Future Perfect Alpha Olefin. - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 10, 2010 - Future Perfect Alpha Olefin. Chem. Eng. News , 1989, 67 (47), Outside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v067n047.obc. Publication Date: ...
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Future Perfect Alpha Olefin. Tom Lyda thinks about the future a lot. As part of Chevron Chemical's planning and analysis group, Tom is asked not to predict the future, but to understand what the future can mean to Chevron and our customers. Tom has been part of the Chevron family for 19 years. He has a B.S. and Masters m chemical engineering from the University of Texas and is near completion on his M.B.A. Today, Tom's primary responsibilities include a short and long term focus on our highly pure and linear alpha olefins. Part of that thinking is to be sure Chevron's growth is always a step ahead of O 1989 Chevron Chemical Co.

our customers'. He has seen the production capacity grow to its present size with eleven separate cuts—C-4 through C-30+. Tom is also a key player on Chevron's plant expansion team. With start-up slated for 1990, Tom produced a financial model that helped Chevron decide the plant was a ttgo." Part of the evaluation included analyzing what our customers would gain through the expansion. ttTo make a clear evaluation the customer's needs become just as important as our needs. I'm always looking for a win-win situation." And Tom believes the new plant will be just that for Chevron and our

customers. ttSeeing this project come to fruition is exciting. Once again Chevron is making an investment in the future." With 1990 almost here, Tom now turns his attention to the next century, and the future of alpha olefins. If you'd like to know more about Chevron alpha olefins, call a Chevron Account Manager at 1-800-231-3260. In Texas, 713-754-4271. Or write Chevron Chemical Company, Attention: Sales ManagerAlpha Olefins,

p.o. Box 3766,


Houston, Texas 77253. Telex 762799. Chevron Chemical Company