General-Acid and General-Base Catalysis of the Cleavage of a-D

a large fraction of the reaction center is surrounded by hydro- carbon, the .... toward the structure of the transition state, and general-acid-base c...
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J . Am. Chem. SOC.1991, 113,1958-1963

We suggest that this high selectivity for reaction with water instead of alcohols represents a localized solvent effect that arises from the development of a high charge density in a restricted environment in the transition state for formation of the oxocarbenium ion. Space-filling CPK molecular models indicate that a large fraction of the reaction center is surrounded by hydrocarbon, the 6-hydroxymethyl group, and the leaving group, so that its access to solvent is severely restricted. The high selectivity for reaction with water instead of alcohols suggests that the development of this charge is favored when it is surrounded by water molecules, rather than alcohol. The lifetime of the oxocarbenium ion is too short to allow diffusion and a choice between different nucleophiles once it is formed, so that it is very likely to react with water if it is formed in the presence of water. There is a large increase in the rate of hydrolysis of Cy-D-g~ucosylfluoride with an increase in the concentration of water in the mixed solvent system (Figure 6B). In methanol-water mixtures, the rate increases by 50-fold with a IO-fold increase in the concentration of water, from 5.5 to 5 5 M (Table 111); over most of this range, the increase in rate is approximately second-order with respect to the concentration of water (not shown). These conclusions are supported by the results of a comprehensive study of the reactions of a series of p-nitrophenyl 6-D-

ribofuranoside derivatives by Czarnik and co-workers.I0 The rate of pH-independent hydrolysis in this series of compounds is decreased by 330-fold in the fluorenone ketal, which provides a nonpolar environment near the 1-carbon atom. Slightly smaller decreases are observed with fluorenone derivatives that have amide and ester groups below the 1-carbon atom, but a small rate increase is observed with a carboxylate group in the same position. The same localized solvation and electrostatic effects, as well as steric effects, may account for the occurrence of bimolecular nucleophilic reactions of anions, but not of amine nucleophiles, with Cy-D-g~ucosylfluoride. There is a large amount of bond breaking and little bond making in the dissociative transition state of these ANDN reactions, so that there is a large amount of positive charge development at the reaction center. This charge interacts favorably with an anionic nucleophile, but not with an uncharged amine nucleophile. It is conceivable that the attack of anionic nucleophiles is also assisted by hydrogen bonding to the 6-OH group of Cy-D-ghICOSyl fluoride. Registry No. 1, 2106-10-7;@-D-ghXOpyraIIOSyl azide, 20379-59-3; l-O-aCetyl-@-D-glUCOpyranOSe,135758-71-3; a-D-glucopyranose, 492-

62-6; 1,6-anhydro-@-~-glucopyranose,498-07-7;8-D-glucopyranose. 492-61-5.

General-Acid and General-Base Catalysis of the Cleavage of a-D-Glucopyranosyl Fluoride' Narinder S. Banait and William P. Jencks* Contribution No. 1728 from the Graduate Department of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254-91 10. Received March 26, 1991

Abstract: The hydrolysis of a-D-glucopyranosyl fluoride is catalyzed by phosphate and phosphonate buffers in the pH-independent region in water and in deuterium oxide at 30.0 OC and p = 2.0 M (KCI). General-base catalysis by the dianions accounts for most of the rate increase, but there is also significant general-acid catalysis by the monoanions. The solvent isotope effect for catalysis by phosphate buffers is kH/kD = 1.9 for the dianion and k H / k D= 2.0 for the monoanion. The Bronsted slopes are small, with P = 0.06 for catalysis by general bases and a = 0.15 for catalysis by general acids; however, a = 0.4 if the rate constant for H30+is included. Catalysis by L 3 0 + shows a solvent isotope effect of k H / k D= 1.4; this differs from the value of k H / k D-0.5 that is expected for specific-acid catalysis with equilibrium protonation of the substrate. Catalysis by LO- and the uncatalyzed solvolysis in L20show inverse solvent isotope effects of k D / k H= 1.5 and k D / k H= 1.1, respectively. No reaction with methanol is observed in the absence of catalysts, but the addition of methanol to a-D-ghCOSyl fluoride in methanol-water ( 4 5 5 5 by volume) is catalyzed by phosphate buffer, 50% dianion, and gives 1 -0-methyl-P-glucopyranoside as the product. It is suggested that the general-base catalysis represents a concerted mechanism of nucleophilic attack and proton abstraction that is enforced by the absence of a significant lifetime for the glucosyl cation in the presence of fluoride ion, and that general-acid catalysis occurs by hydrogen bonding to the leaving fluoride ion. Both mechanisms of catalysis are facilitated by an electrostatic interaction between the anionic catalyst and the developing positive charge of the transition state. The significance of these results for the mechanism of catalysis by glycosidases is discussed.

We would like to understand the mechanisms that are utilized by lysozyme and related enzymes to catalyze the cleavage of glycosidic bonds. Possible mechanisms include nucleophilic catalysis and electrostatic stabilization of the carbocation-like transition state by a carboxylate group, ground-state distortion toward the structure of the transition state, and general-acid-base catalysis of proton transfer to or from leaving or entering groupsa2 However, it has generally been believed that the hydrolysis of ( I ) This paper is dedicated to Robert Abeles on the occasion of his 65th birthday. This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health (GM 20888)and the National Science Foundation (DMB 8715832). (2)(a) Vernon, C.A. Proc. R. Soc. London 1%7,1678,389-401. Phillips, D.C.Proc. NafI. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1967, 57,484-495. (b) Sinnott, M. L. In The Chemistry of Enzyme Action; Page, M. I., Ed.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1984;pp 389-431. (c) Jencks, W . P. In Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology; Dover: New York, 1987;pp 226-229.


glycosides occurs by specific-acid catalysis, with complete protonation of the leaving oxygen atom followed by bond breaking to form an unstable oxocarbenium ion intermediate that reacts rapidly with water.3 The lifetime of the glucosyl oxocarbenium ion has been estimated to be approximately lo-'* s, so that the reaction of this cation with water is expected to occur rapidly without assistance by general-base c a t a l y ~ i s . ~The Bronsted /3 value for general-base catalysis of the addition of water to electrophilic centers decreases with increasing reactivity of the cation, according to the relationship pxU= -ap/ao = dp/-dpKBH+,and general-base catalysis is not observed for the hydration of highly unstable cation^.^^^-^ If there is no general-base catalysis of (3)Cordes, E.H.; Bull, H. G. Chem. Rev. 1974, 74,581603. Fife, T. H. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1965, 87,271-275. (4)Amyes, T. L.;Jencks, W. P. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1989, 111,7888-7900, 7900-7909.

0 1991 American Chemical Society

Cleavage of a-D-Glucocopyranosyl Fluoride hydration, there will be no general-acid catalysis for the expulsion of water, or of alcohols that resemble water, in the reverse direction. The reactions of a number of carbohydrate derivatives with nitrogen, oxygen, and fluoride leaving groups have been found to show only specific-acid or specific-base On the other hand, there is evidence for both general-acid catalysis and electrostatic stabilization of the rate-limiting transition state in a number of reactions of sugars and related acetals that involve intramolecular catalysis by carboxylic acid and carboxylate

J . Am. Chem. SOC..Vol. 113, No. 21, 1991 1959

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group^.^ We report here the Occurrence of general-base and general-acid catalysis of the hydrolysis of a-D-glucopyranosyl fluoride, 1, by phosphate and phosphonate buffers in aqueous solution that is facilitated by an electrostatic interaction of the catalyst with the cationic transition state. It is suggested that the general-base HO





catalysis is enforced by the absence of a significant lifetime for the oxocarbenium ion in the presence of fluoride ion and that the general-acid catalysis involves hydrogen bonding to the leaving fluoride ion. These experiments were stimulated, in part, by a report that the rate of disappearance of a-D-glucosyl fluoride is increased in the presence of nucleophilic buffers.I0

Experimental Section Materials, Reagent-grade potassium chloride, potassium hydroxide, and potassium phosphate were used without further purification. The sources of substituted phosphonates and a-D-glucopyranosyl fluoride are described in the previous paper." Kinetics. The rate of hydrolysis of a-D-ghCOSyl fluoride in the presence of added buffers was measured under pseudo-first-order conditions by polarimetry or proton NMR at 30.0 "C and 2.0 M ionic strength, maintained with KCI. The solution contained 0.01 M 1 : l KD2P04K2DP04buffer, and the ionic strength of 2.0 M was maintained with sodium perchlorate. Catalysis by H30+, HO-, and KH2P04-K2HP04 buffers in water was followed by polarimetry. The reactions at pH 0.89, 1.14, and > 1 1 were followed to the end point. Pseudo-first-order rate constants were obtained from semilogarithmic plots of [a]- [a].. against time and the relationship kob = In 2/tIl2. The plots were linear for 2-4 half-lives. Other rate constants in water were obtained from the rate, Y, of the initial linear change in optical rotation, [a], of reactions that were followed for 5 1 0 % toward completion. The rate constant kob was obtained from the equation kob = v/[S]At, in which [SIis the substrate concentration and Ac is the change in optical rotation upon completion of the reaction. The value of At was determined by following the change in [a]upon reaction to completion at pH 0.89 and 1.14. The reaction solutions typically contained 0.012-0.016 M substrate. The kinetics for the pH-independent hydrolysis of ~-D-ghCOSy~ fluoride in H20are described in the previous paper." The hydrolysis in D20was measured by polarimetry. ( 5 ) Ta-Shma, R.; Jencks, W. P. J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1986,108,8040-8050. (6) Richard, J. P.; Jencks, W. P. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984,106, 1396-1401. (7) Fife, T. H. Ace. Chem. Res. 1972, 5, 264-272. (8) Jones, C. C.; Sinnott, M. L. J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1977, 767-768. However, there are indications that proton transfer to the leaving

group may not be complete in the transition state for acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl-8-D-glucopyranoside: Rosenberg, S.; Kirsch, J. J. Eiochemisfry 1981, 20, 3196-3204. Bennet, A. J.; Davis, A. J.; Hosie, L.; Sinnott, M. L. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2 1987, 581-584. (9) See, for example, Capon, B.; Page, M. 1. J. Chem. Soc.,Perkin Trans. 2 1972, 2057-2062. Anderson, E.; Fife, T. H. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1973, 95, 6437-6441. Fife, T. H.; Przytas, T. J. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1977, 99, 6693-6699. Fife, T. H.; Przytas, T. J. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1979, 101, 1202-1210. Warshel, A. Ace. Chem. Res. 1981, 14, 284-290. Kirby, A. J. Crif. Rev. Biochem. 1987, 22, 283-315. Cherian, X. M.; Van Arman, S.A.; Czarnik, A. W. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1990, 112, 449C-4498. (IO) Jung, S. M.; Mayer, R. M. Arch. Eiochem. Eiophys. 1981, 208, 288-295. ( I I ) Banait, N. S.;Jencks, W. P.. previous paper in this series. (1 2) The Sadtler Handbook of Proton N M R Spectra; Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc.: Philadelphia, PA: (a) Spectrum 2865. (b) Spectrum 17066.

0 0.0





P h o s ~ h a t e l ~M~ ~ ~ , ,

Figure 1. Catalysis of the hydrolysis of a-D-ghICOSyl fluoride by phosphate buffers, 90% dianion, in water ( 0 )and in D20 (W) at 30 "C, p = 2.0 M (KCI). The observed rate constants were corrected for the reaction with Cl-. The solvent isotope effect is kH/kD = 1.9.

The rates of hydrolysis of a-D-ghCOSy\ fluoride in the presence of DpO+and in a 50% H20-D20 mixture at pH 1.00 were followed by polarimetry to the end point at 30.0 O C . The H20-D20 solvent was prepared by weight from 99.9% D20, glass-distilled water, 1 .O M HCI, and 0.0347 g of substrate in which the protons of the hydroxyl groups had been exchanged for deuterons. Pseudo-first-order rate,constants were obtained from semilogarithmic plots of [a] - [a]..against time, which were linear for 4 half-lives. Kinetics in the presence of (trichloromethy1)phosphonate and phosphate buffers were measured by proton NMR of the C-l proton of 1 in D20.The reaction solutions typically contained 0.018 g of a-D-g~ucosyl fluoride that was weighed directly into the NMR tubes. The reactions were initiated by the addition of buffer and KCI in D 2 0to give 0.1 M substrate concentration and a final volume of 1.0 mL. The NMR tubes were incubated in a water bath at 30.0 O C . Pseudo-first-order rate constants were obtained by measuring the disappearance of the starting material with time; at least five NMR spectra were obtained during the first half-life. Pseudo-first-order rate constants were calculated from eq 1, in which FG is the fraction of starting material remaining at time 1, and kc,- = 1.0 X IOd M-I s-' is the second-order rate constant for nucleophilic reaction with chloride ion;" KCI was used to maintain the ionic strength at 2.0 M.

The kinetics for the disappearance of a-D-ghIcosyl fluoride in ethylphosphonate monc-dibasic buffers were measured by polarimetry in D20 at 30.0 "C, and p = 2.0 M (KCI). The reactions were followed for 510% toward completion, and the pseudo-first-order rate constants were obtained as described above. The products from the reaction of 0.01 M a-0-ghcosyi fluoride in water-methanol (55:45 (v/v)) solvent were identified by NMR. The reaction was initiated by adding 0.0202 g of the substrate into the solvent buffered with 0.71 M 1:9 mondibasic phosphate. The tube was tightly sealed and incubated in a water bath at 30.0 "C. Aliquots of the solution were removed at intervals, the solvent was lyophilized, and the residue was dissolved in D,O for analysis by NMR. At the end point, the product distribution of glucose-methyl P-D-glucopyranoside was 5 : l .

Results The kinetics for the hydrolysis of a-D-glucopyranosyl fluoride, 1, in water in the presence of buffers were measured at 30.0 O C and ionic strength 2.0 M, maintained with KCI. Second-order rate constants were obtained from the slopes of plots of the pseudo-first-order rate constants against total buffer concentration with at least four buffer concentrations, as described in the Experimental Section. Typical data are shown in Figure 1 for experiments in H20and DzO.The dependence on pH of log k for the disappearance of Cu-D-glUCOSyl fluoride is shown in Figure 2. Rate constants for catalysis of the disappearance of a-D-glucosyl fluoride by the monoanions and dianions of phosphate and phosphonate buffers were obtained from plots of the observed catalytic constants at different buffer ratios against the fraction

Banait and Jencks

7960 J. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 113, No. 21, 1991


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0 - -5 4



Table 1. Rate Constants for Catalysis of the Hydrolysis of

i lI ~






CX-D-GIUCOS~I Fluoride by H+, HO-,and Phosphate Buffers in H 2 0 at 30.0 OC and Ionic Strength of 2.0 M (KCIY catalyst buffer ratio acid:base [catalyst], M k, M-' s-I H+ 0.001-0).10 1.0 x 10-3 HO0.05-0.10 4.5 x 10-4 phosphate 9:l 0.67-1.67 1.64 X IO4 0.17-1 .OO 2.39 x 104 3: 1 1:l 0.40- I .OO 4.02 X lod 1:9 0.29-0.71 6.1 X lod "k(H2P04-) = 1.1 X lod M-Is-I; k(HP042-) = 6.7 X IOd M-I s-l. 7 1




PH Figure 2. Dependence on pH of the disappearance of a-D-glucosyl fluoride by hydrolysis and cyclization in water at 30 OC. The ionic

strength was maintained at 2.0 M with KCI in the acidic and basic regions and with NaCI04 in the pH-independent region.



1 .o

Fraction Acid

Figure 4. Dependence of the rate of phosphate-catalyzed hydrolysis of a-D-ghCOSyl fluoride on the fraction of monobasic phosphate in water (0),and in D 2 0 ( 0 )at 30 "C and 1 = 2.0 M (KCI). The solvent isotope effect for catalysis by dibasic phosphate is kH/kD= 1.9 and by monobasic phosphate is kH/kD= 2.0.





1 .o

Fraction Acid

Figure 3. Dependence of the rate of hydrolysis of a-D-ghJCOSyl fluoride catalyzed by phosphate and phosphonate buffers on the fraction of monobasic ethylphosphonate ( O ) , phosphate (m), and (trichloromethy1)phosphonate (V) in D20 at 30 O C , p = 2.0 M (KCI).

of monoanion in the buffer, as shown in Figure 3. The rate constants for catalysis by the monoanions are approximate, but show that there is only a small increase in catalysis with increasing acidity. The hydrolysis of a-D-ghcosyl fluoride in the presence of (trichloromethy1)phosphonate buffer was found to be accompanied by nucleophilic displacement of the fluoride ion by the buffer to give 8-D-glucopyranose ( 1 -trichloromethyl)phosphonate. The nucleophilic product accounted for 16% of the product formed and did not vary as the ratio of mono-dianion in the buffer was changed from 2:l to 1 :9. The product was identified by a triplet centered at 5.0 ppm ( J = 8 Hz) in the ' H N M R and a singlet at 5550 Hz in the 31PNMR, with H3P04as an external standard. A sample of a-glucose-1 -phosphate under similar conditions gave a quartet at 5.4 ppm in the IH N M R and a singlet at 5330 Hz in the N M R spectrum. The rate constant for the nucleophilic reaction was deducted from the observed rate constant in order to calculate the rate constant for catalysis of hydrolysis. No nucleophilic product was observed by proton or phosphorus N M R spectroscopy after the hydrolysis of a-D-ghlCOsy~fluoride in phosphate or ethylphosphonate buffers. Catalysis of the cleavage of CU-D-ghCOSyl fluoride by 0.06 M DO- in D20was found to give the cyclic acetal 1,6-anhydroglucose

in 50% yield from intramolecular attack by the anion of the 6-hydroxyl group. The cyclic acetal is stable under the conditions of the reaction and was identified in 'HN M R spectra by comparison of the chemical shifts of the protons at C-1 and C-5 and the endo proton of C-6 at 5.23,4.40, and 3.90 ppm, respectively, with reported values for C-I, C-5, and C-6 (endo) protons at 5.1 7, 4.37, and 3.89 ppm, re~pective1y.I~Catalysis by hydroxide ion in water was found to give 1,6-anhydroglucose in 40% yield by NMR. The cyclic acetal was not formed in the presence of acid or as a product of the general-base-catalyzed reactions. The solvent deuterium isotope effect for the pH-independent hydrolysis of CY-D-ghXOSyl fluoride in L 2 0 was found to be kmD/kHOH =, 1.1; the reactions catalyzed by L+ and LO- in L 2 0 have solvent isotope effects of kH+/kD+= 1.4 and koD-/koH- = 1.5, respectively (Table 111). A solvent isotope effect of kH/kD = 1.6 for the L+-catalyzed hydrolysis of a-D-ghcosy~fluoride in 1:l DOD-HOH (mol/mol) was observed in one experiment. The solvent deuterium isotope effects for catalysis by phosphate dianion and monoanion are kHOH/kmD= 1.9 and 2.0, respectively (Figure 4). The products from the solvolysis of a-D-glucosy~fluoride in H20-MeOH 5 5 4 5 (v/v) catalyzed by 0.71 M 1:9 mono-dibasic phosphate buffer were identified by NMR. The stereochemistry of the product from the reaction with methanol was assigned by comparing the shift of the anomeric proton at 4.25 ppm ( J = 8.5 Hz) with a reported value of 4.32 ppm ( J = 8.5 Hz) for methyl P-D-glucopyranoside.'28 The resonance for the anomeric proton of methyl a-D-glucopyranoside at 4.83 ppm ( J = 2.5 was not observed. In the absence of buffer, the yield of methyl 8-Dglucopyranoside was 4 weeks) for the membrane system described. Bridging with a tetraethylene glycol unit at the lower rim is essential since simple calix[4]arenes do not transport potassium cations. The potassium/sodium cation selectivity of these carriers was compared with the selectivity of other potassium-selective carriers like valinomycin and dibenzo-18-crown-6 in both single-cation and mixed-cation experiments. In the competition experiments, the order of decreasing K+/Na+ selectivity was as follows: valinomycin > 1,3-dimethoxy-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene crown-5 > dibenzo- 18-crown-6 > 1,3-dihydroxy-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arenecrown-5. The transport selectivity is not simply related to the transport rates in single-cation experiments or to association constants. Although the K+/Na+ extraction selectivity is high, the K+/Na+ transport selectivity of valinomycin and 1,3-dimethoxy-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arenecrown-5 (5) is low due to a high association constant for K+ in NFQE combined with a low diffusion constant. A mathematical model has been developed that predicts the observed K+/Na+ selectivities in competition experiments from the results of single-cation experiments.

Liquid membranes containing selective carriers may give higher fluxes and selectivities than conventional semipermeable porous polymeric membranes. Since bulk liquid membranes' require a large quantity of carrier solution in proportion to the interfacial area where phase transfer can take place, supported liquid membranes (liquid-immobilized membranes) have been developed. They consist of a carrier solution immobilized in a thin microporous support ( d = 100 pm) that separates the two aqueous phases. These supported liquid membranes are of interest both for possible technological applications (hollow fibers) and for fundamental studies of the transport process. Previously, we described the mechanism of single-cation transport of guanidinium and potassium salts through supported liquid membranes by crown The experimental fluxes could be described by a mathematical model based on diffusion-limited transport. Since the membrane volume of a supported liquid membrane is relatively small compared to the volume of the aqueous phases, the carriers must be very lipophilic in order to avoid substantial partitioning to the aqueous phases. W e have found that the membrane stability can be improved by using carriers modified with hydrophobic alkyl or aryl groups2v3 or carriers attached to a polysiloxane b a ~ k b o n e . ~ So far we have only studied single-cation transport. However, membranes have been developed for separations, and consequently we have studied selective transport by macrocyclic carriers through supported liquid membranes. As a model system we have chosen the selective potassium/sodium cation transport by calixcrown derivatives. 1,3-Dimethoxy-p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene crown-5 (5) shows a high K+/Na+ selectivity in both extraction (CHC13/H20, K K += 3.0 X IO8 M-' and KNat = 1.1 X IO5 M-')s and in ISFET 'Present address: Agricultural University of Wageningen, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Dreijenplein 8,6703 HB Wageningen, The Netherlands.

measurements (the potentiometric selectivity coefficient KKtINa+ = 1600).6 Moreover, these compounds are very lipophilic and hence may be applicable as carriers in supported liquid membranes. So far calixarene derivatives have only been studied as carriers in bulk liquid membranes to transport alkali cations (in particular cesium cations)'-'' or UO, cations,I2 except for one application in which UO, cations are transported by calix[6]arenes through a polymer/liquid crystal composite membrane.', T o the best of our knowledge, we now report the first application of calixarenes as carriers in supported liquid membranes. A mathematical model ~


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0002-7863/91/1513-7963$02.50/00 1991 American Chemical Society