Gas-Blocking Foams - American Chemical Society

counteract excessive gas—oil ratios in oil production. We will review ...... rather than coning as in Figure 1, was reported at Prudhoe Bay (54). Tw...
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8 Gas-Blocking Foams Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on January 15, 2016 | Publication Date: October 15, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1994-0242.ch008

Jan Erik Hanssen and Mariann Dalland RF-Rogaland Research, P.O. Box 2503, Ullandhaug, N—4004 Stavanger, Norway Drawing mainly upon previous work by the authors, a review of key concepts in the use of foam for gas blockage in petroleum reservoirs is given. Demonstration experiments in radial and one-dimensionalflowmodels that illustrate the use of foam barriers against gas coning are summarized. Observations and methods relevant for studying generation of gas-blocking foam are given. A standard procedure for evaluating blockage performance and a simple analytical model of a foam-generating displacement are proposed. From a review of sensitivity studies, conditions for obtaining gas blockage by foam are identified. Characteristic features of the gas-blocking state of foam in porous media are discussed that cover saturations, gas transport through foam, and loss of gas blockage. Twofieldcases are summarized. J7LUID FLOW MECHANISMS IN THE PRESENCE OF FOAM are exceedingly complex and may be sensitive to the experimental conditions as well as the prior saturation history of the system (1). In most studies of foam in porous media, the steady-state experimental mode has been used. This mode consists of injecting gas and surfactant solution at fixed flow rates or fixed fractional flow and measuring the resulting pressure gradient when production rates and saturations no longer change over a period of time. With strong foam, steady-state pressure gradients may be much higher than those in real reservoirs. Frequently measured values in core-floods are on the order of 10 bar/m even at reservoir rates (2-4), while typical gradients in North Sea reservoirs are on the order of 0.1 bar/m except in the immediate region near the wellbore. Because of the highflowresistance created by foam and its strongly nonlinear response to flow parameters, the laboratory case of externally imposed flow rates may not be representative for a real oil reservoir. The question has been raised whether a steady state of foam flow is attained at all in thefield(5). Specifically, what happens when gas enters a zone in the reservoir where foaming agent is present, but where the driving pressure of the gas 0065-2393/94/0242~0319$10.70/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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is fixed? And what happens to a foam at steady state when the pressure drop across it becomes too small to support continued flow? The purpose of this chapter is to describe an alternate mode of characterizing foam for reservoir application with emphasis on production—well treatments where the gas-blocking properties of foam, rather than its viscous flow effects, are paramount. The results should also be of relevance to other foam processes where gas flow is primarily to be blocked, such as the diversion of injected gas or steam and the sealing of leaks in gas storage reservoirs. We start by an application example that highlights the use of foam to counteract excessive gas—oil ratios in oil production. We will review model experiments that are designed to match a novel production process that exploits the gas-blocking properties of foam. This review is followed by a description of relevant experiments and observations and a summary of our sensitivity studies on gas-blocking foam that aims to identify critical parameters in selecting foamers for use in the mentioned process. Next, some experimental results intended to lay a framework for a mechanistic interpretation of the gas-blocking state are summarized. The chapter is finished by quoting a few field trials where the gas-blocking properties of foam have been exploited. Most of the data reviewed concern aqueous foams, but some results on the nonaqueous foams that have been our main focus during the last few years are included.

Foam To Reduce Gas-OU Ratios in Production Wells Background. High-GOR (gas-oil ratio) production is a common problem for oil reservoirs that also contain free gas. Gas tends to be produced in preference to oil because of its higher mobility. This condition may cause reduced oil production rates, loss of drive energy, loss of recoverable oil (due to trapping by gas), and problems with fluid processing. Foam offers the potential of selectively reducing gas permeability and therefore is a means of reducing this problem, as was recognized at an early date (6, 7). A foam whose purpose is to block gas flow should ideally be formed in all locations where gas breakthrough may occur and should remain essentially stagnant after its formation, maintaining the greatest possible gas mobility reduction for the longest possible period. These requirements are different from those for so-called mobility control foams. We advocate the classification of foam processes from a practical operational viewpoint, that is, as treatments of gas-injection wells or oilproduction wells, rather than by the presumed mechanisms of action of the foam and its macroscopic flow effects. This chapter primarily discusses producer treatments.

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Gas-Blocking Foams


Demonstration. One mechanism of high-GOR production is known as gas coning, in reference to the cone-shaped region of high gas saturation, as illustrated in Figure 1. This figure also illustrates two ways to model coning in the laboratory: in a one-dimensional vertical core or pack, or in a radial geometry using a packed sector model. From the known practical benefits to such wells of geological barriers, it was envisaged that foam could be effective as a means of reducing gas coning if it could be made to form an in situ barrier between the oil and the gas cap. Experiments were designed to test the creation of a barrier of gas-blocking foam and measure its effect on production using sector models. Radial Flow Models. The sector models were constructed of transparent acrylic material that was packed with glass beads and initially saturated with a model oil in the lower part and gas in the upper part. Wall effects were found to be insignificant, and gas-liquid transition zones were of negligible height (1-2 cm). Further model properties are listed in Table I. The models were equipped with individual production-injection "perforations" in contact with specific intervals of the formation. All sector model experiments were conducted at room temperature and pressures below 1.5 bar absolute. It was possible to visually discern the presence of gas, injectant (with the aid of a dye), and model oil in the porous medium. With the aid of a strong backlight, the fluid that was present at the wall in a given location was also seen to be present across the entire model cross-section.

Figure 1. Gas coning. Idealizedfieldcase (above); radial laboratory model (below, right); and one-dimensional laboratory model (below, left).

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Table I. Sector Model Experiments Used To Study Gas-Blocking Foam Barriers

Data Length χ height (cm) Width, narrowest / widest (cm) Pore volume (cm ) Particle diameter range (μτή) Pack permeability (darcy) Angle spanned (degrees) Model oil Model oil density (g/cm ) Model oil viscosity (cp) Injectant solution

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Injectant density (g/cm ) Injectant viscosity (cP) Critical rate to gas coning (cm /min) Theoretical critical rate (8) (cm /min) 3


Model 1

Model 2

40 χ 20 2.6 / 0.35 440 80-105 8.5 3.22a; 150 g/L NaCl brine 1.097 1.21 2% Perlankrol FN65* in distilled water 1.00 1.0 1.2-1.3 2.1

80 χ 40 2.1 / 0.35 1460 70-110 5.5 1.29ae Exxon Isopar L 0.775 1.42 2% FC 740* in H-decane 0.730 0.70 10 bar/m > wc Any (often short) 0.01 to >1% 5


Long (> 0.5-1 m) Typically >0.5%

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



pack. Values for S of 0.03—0.05 during gas blockage were measured for three other aqueous model foams in 1-m long bead packs (13). In the presence of oil at high temperature, it is harder to obtain accu­ rate saturation data, but three experiments on 0.5% Fluowet ΟΤΓΝ in sea water with crude oil at 70 °C in 8-darcy beads gave 5 between 0.04 and 0.08 (22). Comparable residual nonwetting-phase saturations for the same 8-darcy medium in the absence of foam were 0.13 for the residual water saturation to gas, 5 , in two gas floods and an average of 0.11 for residu­ al water saturation to oil, S , in 24 oil floods with a standard deviation of ±0.02 (20). Values of 5 below "irreducible" were also observed by other investigators (39, 40) in studying foams at comparable conditions. In contrast, steady-state foam flow is consistently associated with 5 values above connate (2-4,18, 34). The cause of these low saturations is probably that the slow drainage of liquid, which in the generation of a gas-blocking foam typically contin­ ues from breakthrough until the time that gas flow stabilizes, may proceed very far (further than in a flowing foam) because most of the lamellae are stagnant. Capillary pressure suction will continue to drain liquid from a lamella until a saturation has been attained that corresponds to a balance between capillary pressure, Ρ , and the disjoining pressure, π, of a given foam film. Because the stability criteria for static and flowing lamellae are not identical (41), a stagnant foam is not necessarily broken even at condi­ tions when flowing foam would collapse by the overall P exceeding the critical capillary pressure, P * (42). In sandstones, values for 5 closer to connate (0.18 to 0.21 in 1.3darcy Bentheimer) were obtained with fluorosurfactant foams, although gas blockage was as strong as in bead packs of comparable permeability (21). Because most of the water in such cores is presumed to occur in the smallest pores, which hold no foam (33), it probably means that the actual gas-blocking foam is also of a similar dry nature in the rock. w


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Gas Transport. The large gas mobility reduction associated with gas-blocking foam and the nonlinear response of gas mobility to increased differential pressure are not as expected for continuous-gas foams (43), which generally are reported to reduce gas mobility by factors of 5—10 (28, 44). In their pioneering work on modeling foam behavior in porous media, the Shell researchers noted that for gas to flow in a discontinuousgas foam, lamellae must be forced through the pore network. In our results, the gas-blocking state of foam is consistently associated with see­ ing no lamellae or foam exiting the porous medium or collecting near the outlet because a uniform liquid saturation distribution has been measured by microwave attenuation (45). The fact that foam at the gas-blocking state reduces gas mobility by several orders of magnitude and simultaneously shows a strongly non-

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Gas-Blocking Foams


Newtonian response to applied gas differential pressure effects must imply that only a few or no continuous gas channels exist at low AP, but that more such channels may open in response to an increased gas AP. Hysteresis data (14) show that they may also close again if AP is reduced, provided enough foamable liquid is present to allow regeneration of the pore-blocking lamellae. Figure 17 compares typical examples that cover our range of gas-blocking foam results to a set of literature data by Prieditis (40). Prieditis' work also included foams conducting only gas flow, but these were generated in steady state and then depleted of surfactant by switching-off liquid flow. This procedure resulted in foams with permanently open gas channels and Newtonian rheological behavior. The only significant difference between the two sets of data is in the mode of foam generation. From our discussion of length effects, the main difference between gas-blocking and flowing foams is that gas-blocking foams are generated under conditions that do not allow sustaining the high local pressure gradient required to keep bubble trains moving. Conditions for trapping and mobilization of foam lamellae, which are long known (6), have been rather well characterized by the work of Rossen (46, 47). Further, indications are that a major portion of the initially generated lamellae are preserved in a pressure-driven experiment (14, 17). Thus the trappedfractioncan approach 1. However, because gas may, in fact, transport through a gasblocking foam in large volumes over long times, a part of the pore volume must conduct gas flow. Because the mobility reduction is much stronger 0.020

- — • —Prieditis, Table 7.1.4 Prieditis, Table 7.1.7 A - Prieditis, Table 7.1.16


- -


"X 0.010

" _ .


. _


0.5% Perlankrol FN 65 2%FC742 (IPAfoam) 0.5% Fluowet OTN


ij / ;




• 0.005



. 4-i-ïïTïf

/ . . . . I




ν , m/d g

Figure 17. Relative gas mobility as a function of gas velocity, at zero liquid rate, of foams generated by coinjection in 2.9- and 10-darcy bead packs (40) and in the pressure-anven mode in 8-darcy bead packs (13, 20, 25). (Reproduced with permissionfromreference 14. Copyright 1993.)

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



than expected for a continuous-gas foam (43), we propose a network model of the gas-blocking state, as illustrated in Figure 18. In such a model, in contrast to the conventional view of a foam with continuous gas, flow paths may be open to gas in a statistical sense only, and may close again in response to regeneration of lamellae at key sites. A simple equa­ tion can be derived to describe the response of gas flow rate, or fc through foam, to increased AP. Increasing the "load" on the network will lead to one or a few lamellae at sites that may open large parts of the net­ work to flow; hence creating a nonlinear dependence on pressure drop. Percolation concepts have previously been used (48, 49) with some success in modeling other aspects of foam in porous media. Gas-blocking foams typically display a nonlinear response to applied pressure. The frequently observed yield point and the power-law depen­ dence of gas flow on AP above the yield point suggest a percolation ap­ proach to modeling. A square, two-dimensional network model with non­ linear element characteristics:

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q = 0

for Δρ < Ap



q = σι(Αρ

- Ap )

for Ap > Ap



with conductances σ constant for all elements, and the microscopic pres­ sure thresholds, Ap uniformly distributed within a range 0 to 1, has been v

ν A





A ν ^A

A v A







ν Α



\( •s


ν Λ

\t A






\r Α Α

Αν! ν.





*s ν. "Ν


Λ "Ν

•Ν V





Figure 18. A bond percolation model of gas flow in a pore network con­ taining foam lamellae blocking pore throats. Line intersections represent pore bodies. (Reproduced with permissionfromreference 14. Copyright 1993.)

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



Gas-Blocking Foams

calculated to have a macroscopic response to applied AP (50) given by Q = 0 Q = σ (ΑΡ λ

for AP < AP a

- AP ) T

forAP > AP


The power exponent, a, is approximately 2 for a wide pore size distribution, σ is a constant conductance, and ΑΡ is the macroscopic threshold pressure into a regime of power-law dependence on reduced pressure. The resemblance of this model to our problem of stagnant foam subjected to an increasing gas pressure is readily seen. The theory predicts that, in related data sets, the gas-blockage perfor­ mance of different foams (expressed as fc should fall on a common straight line when plotted as a function of (AP ΑΡ ) /ΑΡ. Figure 19 shows experimental gas-blockage data for some model foam systems (31). Foams were generated in pressure-driven displace­ ments of surfactant solution by gas. A gas-blocking state was reached with only gas entering and exiting the pack. At this state, the pressure drop was increased in steps and the stabilized g and Δ Ρ were measured at each successive gas-blocking state. In the present context, the data are 1

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ΔΡ / L, bar/m

Figure 19. Data for foams from 0.5% Hostapur SAS carbon number frac­ tions in 100-cm 8-darcy bead packs at 21 °C with V ~ 7 bar and no oil Threshold pressures are indicated (Reproduced with permission from reference 14. Copyright 1993.) out

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



presented as flow rates at mean pack pressure. Figure 20 shows the same data replotted with k^jk as a function of the normalized and reduced pres­ sure drop in accordance with the network model. The indicated threshold pressures were found by second-order polynomial curve fits on the Q versus AP data and the best-fit power exponent of 2.5 was found by trial and error. The data fall on one line except two points for C , which may be outside the power-law regime. The linear correlation coefficient is 0.93. Similarly, a data set for the same surfactants in the presence of oil (5 ~ 0.05) was also generalized by a corresponding (AP - AP ) /AP function with essentially the same value for the power-law exponent. 17


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Loss of Gas Blockage. In steady-state flow of foam, the major mechanism of foam decay is dynamic capillary suction coalescence (41, 57). This process may occur in earlier stages of an experiment with gasblocking foam but is expected to be less frequent later in the experiment. Evaporation. Some observations on breakdown of gas blockage by evaporation, which has not previously been considered as a decay mecha­ nism, are reported here. In the mentioned experiment recording microwave saturation profiles (14), data were also taken during breakdown of gas blockage at prolonged exposure to initial AP. This particular foam was not a very efficient gasblocking agent. Liquid saturation, after having reached a uniform level throughout the porous medium, continued its initial decline until reaching uniformly a value of ±0.015. Then, zero liquid was recorded at the first measurement location that indicated a dry section had developed from the ,






C13 » O • C15 Δ C17

0,006 -



Blend linearfitof all date


% 0,004


1 0,002

0,000 ^>


.. Ι -





20 (ΔΡ-ΔΡ< ) ' /ΔΡ 2 5

Figure 20. Fit of data in Figure 19 using relationship derivedfromnetwork model (Reproduced with permissionfromreference 14. Copyright 1993.)

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Gas-Blocking Foams

inlet and continued to grow with the passage of more gas through the pack. An evaporation loss was expected, because in this experiment, gas is not preequilibrated with the foamed aqueous phase. The rising gas rate as the foam was drying agrees with the length dependence of gas blockage (13, 25, 52) because the growing dry section in effect makes the foam shorter. Foam decay by evaporation will occur whenever a flowing gas phase is not in equilibrium with the liquid constituting the foam films. For the microwave experiment of reference 14, comparing the mass balance (ex­ cluding water produced in the vapor phase) with the in situ saturations, shows that the gas did not become saturated in water even after stripping essentially all the water from the first half of the pack. The poor mass transfer indicates that most of the liquid is effectively "shielded" from the flowing gas by existing in trapped foam. This trend is found in all effective gas-blocking foams characterized. Because one cannot assume equilibri­ um, evaporation from a gas-blocking foam is difficult to model. Rates of evaporation are influenced by the presence of a surfactant film and will depend on the type and concentration of surfactant as well as on the thickness and structure of the liquid film. The effect of evaporation on gas-blockage performance of a strong foam is illustrated by Figure 21. The more persistent of the two foams shown clearly resulted from bringing the gas to partial saturation in water vapor prior to injection. Because of liquid dropout problems as gas passes through the porous






Pore volumes gas injected

Figure 21. Gas-blockage performance of 1.0% Fluowet OTN foams in 200-cm packs of 8-darcy beads. Conditions: nitrogen gas, dry or partially saturated with water vapor as indicated; Τ = 70 °C; T* ~ 6 bar; ΔΡ/L ~ 2 bar/m; sea water; and S of crude oil. (Reproduced with permission from reference 14. Copyright 1993.) out

American Chemical Society Library 1155 16th St, N.W. In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Washington, D& Industry; 20038 Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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medium, a presaturator is not used in our standard test procedure. It follows that the measured persistence of a gas-blocking foam, whether expressed as blockage time or pore volumes of gas transported, is useful in ranking foams at comparable conditions, but does not scale to field conditions. For the purpose of using foam as a gas-coning barrier, evaporation is not likely to limit foam stability in the reservoir because the foam is created by equilibrated gas. However, if foam is applied near the injection points of a nonequilibrated gas, the importance of evaporation as a foam decay mechanism should be evaluated. Diffusion. Coalescence by diffusion from smaller to larger bubbles remains as a potential decay mechanism for stagnant confined foam in contact with an equilibrated gas. In a typical gas-blocking foam, the large bubbles (which estimated to be on the order of 10 pore bodies per lamella), small areas of bubble contact, and modest pressure gradients all contribute to increase diffusion times drastically compared to bulk foams. Indications are that characteristic diffusion times may well be on the order of weeks or months (14). Thisfindingagrees with the observed very long persistence times for gas-blocking foam.

Field Examples Few cases are described in the literature where producing wells have been treated with foam, injector treatments being more common. An early patent (53) describes how a well in the Pennsylvanian sandstone formation, which produced at high GOR and low oil rates, was treated with foamingagent solution preceded and followed by brine. After the well was put back on production, oil flowed at the original rate and a low GOR until gas suddenly broke through after 4 days. The improvement was not due to oil and gas segregating in the cone area during shut-in, because that was not observed in a previous long shut-in period. This example shows that foam probably was formed in situ by the field gas moving toward the perforations, and foam was able to block gas flow. The effect was short-lived because, in our interpretation, (1) gravity-controlled placement was not possible, and gravity would, in fact, have been a negative influence in this case, because the heavier (aqueous) foamer solution would sink toward the bottom of the oil zone; and (2) the foam used was oil-sensitive and would be expected to break after a short time even if it had been optimally placed. Another producing-well treatment against high GOR, in this case more likely due to gas cusping (flowing along bedding planes) rather than coning as in Figure 1, was reported at Prudhoe Bay (54). Two unsuccess-

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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Gas-Blocking Foams


ful attempts werefirstmade to create foam in situ by injecting surfactant and surfactant chased by gas. These failures could be ascribed to gravity segregation causing the (aqueous) surfactant or foam to be formed mainly where gas was not flowing. A third trial, where preformed foam was injected, was effective in reducing GOR and increasing oil rates for about 40 days. Most likely, the effect of the foam treatment was limited to a few meters into the well and, in fact, may have been mainly to seal a leaking set of perforations. The gas-blocking action of foam was in any case demonstrated.

Conclusions A gas-blocking state of foam may be reached in a porous medium whenever gas is allowed to displace a foaming-agent solution atfixeddifferential pressure. At appropriate conditions, foams may be generated that are able to reach a nearly constant saturation in the liquid forming the foam films. The subsequent flow of foam and surfactant solution out of the porous medium may be reduced to zero, and the flow of gas may be lowered for extended periods. For gas blockage to be achieved, the porous medium must exceed a certain minimum length that must be greater than the length of travel for the displacement front to become piston-like. Gas blockage of a strength equal to that in model porous media at laboratory conditions is readily achieved in sandstone cores containing reservoirfluidsat reservoir conditions provided that the media length and permeability are comparable. Increasing the surfactant concentration enhances the gas-blocking ability of the resultant foam at least up to a certain level, which corresponds to a multiple of the critical micelle concentration. The presence of oil at saturations as low as 0.04 can completely destroy the gas-blocking ability of some foams, but others are less affected. In the range 20-70 °C, higher temperature is also detrimental to the gas-blocking ability of foam in that only some surfactants at higher concentrations are able to block gas efficiently at higher temperature. The pressure and the pressure drop during displacement of surfactant solution by gas do not seem to have a critical influence on gas blockage. An experimental method that may include all parameters found critical for achieving gas blockage has been defined and has allowed evaluation of the gas-blockage efficiency of foams in porous media. Recommendations for product selection are given. The gas-blocking state does not fit the common conceptual models of foam in porous media, which have been constructed largely on the basis of steady-state studies. Gas-blocking foams can maintain strongly reduced

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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mobility despite the passage of hundreds of pore volumes of gas at liquid saturations often lower than those associated with the critical capillary pressure for the existence of stable moving lamellae. The gas-blocking foams display a nonlinear response to increased flow rate, yet do not ap­ pear to contain lamellae moving over macroscopic distances. An alternate description proposed is one of essentially all the foam lamellae being trapped and of gas percolating through this network of stagnant lamellae in a number of paths increasing over time and with increased differential pressure. Starting points for modeling the generation of gas-blocking foam byfixed-pressuredisplacement, the transport of gas through a stag­ nant foam and the loss of gas blockage caused by evaporation are sketched. Foam in the gas-blocking state can be used to treat oil wells produc­ ing at excessive GOR. The foam can be formed in situ by the field gas moving toward the perforations and impair further coning of gas.

Acknowledgments We acknowledge with thanks the support of Norske Shell and Statoil for RF's foam-block process development projects from 1985 to 1992, and to the national research and development program RUTH for continuing support of our work on foam processes. J. E . Hanssen is also grateful to the Royal Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF) for a Ph.D. project grant. Thanks are due to RF management for supporting the preparation of this chapter.

List of Symbols A GOR k k




area (m ) gas-oil ratio (m /m ) absolute permeability [darcy (· 1.013χ 10~ = m )] permeability of gas through foam [darcy (· 1.013 χ 10' = m )] length (m) pressure pressure drop [bar (· 0.1 = MPa)] overall pressure gradient (bar/m) number of pore volumes radiusfromwell to tip of injectant (m) drainage radius of well (m) fractional saturation 3





In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



t V x, x/L

Gas-Blocking Foams


time (sec) volume (m ) length fraction 3

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Greek a λ μ σ

power exponent mobility (darcy/cp) viscosity [cp (· 10~ = kg/m)] interfacial tension [dyn/cm (= mN/m)] 3

Superscripts and Subscripts * c f g in liq ο out ρ r t, Τ w

critical capillary foam gas inlet liquid oil outlet produced residual threshold water

References 1. Hanssen, J. E. In SPOR Monograph: Recent advances in Improved Oil Recovery Methods for North Sea Sandstone Reservoirs; Skjæveland, S. M.; Kleppe, J., Eds.; Norwegian Petroleum Directorate: Stavanger, Norway, 1992; pp 277-283. 2. De Vries, A. S.; Wit, K. SPE Reservoir Eng. 1990, 5, 185-192. 3. Persoff, P. J.; Radke, C. J.; Pruess, K.; Benson, S. M.; Witherspoon, P. A. SPE Reservoir Eng. 1991, 6, 365-372. 4. Radke, C. J.; Ettinger, R. A. SPE Reservoir Eng. 1992, 7, 83-90. 5. Brigham, W. E.; Castanier, L. M.; Liu, D. Proceedings of the 60th SPE California Regional Meeting; Society of Petroleum Engineers: Richardson, TX, 1990; paper SPE 20071. 6. Marsden, S. S.; Albrecht, R. A. SPE J. 1970, 10, 51-55. 7. Raza, S. H. SPE J. 1970, 10, 328-336.

In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on January 15, 2016 | Publication Date: October 15, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1994-0242.ch008



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In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on January 15, 2016 | Publication Date: October 15, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1994-0242.ch008




Gas-Blocking Foams

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for review December 1, 1992.


revised manuscript April 26,


In Foams: Fundamentals and Applications in the Petroleum Industry; Schramm, Laurier L.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.