How to use the new B & A "C. P." Acid case in your lab B u y B&A " C . P . " Acids by the case a n d get a free plus a t the same time, the new B&A polystyrene case. It's the safest, strongest, lightest acid shipper ever made. It resists weather, water a n d chemicals. H a s built-in finger grips so it's easy to lift and carry. Features top-and-bottom interlocking design to stack surely and safely. Once you've used the acid, you'll find the case has dozens of uses around the lab. H e r e are a few suggestions on how to p u t the case to work. • As a stand for bottles, beakers and flasks. • As a storage place for chemicals you rarely use. • As a n insulated container for chemicals with high or low freezing points. • As a n i n s t r u m e n t cover or equipm e n t storage case after it's hollowed out. Or as a protective box for microscopes or other fragile apparatus.
BAKER & ADAMSON "C.P." A c i d s & R e a g e n t s
• As coasters for hot containers. Y o u can cut it u p into sheets of any size you wish. • As a test tube holder. T h e proper size holes can be formed b y heating the tubes over a gas flame and pressing them into the foam. • As a simple means of holding cylinders, flasks, test tubes, etc., upright in a w a t e r bath. I n s e r t t h e e q u i p m e n t through a hole in a slab of foam floating in the bath.
Sulfuric Acid, "C.P.", Reagent, A.C.S. Hydrochloric Acid, "C.P.". Reagent, A.C.S. Nitric Acid, "C.P.", Reagent, A C S . Acetic Acid, "C.P.", Reagent, A C S . Ammonium Hydroxide, "C.P.", Reagent, A.C.S. Nitric Acid 40° Be., Technical Acetic Acid, Glacial, USP Perchloric Acid, 70%, Reagent, A.C.S. Perchloric Acid. 60%, Reagent, A.C.S.
• As a h a n d y container for shipping or intra-plant transfer of samples, etc. • As a holder for condensers, tubing and other round-bottom glassware on storage shelves. As good as the case is, your most important consideration is the purity a n d q u a l i t y of the acid itself. T h e B&A label assures you of top quality. H e r e are the B&A acids and reagents packaged in the new polystyrene case:
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