from Van to "Vanity"...RCI is! - ACS Publications - American

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Which of these materials do you need? Ca// #?C#J Î


R C I p o l y e s t e r r e s i n s — reinforced with fibrous glass are used for durable truck vans two to three thousand pounds lighter than comparable metal vans. Other RCI polyesters can be used for colorful modern chairs and easily-cleaned lampshades. R C I s u r f a c e c o a t i n g r e s i n s — are used internationally by leading paint manufacturers to formulate finishes ranging all the way from refrigerator and auto enamels to exterior house paints. Latest addition to the extremely complete RCI line is a series of new melamine resins which give many improved properties to baking enamels.

ity RCI r e s i n a d h e s i v e s — include "hot press phenolics" for water-resistant bonding of exterior grade fir plywood . . . and polyvinyl acetate and urea-formaldehyde furniture glues.

R C I p e n t a e r y t h r i t o l — finds an important use today in the manufacture of tough, durable linoleum coatings. R C I f o r m a l d e h y d e - l i k e other RCI basic chemicals is important to a tremendous range of industries... for tonnage uses and for specialized jobs (waterproofing straw hats and silvering mirrors, for example). RCI's network of plants and warehouses is geared to fill the needs of any user, large or small·. R C I p h e n o l i c r e s i n s — are widely used in filler sheets for laminated plastic tops on vanities, tables, counters . . . in molding compounds for plastic furniture drawers. The next time you have a supply problem (or a technical one), see where fast delivery of these quality-controlled RCI materials (or any of those listed with our signature) can help you.


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M A L E I C A N H Y D R I D E —Reichhold produces and sells this important basic chemical; and uses it in making P O L Y L I T E polyester resins. RCI MALEIC is available in pellet form as an added convenience.

G R E A T E R P A Y L O A D S - Exterior, interior and s t r u c t u r a l m e m b e r s of t h i s i n s u l a t e d v a n a r e made by Strick Co. from reinforced RCI P O L Y L I T E . Reichhold operates 3 of these weight-saving vans.


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Your Partner N·^ in Progress

REICHHOLD Synthetic Resins · Chemical Colors · Industrial Adhesives * Plasticizers Phenol · Formaldehyde · Glycerine · Phthalic Anhydride · Maleic Anhydride Sodium Sulfite · Pentaerythritol · Pentachlorophenol · Sulfuric Acid REICHHOLD CHEMICALS. I N C . . RCS B U I L D I N G . W H I T E PLAINS. Ν . Υ.