Fisher Award Symposium on Electroanalytical ... corner construction provides long life ... easy cleaning ... 29A-1, 29 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, p...
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P. S. Farrington, Presiding 2:00 2:05 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:20

Introductory Remarks. P . S. Farrington. Electrolytic Deposition of Metals. Mechanism and Method of Investigation. H . Gerischer. Analytical Applications of Impedance Measurements of the Electrical Double Layer. D . C. Grahame. Voltammetry a t Solid Electrodes. Anodic Oxidation of Aromatic Amines. E . Ureta, F . S. Rowland, and R. N . Adams. Electroanalytical Methods Using Chelons. C. N . Reilley. T h e "Irreversible Thermodynamic" Point of View in the Understanding of Electrode Processes. P . Van Rysselberghe.

for work in a controlled atmosphere

Thursday Morning and Afternoon SECTION A Fisher A w a r d Symposium on Electroanalytical Techniques Honoring James J . Lingane J. Mitchell, Jr., Presiding 9:00 9:05

Introductory Remarks. J . Mitchell, J r . Electrodes Consisting of Membranes of Precipitates. R. B . Fischer and R. F . Babcock. 9:35 Voltammetry with Membrane Electrodes. R. C. Bowers, A. M . Wilson, and C. Maggart. 10:05 Film and Membrane Phenomena a t Solid Electrodes. E. R . Nightingale, J r . 10:35 Polarography of Gases. D. T . Sawyer and R. S. George. 11:00 Properties of Aluminum Cationic Sensitive Glass Electrodes. K . R. Starr. 11:20 Studies on the Antimony-Antimony Oxide Electrode. L. M . Garcia, W. C. Purdy, and J . T . Stock. 11:40 Tungsten Hemipentoxide Electrode. A N e w Voltammetric Indicator Electrode. J . Jordan and L. R. Jimenez.

BLICKMAN VACUUM DRY BOX Designed f o r safe h a n d l i n g of radio-isotopes, r e a c t o r fuel c o n t a i n i n g P l u t o n i u m o r U 2 3 3 a n d o t h e r h a z a r d o u s substances. W i t h air-lock, it c a n be sealed t o create a v a c u u m . F a b r i c a t e d of stainless steel plate — 3 4 " long χ 2 6 " high χ 2 4 " wide at base. Air-lock m e a s u r e s 1 8 " χ 12". Send for T e c h n i c a l Bulletin A - 2 .

for safe handling of radio­ active materials

R. L Pecsok, Presiding 2:00 2:05 2:30 3:30 4:00 4:30

Introductory Remarks. R. L. Pecsok. Glass-Silver Electrodes i n Nonaqueous Titrimetry. M. G. Yakubik, L. W. Safranski, and J . Mitchell, J r . Some Conditions that Determine the Separation of Ions by Continuous Electrochromatography. H . H . Strain. T h e r m a l Electroanalysis. M . J . Joncich and H . F . Holmes. N e w Techniques in Radiochemical Determinations Using Polarographic Methods. D . L. Love. Analytical Applications of Polarography in the Field of Rocket Propellants. G. C. Whitnack.

BLICKMAN SECTION Β General Charles N. Reilley, Presiding 9:00 9:05

Introductory Remarks. C. N . Reilley. Determination of Fluoride by Conductometric T i t r a ­ tion. H . Kubota and J . G. Surak. 9:20 Colorimetric Determination of Boron in Zirconium. R. Seitz and Louis Silverman. 9:35 Determination of Titanium by Extraction of Titanium Cupferronate with 2-Pentanone. K . L. Cheng. 9:55 Spectrophotometry Determination of Plutonium V a ­ lence States in Sulfate Systems. J . M . Chilton and R. E . Biggers. 10:15 Structure of Sodium Cobaltinitrite in Aqueous Solu­ tion. R. E . Jentoft and J . Robinson. 10:35 Method of Continuous Variation by H i g h Frequency Oscillometry. S. S. Cooper and R. J . Spahl. 11:00 (5-Phenyl-2-Oxazolyl)Pyridines as Fluorescent p H I n ­ dicators. Application to Chemical Radiation Dosim­ etry. D . G. Ott. 11:20 Spectrophotometric Determination of p-£erf-Butylcatechol a n d o-Aminophenol in 2-Methyl-5-vinylpyridine. Κ . Η . Nelson and M . D . Grimes.

FUME HOOD Originally designed a n d developed for t h e A E C , this F u m e H o o d assures m a x i m u m safety in t h e h a n d l i n g of radioactive materials and radioactive isotopes. S t u r d y 14-gauge stainless steel, r o u n d c o r n e r construction provides long life . . . easy cleaning a n d d e c o n t a m i n a t i o n . Send for T e c h n i ­ cal Bulletin E - 3 . S. Blickman, Inc., 9603 G r e g o r y A v e n u e , W e e h a w k e n , N . J.


A I F AtomFair, Inter­ national A m p h i t h e a t r e , C h i c a g o March 17-21,1958



Look for t h i s symbol of quality


Circle Nos. 29A-1, 29 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 83 A VOL. 30, NO. 3, MARCH 1958
