G. 6. SO,

DY JOII s TV 1 9 IC Llill . Oiie who may he interested in the subject of boras will find the phase relating to its occurrence, productioii aiid uses, ...
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J O H N WIKIlv ttchiiig at Soo, the sniiipie was open to suspicion as contnitiing added fluoride. 111 coi;ciusioii, the authors take pleasure iii ackiio\\.ledgiiig their indei)!c-dnc..;; t o Miss 1:lizahetli ilniisoti for i!ittcli paiiist:tking aiid careful anai !:t i c ;;i x(I ? 1:. . ~ I . ~ s s . ~ c I ~ Li -r,s s I :INSTITL'TI:O F
