General announces a new nylon - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 7, 2010 - Publication Date: May 26, 1969. Copyright © 1969 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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General Mills announces a new nylon The new Mil vex* family of specialty nylon resins combines the flexibility and adhesion of dimer-based polyamide resins with the toughness and working characteristics of nylon. M i l v e x * resins offer the following unique combination of properties:

Low moisture sensitivity with corresponding dimen­ sional stability

sible use in fabric bonding, and on many flexible pack­ aging substrates.

Flexibility without plasticizers

Predevelopment work on M i l v e x * resins has been so successful, a new multi-million pound capacity plant will be going on stream this fall. Production samples for testing are available now. For more information and samples, use the attached coupon.

Π Unusual optical clarity U Processing stability and heat sealability U Excellent adhesive properties—it's a thermoplastic adhesive with thermosetting qualities Excellent tensile shear and peel strength M i l v e x * resins have tensile strengths ranging from 3400 to 7500 psi; elongation from 200 to 600 percent; tensile modulus from 20,000 to 100,000 psi; and Vicat softening point from 60 to 174°C. Proper selection of a resin in the M i l v e x * family can provide properties tailored to many requirements. M i l v e x * resins can be extruded, injection molded, applied by hot melt techniques, heat activation or solution coating. Their exceptional " w e t - o u t " char­ acteristics permit bonding of such difficult substrates as glass, steel, aluminum, copper, brass and many plastics. Their low modulus of elasticity permits pos­

General Mills, Inc., Dept. CE-5 Chemical Division —9200 Wayzata Blvd. Minneapolis, Minn. 55440 Gentlemen.· Please send me further information and samples of your new Milvex* specialty nylon resins.







"Traderr-crk of Gênerai Mills, Inc.