General Chemistry Problems (Markham, Edwin C.; Smith, Sherman

General Chemistry Problems (Markham, Edwin C.; Smith, Sherman). J. Chem. Educ. , 1942, 19 (9), p 450. DOI: 10.1021/ed019p450.4. Publication Date: ...
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CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES' BUYER'SGUIDEBOOK N ~ E R .Walt81 3. Mur$ky, B.S. (F.A.I.C., Editor; James M. Crowe, B.S. in Ch.E.. Associate Editor; M . Crawford, C. Hubert, and V. DcLea, Assistant Editors. Seventeenth Annual Revision. Tradepress Publishing Corporation, New York City, 1941 736 pp. 22 X 29.2 cm. $1.50. This annual volume has been expanded in the latest revision through the addition of a section on all types of equipment, apoaratus. containers. and oackaeine and labeline machinerv. The scventecnth edition also conrains s new Technical Section. supplying engmeering data for easy reference. T h e buying guide has information on where to buy raw materials, rhemicnls, industrial chemical specialties, equipment, and containers. Technical data such a s formula, physical and chemical properties. uses, shipping containers, shipping regulations, and tariff rates provide chemists and chemical engineers as well as buyers with pertinent information. Changing conditions due t o government regulations and conversion of industries to war work may well have made parts of the buying guide obsolete. Other sections provide a geographical list of all chemical manufacturers, jobbers, and distributors; an alphabetically arranged list of equipment and container companies; a five-year eamparison of chemical prices; a list of associations allied with the chemical industry; and a checklist of over 20,000 brand and trade names identifying the product and the maker.

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PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. Frank Thomson Guckn, Jr., Associate Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University, and William B u d Meldrum, Professor of Chemistry, Haverford College. First Edition. American Book Company, New York City, 1942. xii 683 pp. 262 figs. 14 X 21.5 cm. $4.00. This hook is designed as a text for an elementary course in ohvsical chemistrv. All of the customarv. t o.~ i c sare adeauateh . , . . covered. Thc development of the material is unusually full and clear. Only a n elementar). knowledge of mat hematic