Nov 12, 2010 - Publication Date: October 26, 1953. Copyright © 1953 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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FURFURYL ALCOHOL RESINS ARE PROMINENT IN CORROSION RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION Furfuryl alcohol resins are used exten­ sively in applications requiring chemical resistance. Lecite mortar made with fur­ furyl alcohol by Electro Chemical Engi­ neering and Mfg. Co., Emmaus, Pa., and used in t h e construction of t h e scrubbing tower p i c t u r e d a b o v e is a splendid example of such corrosion r e s i s t a n t material. This type of construction is popular in r> lants of organic chemical Producers. Installations based on furfuryl alcohol resin are resistant to acids, all alkalies and most organic liquids; in addition, high heat resistance and low porosity are inherent characteristics.

T o w e r , 34 feet high, handles hydrochloric acid mixed with solvents at 280°F, under 40 psi pressure. LE CITE MORTAR


& MFG. CO.

The Quaker Oats Company does not manufacture furfuryl alcohol resins, but is glad to put you in touch with suppliers. If you would like general information about furfuryl alcohol itself, ask for a copy of Bulletin 205.


The steel shell pictured is lined w/r/i % inch Duro-Line membrane, composed of Lecite mortar reinforced with glass cloth. This lining is covered with 2 layers of brick. Both courses are joined with Lecite mortar. STEEL. MEMBRANE

The Quaker Qats Company


333C The Merchandise Mart, Chicago 54, Illinois Room 533C, 120 W a l l St., New York 5, Ν. Υ. Room 433C, P. O. Box 4 3 7 6 , Portland 8, Oregon In Europe: Quaker Oats-Graanproducten N. V., Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Quaker Oats (France) S. Α., 3, Rue Pillet-Will, Paris IX, France In Australia: Swift & Company, Pty., Ltd., Sydney · In Japan: F. Kanematsu & Company Ltd., Tokyo V O L U M E

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