From blueprint to mass production in six months . . . the remarkable

Nov 4, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... From blueprint to mass production in six months . . . the remarkable story of PENICILLIN - C.S.C...
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From blueprint to mass production in six months . . . the remarkable stroy of PEBICILLIN - C.S.C.



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three-story-higfa. taniks" is in c o n s t a t uàe»y

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penicillin, generated in t h e e 2 The culture liquor, is concentrated in J a solvent wftln this equipment. ^ Ρ ] I The 20-gsllon bulk container (feefore operator) holds all t h e con­ centrated penicillin solutionobtained from one of the huge fermentation, tanks, whicih after drying mU «yield j pounds «ofI


With high 3 speed s u p e r : cëntrîruges,ernul-

s i o n s of w a t e r and solvent are separated preparatory to treatment with chemicals. Penicillin is supplied as a sodium salt Vials in which PenicillinI CJ3.C· is packed I are washed and 4 sterilized.

Methods are Speeding PENICILLIN - C.S.C.

TMs^rîs ^How; - béw ; ÛieVrancëntrat^V; Ο solution;"pf 7;Penîc3ffin-p.S ; C. îs plaçai in,viaB. Inset (below) shows ' ^ a &oeedp\ ô£ thé fiBïng operation», . with am>w: pointing t o t h e metering pump which delivers a quantity (predetermined by potency) which is measured accurately to 5/lO0ths of a cubic centimeter.


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Worker placing a tray of vials in thé > deepfreeze c h a m her* R o o m temperature is kept a t freezing—hence .workers must ν dress warmly*

f iJ|§J § Vf rioazles n ' coHtaiftiiii pèmcjft1in'C*&'%

solution are^pia^d^^i i n these -dehydrsa^ti^^ .where a/Mgh ν$$χχ$&£|; *%-A • r e m o v e s L f iiipistu^eX^# leaving thë ^pf^dlBoiÇ^

s a l t as


powder in t h e: JBottopoc H^'Ï of each viaL, ^/r^V^C^-ç'

| H Packaging (is;ênj^ ÎW assembly line jdjp^: e r a t î o n . AJ1 PënïcilÇ ïin-C.S.C. noWnpîpÎ^ duced is under strict; government allocation ..„ but as soon aa mili^ u^frk t a r y needs have been? met, Penicillin-C:S*C< will Income available for civilian medical: practice. >MJ

Last room in the sterile area, Ltrfi I " where rubber stoppers are placed ,§#> lin the vials, which are then sealed f§§§ i ^ w i t h Munrinum caps.



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Sol I ma nn to Retire from Western Reserve Torald H. Sollmann, for nearly 5 0 years on the staff of the Western Reserve Medical School, Cleveland, and a leader i n the field of pharmacology, will retire June 30 aa dean of the School of Medicine and head of the Department of Pharmacology o f Western Reserve University. H e expects t o continue research in pharmacology and his position as chairman of the Council of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the American Medical Association. Arnold D . Welch, research director of Sharp & Dohme, has accepted the position AS head of the Department of Pharmacology, succeeding Dr. Sollmami. Dr. Welch has

made substantial contributions t o the study of the sulfa drugs, particulary sulfamerazine and succinylsulfathiasole. Before joining Sharp & Dohme in 1940 as director of pharmacological research, he was on the staff of the Department of Pharmacology at Washington University.

The following 1944 chemistry graduates of Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling Green, have received appointments as graduate assistants in chemistry: Sam Tinsley, University of Kentucky; Rolla Dyer, Ohio State University; Sue Conway, Washington University, St. Louis; Robert Holds* worth, University of Rochester; Gwendolyn Billings, Ohio State University.

When developing

Beverly L. Clarke, a newly-elected Chairman of New York Section of ACS, will assume official ditties on July 1 . The Board of Directors of the New York Section, A.C.S., has appointed the following to constitute the Nichols Medal Jury of Award for 1945: Robert Calvert, Chairman, Beverly L. Clarke, CharlesN. Frey, Ralph H. M Oiler, Vincent du Vigneaud, and E. J. Durham, Secretary.


• · · · Use the

RAYMOND [ : - ^ . , : ^ 4 r ~ . ^ « i r i > ' î . "". irisa • • -•.- V

Laboratory Mill

Bradley Dewey, Rubber Director, will speak at the University of Akron commencement exercises on June 4. The university will operate new federal synthetic rubber laboratories and pilot plant now being completed in Akron.

NOTE: This compact grind* ing mill produces the same character of finished material as the large commercial size Raymond Pulverizers.

Henry R. Kreider, head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Toledo, who is retiring at the end of the current year, was

Here ie a sturdily constructed swinghammer type of pulverizing u n i t t h a t will give good resuite i n m a k i n g test runs or preparing samples of finely ground material. Equipped w i t h motor and hand-operated feeder . . · including cloth l u b e and m e t a l container· Furnished with a set of screens w i t h different size perforations for producing desired fineness. Assembled complete, ready t o attach t o bench or table. Extensively used for product development work In m a n y industrial laboratories.

Uttst Raymond bulletin on Laboratory Grinding and Saparating Unite. Sand for Copy.



given a membership in the Toledo Section of

1316 N o r t h B r a n c h Street, C H I C A G O 22, I L L I N O I S Sales Offices In Principal Cities Canada: Combustion Ensineerins Corp./ Ltd., Montreal


meeting May 8. Dr. Kreider i s a charter member and founder of the section. VOLUME

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