Fujiwara Determination of Trichloroethylene Using an Ultraviolet

Fujiwara Determination of Trichloroethylene Using an Ultraviolet Absorption Maximum. Emanuel. Borker, Arthur. Stefanucci, and Jerry. Vitti. Anal. Chem...
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Inorganic Iodides. T h e results of the polarographic reduction of some inorganic iodides are summarized in Table I. Semimicro and Microanalysis. Because of t h e high swsitivity of t h e polarographic method, the procedure described may also be applied t o semimicro and niic .oanalysis. T h e procedures are modifications of t h e one described here. ’\Vhen calculating the concentration, the iodate content of the chlorate used to oxidize t h e ~:implemust be subti,acted. The size of the samples for the :,emimicroanalysis was j 0 bo 70 mg.; for the microanalysis, 4 to 7 mg. Results a-e summarized in Table 11. Organic Iodine Compounds. T o determine iodine ir organic compounds -1, the method described here, the niolecule must be decomposed and the organic-bouiid iodine transferred to iodide. T h e direct melting of organic compounds with pot,assium chlorate is usually :tccompanied by explosive combustion and loss of iodine, and requires the use of pressurized \-e.-.sel