago, 111. McCrone Research Institute. Contact (3) Aug. 19 to 23—Two Separate Courses: Gas Chromatography; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Aug. 19 to 30—Infrared Spectroscopy: Basic Theory and Techniques; Interpretation of Infrared Spectra. Fisk University. Nelson Fuson. Contact (7) Aug. 22 to 24—Microchemical Workshop—1968. Pennsylvania State University, Uni­ versity Park, Pa. American Microchemical Society. Contact: J. J. Kobliska, American Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N . J. 08805. Page 45 A, July. Aug. 26 to 30—Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy; Atomic Absorption. Fisk Insti­ tute. Nelson Fuson. Contact (?) Aug. 26 to 30—Bio-Physical Techniques Workshop. Hopatcong, N . J. Richard Moore. Contact (1) Aug. 26 to 30—Electronics Workshop for Scientists and Engineers. Hopatcong, N . J. Said Ritterman. Contact (1) Sept. 4 to 9—Two Separate Courses: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Mass Spectrometry. Royal Institute of Chemistry. Contact (8) Sept. 6 to 8—Electroanalytical Chemistry. Atlantic City, N . J. Irving Shain, Dennis Evans. Contact: American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N . W., Washington, D. C. 20036. T e l : (202)737-3337 Sept. 9 to 11—Particle Characteristics Conference. Schiller Park, 111. Coulter Elec­ tronics and Mieromeritics Instrument. Contact (9) Sept. 9 to 13—X-Ray Spectrochemical School. Milwaukee, Wis. General Electric. Contact (10) Sept. 9 to 13—Two Separate Courses: Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy; Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy. Royal Institute of Chemistry. Contact (8) Sept. 9 to 13—Infrared Interpretation, Part I. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Sept. 10 to 11—Science of Color Measurement. Boston, Mass. I D L . Contact (11) Sept. 16 to 18—Particle Characteristics Conference. Union, N . J. Coulter Elec­ tronics and Mieromeritics Instrument. Contact (9) Sept. 16 to 20—Activation Analysis. San Diego, Calif. Contact: Robert M. Watkins, Gulf General Atomic, Inc., P. O. Box 608, San Diego, Calif. 92112. T e l : (714) 453-1000 Sept. 16 to 20—Industrial Use of the Polarizing Microscope. Chicago, 111. McCrone Research Institute. Contact (3) Sept. 16 to 20—Infrared Interpretation, Part II. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Sept. 16 to 20—Mass Spectrometry. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4)