Friedman Wins Award In Agricultural And Food Chemistry - C&EN

Nov 12, 2010 - Mendel Friedman of the Department of Agriculture's Western Regional Research Center, Albany, Calif., has received the 2000 Award for ...
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35th ACS Midwest Regional Meeting Oct 25-27

Hemy VIII Hotel & Conference Center, St Louis

Colloid & Surface Chemistry Symposium Call For Papers

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Special Events D 01. Welcoming Mixer, Poster Session, and Exhibition, Wednesday, Oct. 25

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D 02. Women Chemists Luncheon, Thursday, Oct. 26

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D 03. Midwest Awards Reception and Banquet, Thursday, Oct. 26

($25 per person) χ


(No charge) χ


D 04. Regional Director's Breakfast, Friday, Oct. 27

The 75th ACS Colloid & Surface Chem­ istry Symposium will be held June 1013,2001, at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. The program will include symposia in the following areas: self-assembling sys­ tems, from microscopic forces to macro­ scopic structure; bulk rheology and dy­ namics of complex fluids; colloidal stabili­ ty and aggregation dynamics; interface control of the structure and dynamics of thin fluid films; structural studies of col­ loids and complex fluids near interfaces; physical and chemical issues in selfassembly on surfaces; fundamentals of the mechanical and tribological proper­ ties of interfaces; bioadhesion and biomolecules at interfaces; simulation and theory of surfaces, interfaces, and com­ plexfluids;electrokinetics and microfluidics; interfacial processes in the water environment; and general papers in col­ loid and surface chemistry. A poster ses­ sion on fundamental and applied re­ search will also be held. The deadline for abstract submission is Dec. 1. Abstracts should be submitted electronically; follow the instructions on the symposium website: http:// Questions can be sent via e-mail to [email protected]. The cochairs of the symposium are Stephen Garoff, Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, phone (412) 268-6877; and Robert Tilton, De­ partment of Chemical Engineering, Car­ negie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, phone (412) 268-1159.^

awards Mail or fax completed form to Evangelos Koutalas, American Chemical Society, Office of Regional Meet­ ings, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 776-8299 or (202) 872-6128. Please submit a separate form for each registrant. Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to Evangelos Koutalas. Full refund until Oct. 6. From Oct. 7 to Oct. 24, a $20 pro­ cessing fee will be charged. No refunds after Oct. 24.

TOTAL FEES: Registration Special Events Total enclosed


Form of payment: D Check payable to ACS D VISA D MasterCard D American Express Credit card No. Cardholder Signature


AUGUST 28,2000 C&EN

Expiration date

Friedman Wins Award In Agricultural And Food Chemistry Mendel Friedman of the Department of Agriculture's Western Regional Research Center, Albany, Calif., has received the 2000 Award for Advancement of Applica­ tion of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. This award, which consists of $3,000, a plaque, and meeting travel expenses, is Continued on page 55


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Continuedfrompage 42 sponsored by International Flavors & Fra­ grances and is administered by the ACS Agricultural & Food Chemistry Division. It was presented last week to Friedman at the ACS national meeting in Wash­ ington, D.C. Friedman's ca­ reer, beginning with his receipt of a Ph.D. degree in organic chemistry from the Universi­ ty of Chicago, has spanned more than 30 years and resulted in more than 300 publications. Particularly notable is his research on the chemical changes that occur in proteins during heating under alkaline conditions. He was a pioneer in showing that nearly 50 chemical modifications of proteins can occur as the result of β-elimination from serine, threonine, cysteine, cystine, and their derivatives. He also contributed to the development of methods for deter­ mining sulfur-containing amino acids in proteins, cross-linking reactions of pro­ teins, the chemistry and biological prop­ erties of potato and tomato glycoalkaloids, as well as numerous areas dealing with processing and nutrition of food pro­ teins. He has edited numerous books on these subjects.^

Buck-Whitney Award Nominees Sought The ACS Eastern New York Section is soliciting nominations for the 2001 Buck-Whitney Award. The award is pre­ sented biennially to a chemist whose original work in pure or applied chemis­ try has not yet received national atten­ tion. The nominee's work can be in ei­ ther experimental or theoretical aspects of any field of chemistry. The award consists of a medal and a $1,000 hono­ rarium. Send nominating materials, in­ cluding a nomination letter, the nomi­ nee's curriculum vitae, and at least one letter of support, to Richard Uriarte, ENY ACS Awards Committee Chair, GE CRD, Building Kl 5A58, One Research Circle, Niskayuna, NY 12309, phone (518) 387-6127, fax (518) 387-7403, email: [email protected]. Nominations are due Nov. 1. Additional information can be found on the Web at http://^

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AUGUST 28,2000 C&EN