Genetics of Atrazine and s-Triazine Degradation by Psedomonas sp

Dec 1, 2000 - Michael J. Sadowsky123 and Lawrence P. Wackett234. 1 Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108...
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Chapter 15

Genetics of Atrazine and s-Triazine Degradation by Psedomonas sp. Strain ADP and Other Bacteria Michael J . Sadowsky


and Lawrence P. Wackett




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Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, Biological Process Technology Institute, Center for Biodegradation Research and Informatics, and Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 3




Atrazine [6-chloro-N -ethyl-N -isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4diamine], one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States, is rapidly mineralized by Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P in soils and water. Pseudomonas strain A D P metabolizes atrazine as its sole source of nitrogen for growth and initiates atrazine catabolism via three enzymatic steps encoded by the genes atzA, B and C. The first enzyme, AtzA, catalyzes the hydrolytic dechlorination of atrazine yielding hydroxyatrazine. The second enzyme, AtzB, catalyzes hydroxyatrazine deamidation yielding N-isopropylammelide, and the third, AtzC expresses N-isopropylammelide isopropylamino hydrolase activity, metabolizing N-isopropylammelide stoichiometrically to cyanuric acid and N-isopropylamine. Cyanuric acid is subsequently metabolized to C O and NH3 via a lower pathway. We have cloned and sequenced the first three genes in the metabolic pathway and have over-expressed these proteins in E. coli. We have shown that genes homologous to atzA, B and C are present in different genera of atrazine-degrading bacteria isolated from geographically diverse locations of the U.S. and World. The atzA, B and C genes have been localized to a 97 kilobase, self-transmissible, plasmid, pADP-1,in Pseudomonas A D P and self-transmissibility of the plasmid was shown by its transfer to Escherichia coli and other bacteria. The atzA gene is flanked by D N A showing greater than 95% sequence identity to insertion sequence IS1071 from Alcaligenes and other bacteria harboring catabolic plasmids, suggesting that transposases may have played a role in the assembly of this metabolic pathway. 2


© 2001 American Chemical Society

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

269 Taken together these data indicate atrazine catabolism via hydroxyatrazine is widespread in nature and suggest a potential molecular mechanism for the global dispersion of the atzA, atzB, atzC genes.


Atrazine [6-chloro-Af -ethyl-A^-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine] (Figure 1) is a herbicide used to control of broad-leaf weeds and is a predominant member of a large class of symmetrical (s)-triazine herbicides. Atrazine has been extensively used to control weeds in corn, sorghum, sugarcane, and other crops. Other widely used striazine herbicides include simazine [(6-chloro-Af A^-diethyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4diamine], used mostly to control weeds in tree fruit and nut orchards, and vineyards, and cyanazine [2-(4-chloro-6-ethylamino-l,3,5-triazin-2 -ylamino)-2-methyl-propiononitrile]. In the United States alone, about 800 million pounds of atrazine were used from 1980-1990 (/). Atrazine can persist in soils from months to weeks (2,3) and several studies have shown that atrazine transformation in certain environments proceeds relatively slowly (4,5). Atrazine and several of the s-triazine derivatives are relatively mobile in soil and this has led to the contamination of ground and surface water in several countries (6-13). Atrazine mobility in soils is directly influenced by its water solubility (33 mg kg" ), moderate sorption coefficient (Koc 160 mL g" ) and biodegradation rate (14). Soil surface preparation, soil structure, initial water content, the presence of earthworm burrows, and time of application relative to rainfall events also influence the movement of atrazine in soils (15). Water runoff transport pathways and leaching in porous soils have led to the contamination of groundwater by atrazine (6,7,75). This has prompted many researchers to look for microorganisms that have the ability to degrade atrazine in soils and water. Atrazine and other striazine herbicides have been traditionally applied for broadleaf weed control in corn. While corn is tolerant to atrazine, simazine, and other s-triazine herbicides, many other agronomic species do not share this resistance. Several studies have shown that atrazine and simazine residues in soil cause injury to crops in subsequent growing seasons (16-23). Atrazine is taken-up from soil and translocated to plant leaves (24). Plant injury is usually observed first in young seedlings as marginal chlorosis on lower leaves and slowly advances down the leaf and up the plant (19). Residue problems associated with the use of triazine herbicides have been reported in most corn growing areas of North America (19,22,23).

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Atrazine Degradation The removal of atrazine from soils is limited by both biotic and abiotic factors. Several environmental factors, including soil p H (24,25), temperature (26), and moisture (27), sorption (28), tillage practices (29) and several other soil properties (30) have been shown to influence atrazine persistence in soils. In plants such as corn, transformation of atrazine, simazine, and propazine is initiated by one of three, often competing reactions involving: JV-dealkylation (via P-450 monooxygenases) of the side chains, hydrolytic dehalogenation, or displacement of the chloro group with

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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270 gluathione (31). In the later case, atrazine and related s-triazine herbicides are metabolized in leaves of tolerant plants by the action of glutathione S-transferase (3133). These reactions can result in total or partial loss of phytotoxicity. Dechlorination of s-triazines by microbial gluathione conjugation systems has not been observed (34). There is currently little debate that microorganisms (7,35-46) degrade atrazine in soil. Until relatively recently, however, there have been few reports of the isolation of pure cultures of soil microorganisms that mineralize atrazine. In bacteria, biodegradation of s-triazine compounds, including atrazine, can occur by Ndealkylation and dechlorination processes (38). Generally speaking, s-triazine compounds lacking bulky side group substituents are most likely degraded relatively rapidly in soils, due to bacterial-mediated dechlorination reactions (47,48). A n enzyme from Rhodococcus corallinus has been identified which catalyzes dechlorination of some chloro-s-triazine compounds, but it is inactive with atrazine (42). While dealkylation reactions have been suggested to be the first metabolic step in the biodegradation of atrazine (38,44,49-51), more recently, biological dechlorination of atrazine has also been shown to occur and be widespread in nature (36,37,45,46). For example, Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P rapidly dechlorinates atrazine to hydroxyatrazine (2-hydroxy-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) (Figure 2) by an enzymatic hydrolytic reaction, mediated by an atrazine chlorohydrolase (37,40,52). Based on these studies, it is apparent that microorganisms have developed several biochemical mechanisms for degrading atrazine and related s-triazine compounds.

Atrazine-Degrading Bacteria There have been numerous reports on the occurrence and isolation of s-triazinedegrading microorganisms (7,35,38-44, 47,49,51,53-56). A majority of the organisms described, however, failed to mineralize atrazine (35,47). While earlier studies reported atrazine degradation only by mixed microbial consortia, more recent reports indicate that several isolated bacterial strains can degrade and mineralize atrazine (Table 1). Mandelbaum et al. (7) reported the isolation of a pure bacterial culture, identified as Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P , which degraded a high concentration of atrazine (>1,000 jig mL" ) under growth and non-growth conditions. Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P used atrazine as a sole source of nitrogen for growth and the organism completely mineralized the s-triazine ring of atrazine. About 80% of the added atrazine was degraded within 15 h of incubation and 100% was mineralized by 25 h. Radosevich et al. (51) also reported the isolation of a pure bacterial culture which degraded atrazine. This strain M91-3, which was subsequently identified as a Ralstonia sp. strain, used atrazine as a sole N or C source for growth and mineralized between 40 and 50% of added atrazine. Cell growth, however, was very moderate and there was limited growth (no change in absorbance) associated with atrazine use. In addition, Yanze-Kontchou and Gschwind (44) isolated a Pseudomonas strain, Y A Y A 6 , that partially mineralized atrazine during a 50-day incubation period. More recently, Bouquard et al. (46) reported that a Rhizobium sp. strain, P A T R , has the 1

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

271 Table I. Some s-Triazine Degrading Bacteria and Their Substrates and Degradation Products

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Substrate (s)

Pseudomonas A D P

Atrazine, Simazine, Terbuthylazine

Rhodococcus TE1

Atrazine, Simazine

Degradation Product(s)







Deethylatrazine Pseudomonas 12227




Klebsiella pneumoniae







Klebsiella terragena DRS-1




Pseudomonas 12228




Ralstonia M91-3




Agrobacterium J 14a




Rhizobium P A T R




Alcaligenes SGI




Bacterium 38/38




Clavibacter michiganese ATZ1




Pseudomonas CN1




Rhodococcus corralinus 15444











In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

272 ability to metabolized atrazine to hydroxyatrazine, via a dechlorination reaction, and Struthers et al (41) and Boundy-Mills et al (45) reported the isolation of strains of Agrobacterium and Alcaligenes, respectively, that mineralized atrazine. Pure cultures of atrazine-degrading bacteria have recently been used to investigate the biochemistry and genetics of atrazine catabolism in mixed microbial consortia (36).

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Genetics of Atrazine and s-Triazine Degradation Most of the current information concerning the genes and enzymes involved in the metabolism of atrazine is limited to our understanding of atrazine biodegradation in Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P . However, previous studies have shed some light on the genetics and biochemistry of the degradation of related s-triazine herbicides. A n inducible set of genes that encode the enzymes for melamine (1,3,5- triazine2,4,6-triamine) metabolism were isolated from Pseudomonas sp. strain N R R L B-12227 (57,58). While this strain did not metabolize atrazine, it degraded melamine in a six step pathway which liberates ammonia to support growth. Strain NRRLB-12227 also metabolized AMsopropylammelide, Af-ethylammeline, ammelide, and cyanuric acid. Three of the genes involved in the melamine degradation pathway, trzB, trzC, and trzD, have been cloned. Similar degradation genes have been isolated from Pseudomonas sp. strain N R R L B-12228 and Klebsiella pneumoniae strain 99 (57,58). More recently, it has been shown that the genes encoding ammelide aminohydrolase (trzQ and cyanuric acid amidohydrolase (trzD), from strain N R R L B 12227, are located on a large IncI plasmid in Klebsiella pneumonia strain 99 (59). Moreover, the cyanuric acid amidohydrolase, trzD, from Pseudomonas sp. N R R L B 12227 has been sequenced (60). Genes encoding atrazine degradation activity from Rhodococcus sp. strains have been reported (43,61,62). In Rhodococcus sp. strain TE1, iV-dealkylation of atrazine is mediated by a single gene, atrA (56). R. corallinus N R R L B-15444R has the ability to dechlorinate the s-triazines desethylsimazine and desethylatrazine (42). The strain, however, does not metabolize atrazine or simazine. The gene responsible for the dechlorination/deamination has been sequenced and is termed trzA (63). A Rhodococcus cytochrome P-450 multicomponent monooxygenase system, encoded for by the thcBCD genes in Rhodococcus sp. strain NI86/21, catalyzes the Ndealkylation of atrazine to desethylsimazine and desethylatrazine (64). A recombinant Rhodococcus strain containing atrA and trzA catalyzes the multistep degradation of atrazine, but not its complete mineralization (63).

Genetics and Biochemistry of Atrazine Degradation in Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP We are studying the genetics and biochemistry of microbial-mediated atrazine biodegradation to: 1) dissect the underlying biochemistry involved in atrazine degradation, 2) gain an understanding of the evolution of "recently evolved" microbial pathways, 3) produce gene probes for ecological analyses, for the

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

273 production of enzymes for bioremediation purposes, and 4) aid in the construction of superior biodegradative microorganisms and plants. We have used a complementation approach to isolate and characterize gene regions in Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P encoding atrazine degradation activity (37,45,52,65). Our approach has been to clone and express atrazine-metabolizing genes from Pseudomonas sp. A D P in E. coli and delineate the genes responsible for catabolism by subsequent subcloning and Tn5 mutagenesis analyses. The first step was the construction and screening of a Pseudomonas sp. A D P total genomic library. This research was facilitated by the observation that E. coli clones containing the gene encoding the first metabolic step in the pathway, and potentially subsequent steps, produced clearing zones on agar plates containing 500 fjg mL" atrazine, which is well above the 30 \xg mL solubility limit for atrazine in water (7). Previously, plates containing atrazine at a concentration exceeding its solubility limit had facilitated the isolation of Pseudomonas sp. A D P in pure culture (37). A 21.5-kilobase EcoRl genomic D N A fragment from Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P , designated p M D l , was shown to encode atrazine degradation activity in E. coli. A gem conferring the atrazine clearing phenotype was subsequently subcloned as a 1.9 kb Aval fragment in pACYC184, designated pMD4, and was expressed in E. coli (37). Cloning and random Tn5 mutagenesis showed that the 1.9 kb Aval fragment was essential for atrazine dechlorination. Sequence data for the pMD4 gene region encoding atrazine transformation ability indicated that a single open reading frame of 1419 nucleotides, atzA, encodes atrazine dechlorination activity. Subsequent H P L C analyses indicated that atzA encodes atrazine chlorohydrolase that transforms atrazine to hydroxyatrazine (Figure 2). More recently, we showed that the atzA gene in Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P is flanked by D N A showing greater than 95% sequence identity to insertion sequence IS 1071 from Alcaligenes sp. strain BR60 (66). Consequently, atzA is an ideal candidate for use in engineering bacteria and plants to metabolize atrazine to hydroxyatrazine, thereby remediating herbicide-containing soils. Atrazine chlorohydrolase (AtzA) has been over-expressed in E. coli (pMD4) and purified using precipitation with 20% (w/v) NH4SO4 and anion exchange chromatography (37). The molecular weight of the holoenzyme is estimated by gel filtration chromatography to be 245,000. These results, combined with the deduced subunit molecular weight of 52,421 obtained via gene sequencing, is consistent with either an a4 or a5 subunit stoichiometry. The protein is activated by the addition of C0SO4, M n S 0 , or F e S 0 to assay mixtures (M. de Souza, University of Minnesota, unpublished). Currently, work is ongoing to determine if a specific coordination environment for metals exists and the role of such a putative site in catalysis. The reaction catalyzed by AtzA is now understood in some detail. First, the conversion of atrazine to hydroxyatrazine is a hydrolytic reaction, as demonstrated by showing incorporation of [ 0] from [ 0 ] - H 0 into the hydroxyl group of the product (52). Substrate specificity studies show that only substrates containing a chlorine atom, a fluorine atom, and a alkylamino side chain were hydrolyzed (52,67). These include atrazine, simazine, and terbutylazine. Melamine is not a substrate for AtzA. The K for atrazine is estimated to be 150 [M, the V is 2.6 [imol min" mg" protein, and the k is 11 s" . These values are only approximate as both 1

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m a x




In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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H Chemical Name Atrazine Simazine Cyanazine

R Group Isopropyl Ethyl Cyano-t-butyl

Figure 1. Structures of several s-triazine compounds degraded by bacteria.



OH Atz A




r Atrazine

Atz B



HO Hydroxyatrazine



Atz C


co NH



HO^N^OH Cyanuric acid Figure 2. Metabolic pathway by which Pseudomonas strain ADP mineralizes atrazine to C0 and ammonia. 2

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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275 substrate and product are relatively insoluble. While this indicates that the activity of the natural enzyme for the herbicide is reasonably high, it can be possibly further improved by protein engineering. Such improvement may be significant for applications such as enzymatic waste water treatment or ground water decontamination. Studies on the properties of AtzA are relevant to potential applications of this enzyme for the removal of atrazine from soil and drinking water supplies. Hydroxyatrazine is non-phytotoxic and has no demonstrable toxicity or carcinogenicity to mammals. In this context, the first metabolic step carried out by Pseudomonas sp. A D P represents the most advantageous situation from an environmental remediation standpoint. While the intact organism catalyzes atrazine hydrolysis and subsequent reactions, the enzyme could prove more efficacious for the following reasons: 1) Pseudomonas sp. A D P makes only a low level of A t z A because cell nitrogen needs are modest, 2) AtzA expression is down-regulated by inorganic nitrogen sources that are present in most contaminated soil and water, and 3) enzyme can be produced cheaply and in large quantity by recombinant bacteria. There are no regulatory concerns in adding a small amount of proteinaceous, non-living material that effectively catalyzes the hydrolysis of a highly regulated compound (atrazine) to a non-regulated compound (hydroxyatrazine). Studies are ongoing to explore the use of highly active AtzA in contaminated water remediation. Transposon Tn5 mutagenesis and subcloning studies were subsequently used to localized atzB, the second gene in the catabolic pathway. The atzB is located about 8.5 kb downstream from atzA on the same 21.5-kb genomic D N A fragment ( p M D l ) as atzA. The atzB gene encodes a 481 amino acid polypeptide that transforms hydroxyatrazine to Af-isopropylammelide [2,4-dihydroxy-6 -(isopropyl amino)- striazine] (45). This is due to the apparent hydrolytic removal of the N-ethyl group of hydroxyatrazine. This enzyme, hydroxyatrazine aminohydrolase, cleaves the ethylamine side chain from the triazine ring, but does not remove the bulkier isopropylamine group. The AtzB had 25% amino acid identity with TrzA from Rhodococcus corallinm. Interestingly, over 600 nucleotides of upstream sequence were the same in atzA and atzB (45). We have subsequently used AMsopropylammelide as the starting substrate to screen the Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P gene library for the third gene in the pathway, atzC (65). Several E. coli clones catalyzing the degradation of Af-isopropylammelide to cyanuric acid were identified. Subsequent H P L C and GS-MS analyses confirmed that the product produced was cyanuric acid (Figure 2). The atzC gene was further delimited by functional analysis following transposon Tn5 mutagenesis and subcloned as a 2.0 kb EcoRl-Aval fragment. A n E. coli strain containing this D N A fragment expressed iV-isopropylammelide isopropylamino hydrolase activity, metabolizing iVisopropylammelide stoichiometrically to cyanuric acid and AMsopropylamine. The 2.0 kb D N A fragment was sequenced and found to contain a single open reading frame, atzC, of 1209 nucleotides, encoding a protein of 403 amino acids. Based on sequence comparisons, AtzC has been assigned to the amidohydrolase protein family that includes cytosine deaminase, urease, adenine deaminase, and phosphotriester hydrolase. Sequence comparisons in the most highly conserved regions indicated that A t z A and AtzB proteins also belong to the same amidohydrolase family (65).

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

276 The overall metabolic logic by which Pseudomonas A D P metabolizes atrazine is shown in Figure 2. We, at this time, have not isolated and characterized the genes and proteins in the lower pathway responsible for catalysis of cyanuric acid to C 0 . These genes, however, are most likely not unique to Pseudomonas A D P and other atrazine degraders, since several soil bacteria have been shown to catabolize cyanuric acid (5,27,35,47,54). We have recently reported that genes homologous to atzA, atzB and atzC are present in five other recently identified atrazine-degrading bacteria, belonging to different genera and isolated from geographically diverse locations (68,69). These bacteria include: Alcaligenes sp. SGI (from Louisiana), Ralstonia M91-3 (from Ohio), Clavibacter michiganese ATZ1 (from California), Agrobacterium J14a (from Nebraska), and an unknown bacterium 38/38 (from Indiana). Moreover, sequence analyses indicated that the atzA, atzB, and atzC genes in all five strains were greater than 99% identical, suggesting that horizontal transfer of atrazine degradation genes may have occurred recently. The mechanisms by which the atzA, B and C genes could have possibly transferred amongst bacteria was revealed by molecular analysis. The atz A,B and C genes were localized to a 97-kilobase self-transmissible plasmid, pADP-1, in Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P . Self-transmissibility of pADP-1 was shown by its transfer to Escherichia coli and subsequent transfer to other E. coli strains (68). The ability of this region of D N A to move selectively was observed in a derivative strain of Pseudomonas sp. A D P that showed a spontaneous loss of the atzA gene, a change in insertion element profile, and the retention of the atzB and atzC genes (68). The phenotypic instability noted in Pseudomonas sp. A D P , as seen for atzA,B, and C and atzA singly, has been observed with other catabolic pathways in numerous soil bacteria (70-73). In a parallel study, Topp et al. (74) characterized a number of atrazine-degrading bacteria from agricultural soil and found that all the isolates metabolized atrazine through hydroxyatrazine as an intermediate. In these isolates, several different plasmid patterns were observed. However, one plasmid of approximately 97-kb was common to all the atrazine catabolizing bacteria. The relationship of this plasmid with pADP-1 remains to be determined. A n analogous plasmid-borne catabolic pathway in Klebsiella pneumoniae strain 99 (75) has been reported to metabolize some s-triazine compounds, but not atrazine. In that strain, the trzC, D and E genes encode for ammelide aminohydrolase, cyanuric acid aminohydrolase and biuret aminohydrolase, respectively, and are located on a 113 kb plasmid (59,76).

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Evolutionary Aspects of Microbial Degradation of Triazine Herbicides While chlorinated symmetrical triazines are the most widely used triazine herbicides, they have proven to be relatively recalcitrant in the environment. This difficulty was largely attributed to the fact that they are xenobiotic compounds, previously unexposed to microbial degradation activity (77). Whereas a few asymmetrical triazines are known to occur naturally [e.g. the antibiotic fervenulin (78)] and might

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

277 have been previously metabolized by microorganisms, the s-triazines (symmetrical triazines) are generally regarded as xenobiotic (33). Microorganisms have succeeded in evolving catabolic pathways for the complete mineralization of chlorinated s-triazines, despite the fact that the ring carbon atoms are not sued as an energy source. There are many lines of evidence that suggest that microbial adaptation for the mineralization of s-triazine herbicides occurred over the time since their first introduction into agriculture in the mid 50's; a)

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b) c)







In most cases the half lives of s-triazines in soils with a history of s-triazine application are considerably shorter than in non-history soils (79,80); Most of the microorganisms that were isolated for their ability to degrade s-triazines were isolated from soils with extensive exposure to s-triazines; s-triazines that were considered non-biodegradable in the early years became biodegradable in later years. For example: melamine (triamine s-triazine) was considered non-biodegradable in the 30's (81), but in the 60's it was considered moderately biodegradable (82) and in 1981 it was reported to be completely biodegradable and registered as a slow release N fertilizer (81,83,84); Over 200 bacterial colonies were isolated from an atrazine mineralizing mixed culture. None were found to individually degrade atrazine; however, when mixed together, the degradation ability was restored (39); Extensive enrichment pressure was needed before pure cultures that were capable of atrazine mineralization were isolated from soil [e.g. Pseudomonas sp. strain A D P (7)]. The possibility for horizontal gene transfer during the enrichments is under current study (Sadowsky, unpublished); For many years the complete mineralization of atrazine by bacteria was considered to be possible only by the joint efforts of two or more bacteria (consortia). For example in 1986 Behki and Khan (49) indicated that isopropyl removal from atrazine by Pseudomonas sp can supply substrate for complete mineralization by previously isolated rhodococci that could mineralize deisopropylatrazine; Despite extensive efforts over many years (85), only in 1993-1994 was a bacterium first isolated that could rapidly mineralize atrazine in pure culture (86). Interestingly, in a short time, several other pure bacterial cultures that could mineralize atrazine have been described (41-44,51); The iV-alkyl side chain of atrazine was considered to hinder bacterial dechlorination in the past (49), but in recent years bacterial mixed and pure cultures that could rapidly dechlorinate atrazine were isolated (7,39,41,51). Moreover, the bacterial gene responsible for the dechlorination (52); and the atrazine chlorohydrolase enzymes were characterized (46,52); and Several microorganisms share near identical genes encoding the enzymes ammelide aminohydrolase and cyanuric acid amidohydrolase (58,59). This suggests that gene transfer between species plays an important role in the evolution and spread of s-triazine degradative capabilities within the soil microbial community (59). Several insights into the molecular basis of atrazine metabolism further

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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278 strengthen our argument for the recent evolution of the atzAB, and C gene clusters on the catabolic plasmid, pADP-1. First, near simultaneous isolation of numerous atrazine-catabolizing bacteria by different research groups, after a history of failed efforts, is consistent with a recent appearance of pure cultures with this phenotype. Second, all the isolates contain the same suite of genes, but all nine non-atrazinedegrading bacteria did not contain atzABC homologs (69). Third, the atrazine plasmid is highly transmissible and thus could potentially spread to the diverse genera observed to contain the genes. Fourth, the genes are not contiguous and do not appear to be regulated at the gene level in response to the catabolite [ M . de Souza, Unpublished], consistent with a sub-optimal gene arrangement. Fifth, the presence of the insertion elements provide a possible mechanism for the plasmid's construction and/or dispersal of the atzA, B and C genes. Insertion sequence elements and transposons are thought to be important in bringing about rapid evolutionary changes and many examples are known for catabolic pathways (87-100). Another observation consistent with the idea that atrazine genes are independently recruited in transposable cassettes is the recent observation of a Rhizobium species that metabolizes atrazine predominantly to hydroxyatrazine (46). This bacterium contains atzA, but does not contain atzB and atzC. The central portion of the Rhizobium atrazine chlorohydrolase had 22 out of 24 amino acids identical with the same A t z A region from Pseudomonas sp. A D P ( M . de Souza, unpublished, University of Minnesota). This sequence identity is much greater than that possible by chance, Lastly, while the atzA and atzB genes have mol % G+C content of 58.3% and 64.1%, respectively, atzC has a 39.5% mol % G+C content, suggesting that the later gene was recruited from a different bacterial genus (65). In summary, the ability to degrade atrazine appears to relatively widespread among several genetically and geographically unrelated bacteria. In all the cases studied by us, the microorganisms tested initiated atrazine degradation via atrazine chlorohydrolase, encoded by the atzA gene. Interestingly, the atzA gene from these diverse bacteria shared greater than 99% nucleotide identity with atzA from Pseudomonas A D P (68,69). This suggests that atzA in the different microbial genera was derived from a common ancestor that has diverged only to a limited extent. In addition, many of the organisms examined also contained the atzB, and C genes, suggesting that atrazine degradation by these disparate organisms occurs via a common mechanism. In light of these data, further work needs to be done to determine the assembly, transfer, and evolutionary history of these atrazine biodegradation genes that appear to be the predominant globally-distributed catabolic genes for the bacterial metabolism of this herbicide.

Acknowledgements This work was supported, in part, by a grant from Novartis Crop Protection, by grant 94-34339-1122 from the United States Department of Agriculture-BARD program, and by grant 98-35107-6368 from the United States Department of Agriculture -NRI. We thank Jennifer Seffernick and Betsy Martinez-Vas for help with graphics.

In Pesticide Biotransformation in Plants and Microorganisms; Hall, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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