Program 11:55—936. Semi-Micro HPLC and Its Applications. M. Takahashi (JASCO International), M. Saito, K. Hibi, A. Wada 12:15—937. Improvement of Reliability of Data in HPLC Using a HighSpeed Photometric Detection System. Applications in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Physiological Compound Monitoring and Toxicology. M. Riedmann (Hewlett-Packard GmbH)
Room 320, Convention Hall 8:45—949. Use of Shift Reagents in Size Separation. E. G. Cassis J r . , D. P. Wittmer (Waters Associates) 9:05—950. Polynucleic Acids and Restriction Endonucleases Fragments Analysis by Gel Permeation Chromatography. G. Sivorinovsky, S. Brocato (Bio-Rad Labs)
9:25—951. The Use of Gel Permeation Chromatography for Quality Control in the Plastic Fabricator Industry. A. J. Baptiste, J. K. Del Rios, M. W. Andrews (Waters Associates) 9:45—952. Effects of Salts on the Size Exclusion Behavior of Polyethyleneglycol. L. B. Rogers (U of Georgia), S. Kraus 10:05—953. A Comparative Study of Branched and Linear Dialkyl Phthalate Plasticizer Surface Levels
Theater, Caesar's Boardwalk Regency 8:45—938. Electric Field Etching of Open Tubular Capillary Liquid Chromatographic Columns. E. J. Guthrie, J. W. Jorgenson (U of North Carolina) 9:05—939. Chiral Separations by HPLC. Theory and Practice: Developments with the Pirkle Covalent HPLC Column. J. A. Perry, T. J. Szczerba, V. S. Hocson (Regis Chemical), I. W. Wainer, T. D. Doyle 9:25—940. The Influence of Silica Gel Structure on Peak Dispersion at High Mobile Phase Velocities. K. L. Ogan, R. P. W. Scott (Perkin-Elmer) 9:45—941. Synthesis and Characterization of Multifunctional Stationary Phases for HPLC. J . B. Crowther, P. Griffiths, R. Schiksnis, R. A. Hartwick (Rutgers U) 10:05—942. Zero Void Volume HPLC-Columns. I. Molnar (IFAC) 10:25—Recess 10:35—943. Paper withdrawn 10:55—944. Polymeric Columns for Organic Acids and Carbohydrates Analyses. D. Woo, J. R. Benson (Interaction Chemicals) 11:15—945. The Application of Novel HPLC Columns for Frontal Chromatography Measurements on Submicron Particles. C. D. Wilcox, J. G. Eckhardt (IBM), M. F. Burke, D. R. Smith 11:35—946. Applications of Silica Based Stationary Phases for the Separation of Organic and Inorganic Cations. R. L. Smith, D. J. Pietrzyk (U of Iowa) 11:55—947. Practical High Performance Liquid Chromatography with 2.0 mm Diameter Columns. N. H. C. Cooke, B. Archer, A. Berick, K. Olsen (Beckman Instruments) 12:15—948. A New Wide Pore Packing Material for HPLC. N. R. Herbert, B. Monaghan, J. E. Spencer (Shandon Southern Products)
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Galileo Electro-Optics Corp. See us at t h e P i t t s b u r g h C o n f e r e n c e , B o o t h # 6 5 5 . CIRCLE 132 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 55, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1983 · 213 A