Fused salt investigations needed

Perhaps we could be of mutual help and,at the same time, contribute also to chemical information. Paul V. Clark. Sandia Corporation. Albuquerque, New ...
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FC103 Hazard

T o the Editor: With reference to the article by Clay fii. Sharts in THIS JOURNAL 145, 190 (196S)I in which ,the author states that "FC103 is a potentially hazardous reagent and may explode with some organic compounds" we think that our experiences may be of interest. We had frequently used this reagent without incidents and thought that our safety measures were adequate until the day when the following-mixture was chosen: 17-hydrazone of 5.0-androstane 3a-hydroxy 11, 17-dione (1 g), methanol (36 ml), water (4 ml), and FCIOa (2 ml). At -6.i°C a violent explosion occurred which destroyed the whole hood, split the 10-cm thick concrete bench, shattered two superimposed security glass shields, and severely injured two persons, one of whom lost an eye. A number of similar trials have since been carried out in a casemate but no further explosions have occurred. G. NOMINE G. MULLER

Pollution from Chemistry Laboratories

T o the Editor: What becomes of the fluid wastes from chemistry laboratories? A lot of waste, especially from organic laboratories, may not be readily biodegradable, and it can contribute significantly to the problem of keeping local bodies of natural water clean. Oily materials, dyes, and strong reducing agents present problems. I n the organic chemistry laboratory at Yale University a number of used 5-pt acid bottles were strategically placed around the laboratory and marked ORGANIC WASTES. The students were asked to cooperate and to pour their waste organic liquids into these bottles. The response has been good. When the bottles become filled, they are capped securely and disposed of as solid trash, and replaced. This method of disposal is less than ideal in a mechanized trash truck. Other and better methods must be used elsewhere. The writer of this letter will be glad to hear how others have met this problem and to report a summary.

Fused Salt Investigations Needed

To the Editor: It was my privilege to have had a lifetime career of teaching chemistry at both high school and college levels. After retiring from active college teaching, I find myself acting as consultant on a data collection project. As I look back, I can see that it would have been very much to my advantage and helpful to my students if I could have had this current experience earlier. (On the other hand, the teaching background seems quite necessary for a proper perspective on my current assignment.) As an undergraduate and graduate student, I used to wonder how a teacher would select research topics for us. Just searching the literature on a chosen subject required an amount of time which was simply not available. In fused salts, now my particular field, this Information Center simplifies the problem as the search and compilation of data continues. (Physical Properties of Fused Salts, SC-R-68-1680.) Scarcely a day goes by that I do not find "holes" in the data which need investigation. Many discrepancies appear in comparing reports from different contributors or sources ~ ~ h i c h , though I am rather separated from active laboratory work, I have an urge to check for myself. Many fused salt problems which still need investigagation aould not require elaborate equipment, and much ~ ~ o could r k he done at the undergraduate level to the great advantage of both the student and the literature. Such subjects as melting point diagrams, heats of fusion, heat capacities, conductivities, vapor pressures, and densities of mixtures could be considered. I would welcome correspondence with teachers who are looking for such problems. Perhaps we could he of mutual help and, at the same time, contribute also to chemical information.

Teaching the Transition Elements

T o the Editor: Dr. Quagliano's response to the question [THISJOURNAL, 46, 227(1969)] on the relation between the definitions of transition elements and the zinc subgroup metals was excellent in depth and scholarship, as might he expected. I feel, however, that one aspect of that answer d e serves more emphasis; the teacher who reads the answer Volume 46, Number 5, Moy 1969
