Geochemical Modeling of Arsenic Speciation and Mobilization

Oct 3, 2005 - As(III) sorption is also favored by increasing pH, however, As(III) desorbs and becomes mobilized at very low oxidation state as it reac...
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Chapter 29

Geochemical Modeling of Arsenic Speciation and Mobilization: Implications for Bioremediation 1



Ming-Kuo Lee , James A. Saunders, Richard T. Wilkin , and Shahnewaz Mohammad Downloaded by FUDAN UNIV on February 4, 2017 | Publication Date: October 3, 2005 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2005-0915.ch029




Department of Geology and Geography, Auburn University, Auburn,AL36849 Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ada, OK 74820

Geochemical modeling techniques were used to examine the biogeochemical linkages between Fe, S, and As in shallow alluvial aquifers. We modeled: 1) the adsorption and desorption of As onto the surface of hydrous ferric oxides (HFO's) in stream beds under aerobic conditions; 2) reductive dissolution of H F O by iron-reducing bacteria in anaerobic conditions; and 3) precipitation and sorption of As under sulfate-reducing conditions. The modeling results indicate that reductive dissolution of HFO, rather than desorption, is the main trigger leading to the release of A s under near-neutral p H conditions. Dissolved arsenic may be removed by co-precipitation or precipitation with iron or arsenic sulfides under reducing conditions. However, the formation of soluble thioarsenite species at high H S/Fe ratios would enhance As mobility. Moreover, As concentrations would remain high in Fe-free solutions when the precipitation of arsenic sulfide solids such as orpiment (As S ) or realgar (AsS) is kinetically prohibited or when their amorphous precursors are formed. Geochemical modeling of sulfate reduction shows the Eh effect on mineral precipitation and pH controls on the sorption of As in acidic waters. As(V) sorbs strongly onto the protonated sites of HFO over the pH range of 3 to 6. As(III) sorption is also favored by increasing pH, however, As(III) desorbs and becomes mobilized at very low oxidation state as it reacts with reduced sulfur to form thioarsenite complexes. This study demonstrates the importance of using geochemical modeling techniques to evaluate the transport and mobility of As in natural waters. 2




© 2005 American Chemical Society

O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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Introduction A widespread natural groundwater As contamination has been identified in Holocene alluvial aquifers. Such As-contaminated groundwater is being used for drinking, cooking, or irrigation at a number of populated places around the world, with tragic human consequences. Nowhere is the scope of As-poisoning a bigger human health problem than in West Bengal, India and Bangladesh (WBB), where tens to hundreds of millions of people drink As-contaminated groundwaters (/). The health effects and mortalities related to drinking As in the W B B region are well documented, and this crisis has been dubbed one of the biggest environmental disaster in the history of the Earth (2). Similar problems have been identified in Vietnam, Hungary, and China (3). Recent studies have linked the natural biogeochemical cycles of Fe and As to the widespread As contamination of shallow groundwater resources (4-5). The primary source of As is believed to be the weathering of As-rich minerals in the basin headwaters. Under aerobic conditions Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxides remove As from surface water, but subsequent development of anaerobic conditions in alluvial deposits can reverse this process, leading to high levels of As in groundwater. Under progressively more reducing conditions, sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) can also remove As by sequestering it in Fe-sulfides (67). Thus, bacterially-mediated redox reactions involving organic carbon, Fe, Mn, and S may lead to cycling of As between solid minerals and groundwater. The biogeochemical linkages between Fe, M n , S, and As in alluvial aquifers have not been tested rigorously through theoretical geochemical modeling. Thermodynamic data for many As species required for geochemical modeling have been compiled by several investigators (8,9). The main objective of this study is to use new thermodynamic data for thioarsenite speciation (70) and solubility of amorphous arsenic sulfides (11-12) to model arsenic reactivity and mobility under various geochemical environments. Our modeling efforts first characterized the speciation and solubility of arsenic in Fe-S-As-H 0 systems. A series of reaction path modeling were then conducted to investigate the biogeochemical cycling of As and its sources and sinks, including: 1) the adsorption of As onto HFO in stream beds under aerobic conditions; 2) the desorption of As in response to p H and Eh changes; 3) reductive dissolution of HFO by Fe reducing bacteria under moderately reducing conditions; and 4) precipitation and sorption of As under sulfate-reducing conditions. A better understanding of the speciation and mobility of As in natural environments is also important for groundwater bioremediation. Bioremediation methods that precipitate arsenic in situ as solid (mineral) phases are considered as the most promising technologies because they provide cost-effective options for As removal (13). Recent studies indicate that SRB have removed As, Co, and N i from shallow groundwater in an alluvial aquifer in central Alabama, U S A , by coprecipitating them in biogenic pyrite (14). Our modeling results 2

O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


show that bioremediation of As-eontaminated groundwater using SRB can be complicated by the formation of soluble thioarsenites as well as the solubility of As sulfide solids under sulfate reducing conditions (10),

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Methods - Geochemical Modeling In general, a reaction path model traces how a fluid's chemistry evolves and which minerals precipitate or dissolve over the course of geochemical processes. Construction of geochemical models for metals reactivity at near-surface conditions requires the inclusion of surface complexation theory (15,16) to account for metal adsorption and desorption. General mathematical models for tracing water-rock interactions and sorption of dissolved metals onto mineral surfaces are well described by a number of investigators (13,17). In addition, a geochemical model can trace the effect of microbial metabolism and growth in aqueous environments using generalized kinetic rate laws (18). In this paper we demonstrated how surface complexation theory and microbial-mediated reactions can be integrated into multicomponent geochemical systems. Geochemists Workbench 4.0 ( G W B , 17) was used to investigate speciation, sorption, and precipitation of As. Thermodynamic data for thioarsenite species and amorphous As and Fe sulfide phases were compiled (Table I) into a revised G W B database Thermo04-As which can be obtained from Auburn University.

Table I. Equilibrium constants (at 25°C) for the formation of thioarsenites, arsenic sulfides, and iron sulfides used in geochemical modeling. Reactions

log K

Thioarsenite species As(OH) " + HS" + 2H As(OH) (SH) + 2H 0 As(OH) " + HS" + H As(OH) S" + 2H 0 As(OH) * + 2HS" + H ο As(OH)S " + 3H 0 As(OH) " + 3HS" + 2H AsS H " + 4H 0 As(OH) " + 4HS- + 4H As(SH) " + 4H 0 As(OH) + 3HS- + H « AsS "+ 4H 0 +



17.92 12.77 17.83 29.61 45.77 21.72

























Arsenic sulfides and iron sulfides 2As(OH) " + 3HS" + 5H As S (Orpiment) + 8H 0 2As(OH) ' + 3HS" + 5H As S + 8H 0 As(OH) " + HS" + 2H AsS (Realgar) + 3.5H 0 + .25 0 Fe + 2HS' + .5 0 ο FeS (Pyrite) + H 0 .875 Fe +HS" +.0625 0 ο FeS (Pyrrhotite) +.75 H +. 125 H 0 Fe + HS" FeS (Mackinawite) + H Fe + As(OH) " + HS" AsFeS (Arsenopyrite) + 2.5H Q + .75 Q ( ) +








3( a m )



















2 5





10 10 10 10 10 10

65.60 12 63.27 12 14.68 17 59.29 19,20 9.88 19,20 3.10 11 -47.84 17

O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


Modeling Results

Speciation of As

Redox potential (Eh), pH, and S activity are the most important factors controlling As speciation. Phase diagrams for As speciation in the presence of S were calculated using the A C T 2 sub-program of G W B with added thermodynamic data for thoiarsenite species and amorphous A s S . Figure 1 shows that under oxidizing conditions H A s 0 " and H A s 0 are dominant at low pH (< 7) while H A s 0 " and A s 0 " become dominant at higher pH. Under reducing conditions H A s 0 predominate over a wide range of pH values. Under even more reducing conditions, solid arsenic sulfides (orpiment) or thioarsenite aqueous complexes become the dominant phases. 2



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Figure L Redox-pH diagrams for arsenic drawn at 25 XI and fixed As and SO/~ activities of 10~ . Dashed lines show stability limits of water at I bar pressure. Realgar, As(SH) \ As(OH) (SH), and As (OH) ' are suppressed (not considered in the calculation). 2





Figure 2 illustrates the effects of variable activities of H S on speciation and solubility of As at fixed redox (Eh = 100 mV) and neutral p H (7) conditions. Arsenic solubility reaches a minimum value at log H S(aq) activity ~ -4.5 and becomes relatively soluble with further increase or reduction in H S(aq) activity. The solubility of less stable amorphous A s S (dashed phase boundary) is about 1 log units above the more stable orpiment. This implies that As concentrations would be higher i f the system deviates significantly from equilibrium with 2





O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

402 thermodynamically stable arsenic sulfide phases (i.e., orpiment or realgar). Pure orpiment rarely forms in natural waters because its precipitation is kinetically inhibited at near-neutral p H conditions (12). Figure 2 also shows that thioarsenites dominate arsenic speciation at aH S > 10" under neutral p H conditions. Thioarsenites are conservative compared to other arsenic species and do not appreciably sorb onto mineral surfaces. Thus the formation of soluble thioarsenites (e.g., AsS H ") would enhance As mobility at high activity of H S . It should be noted that As has higher solubility at higher pH conditions (not demonstrated) as the stability fields of solid arsenic sulfide shrinks. 45



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i Claudei -2»

Figure 2. Stability diagram versus aH S for arsenic at 25 °C. Solid lines separate As sulfide minerals and aqueous species. Dashed lines show metastable boundaries (with orpiment, realgar, and As(SH) ' suppressed) for amorphous As S^. 2


Ο ~







-12; 25 C a

-14 -10



- 6 - 4 log a H S(aq)




Figure 3 a shows the stability fields of various iron sulfide phases for the FeS-As system at fixed redox (Eh = -200 mV) and pH (5) conditions. In Fe-rich systems, dissolved As can be removed by co-precipitation or sorption with amorphous or crystalline iron sulfides. The stability field of arsenopyrite is very limited but could expand as As content increases or Eh decreases. Arsenopyrite is replaced by more stable iron oxides or sulfides at relatively neutral pH conditions (Figure 3b). The phase boundaries (dashed lines) for pyrrhotite and iron monosulfide (mackinawite) were calculated by suppressing the most stable phase pyrite. Mackinawite is the kinetically favored amorphous precursor to the very common mineral pyrite (19,20). The precipitation of mackinawite is important as arsenic can be strongly sorbed onto its surfaces at relatively neutral pH conditions (//). The solubility of Fe sulfides generally decreases as pH rises (Figure 3b), thus bacterial sulfate reduction could promote the precipitation of Fe sulfide by increasing pH and enhance As sorption and removal from solution.

O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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log a H S(aq)

tog a H S(aq)



Figure 3. Solubility diagrams versus aH S for iron sulfide minerals at 25 100 ug/kg) does not occur until pH > 8.5 (Figure 4a-b). Most As-rich groundwaters from Holocene alluvial aquifers in Bangladesh and U S A have near-neutral pH values less than 8 (2/), implying that As contents in the alluvial aquifers could not have been derived solely from desorption, and that alternative mechanisms such as bacterial dissolution of HFOs are more important. Using the same neutral starting conditions as in Figure 4a-b, a model for sliding pH from 7 to 3 predicted that As concentrations would increase from 1 to about 25 ug/kg (Figure 4c-d). This is in response to the lower sorption affinity of As(III) at acidic pH conditions (Figure 4c). This result implies that dissolved As concentrations would also increase when strongly adsorbed As(V) is replaced by less strongly adsorbed As(III) under reducing conditions. A third model simulated the desorption of arsenic from H F O under reducing conditions. A n analysis of a typical Bangladesh groundwater was used to set the fluid's initial composition. To simulate the effect of bacterial Fe(III) reduction (23) , the fluid redox potential Eh decreases linearly from its initial value of 0 mV to -180 mV at the end of the reaction path. In the model, pH is a free constraint and increases from 7 to 7.15 in response to a drop in Eh. In this natural system the presence of other ions such as S 0 and Ca would compete with As for sorption sites. The modeling results show that, with various amounts of H F O present in the system, an Eh drop would result in the release of a few to a few tens of μg As kg" (Figure 5), which is far more than that predicted in the system free of competitive ions (Figure 4c-d) under similar near-neutral pH conditions. The predicted level of As release, however, is far less than many reducing, As-contaminated groundwaters from Bangladesh, which contain up to several hundreds of μg/kg of As (24). This suggests that the actual mechanisms releasing As from HFOs are far more complex than the simple desorption reactions predicted by the surface complexation model.

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Bacterial Reduction of Fe(III) and Mn(IV) Oxides G W B was used to trace the sequence of biogeochemical reactions that occurs during the bacterial Fe (III) and Mn(IV) oxide reduction, the major trigger for As release in alluvial aquifer systems. The purpose of the modeling

O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

405 is to provide insights on the precise sequence of mineral reactions during the reductive dissolution of Fe and M n oxides. Since the precise reactions involving reductive dissolution of HFOs containing adsorbed As on HFOs are complex and have not been studied in detail, the model is not aimed at quantifying As release. We begin by equilibrating an Alabama coastal plain groundwater upgradient of an iron reduction zone at 25°C. The calculation used the water chemical data collected from the Eutaw aquifer in Moundville (23) and assumes the initial concentrations of Fe and M n reflecting equilibrium with hematite ( F e 0 a proxy of Fe(III) oxyhydroxides) and pyrolusite ( M n 0 a proxy for Mn(IV) oxyhydroxides) in the aquifer under aerobic conditions. The model then simulates the biogeochemical effects of titration of organic matter into the system. The accompanying bacteria growth and metabolism processes are also calculated. We consider the biotransformation of hematite as follow:

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4 F e 0 (hematite) + C H C O C r + 15 H 2





8 Fe + 2HC0 " + 8 H 0 3



Here, Fe(III)-reducing bacteria grow by utilizing acetate as the limiting organic substrate to reduce hematite (as electronic acceptor) in the system. In the simulation, fluid reactants containing 3000 //mol of CH COO" displace existing fluid from the system over the course of reaction path. The initial biomass concentration is assumed to be 0.01 mg/kg. Since the analytical data of microbial kinetic parameters are seldom collected under natural conditions, the rate constant k and half-saturation constant K are arbitrarily set to be 0.0003 mol mg" sec" and 10" in the model We further specify the growth yield Y and the decay constant D to be 900 mg mol" and 10" sec* , respectively. The results show significant biomass growth from 0.01 to 2,500 mg/kg in 100 simulation days. The predicted mineral reactions of M n and Fe oxides (Figure 6) follow the Ostwald's step rule (25,26). Pyrolusite in the initial system first becomes unstable during bacterial reduction and transforms over time to a sequence of progressively more stable M n minerals (Figure 6) at lower Eh values: 3



Pyrolusite(Mn0 )^Bixbyite(Mn 0 )->Hausmannite(Mn 0 )~>Mn(OH)













Once the reduction of M n minerals has nearly completed, the iron redution starts (Figure 6) and hematite (Fe 0 ) begins to dissolve to form more stable magnetite (Fe 0 ) at very low oxidation states. This result is consistent with the theoretical redox sequence that Fe reduction proceeds after the M n reduction reactions. At the later stage of the reaction, reduced metal species also combine with H C 0 " released from organic sources to form minerals such as rhodochrosite ( M n C 0 ) , siderite (FeC0 ), and strontianite (SrC0 ). Fe- and Mn-rich groundwaters downstream from Moundville are actually saturated with siderite and strontianite (23). Moderately reducing, As-rich groundwaters from the Kansas City (21) are also saturated with respect to rhodochrosite and siderite. The modeling results 2








O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

Figure 4. Sorted fraction (a) and dissolved As concentrations (b) versus pH calculated by HFO desorption simulations with pH sliding from 7 to 10. (c) and (d) are results of a model with pH sliding from 7 to 3.

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Figure 5. Dissolved As concentrations versus Eh calculated by desorption simulations with Eh sliding from 0 to -180 mV. The initial Bangladesh groundwater (pH = 7, Eh = 0 mV) contains Na (24.9 mg/kg), CI' (13.4 mg/kg), Ca (78.3 mg/kg), Mg (J2.8 mg/kg), K (2.35 mg/kg), Fe ' (0.23 mg/kg), HCO; (304.9 mg/kg), S0 ' (31.9 mg/kg), and NO{ (0.1 mg/kg). As is nearly completed sorted at the beginning. Each curve shows calculated As concentrations for a given HFO mass in reacting with 1 kg offluids. +







O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.





Figure 6. Predicted ζ sequence of minéralogie reactions resultingfrom ^ , bacterial reduction ofFe and Mn oxides in equilibrium J with Moundville -] groundwater near the Eutaw aquifer outcrop. The plot shows changes in mineral -| volume as acetate is titrated ~ into the system with time. ~ Positive changes indicate 90 100 precipitation, and negative changes show dissolution.

> ο

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Time (days)

indicate that the biotransformation of iron and manganese minerals could control As release in coastal plain aquifers and requires continued investigation.

Arsenic Precipitation and Sorption under Reducing Conditions In the final model, we investigated how bacterial sulfate reduction induces the precipitation of metal sulfides and sorption of arsenic from a contaminated groundwater. Nanafalia aquifer at study site in southeastern Alabama was initially contaminated by heavy metals in the 1980s from a large car-battery recycling operation. Bioremediation experiments involved the stimulation of naturally-occurring SRB to remediate the metals-contaminated groundwater in situ (13). The chemical compositions of contaminated groundwater at the site (75) were used as the initial condition in the simulation. To model the effect of SRB metabolism, the fluid Eh decreases linearly from its initial values of +400 mV to -150 mV, as observed during field bioremediation (13). The values of pH vary from 3.2 to 6 in the same sliding path. The modeling results show how the mobility of metals is affected by the geochemical changes (i.e., a drop in Eh and an increase in pH) associated with bacterial sulfate reduction. Sulfide produced by sulfate reduction reacts with metals to form minerals including pyrite (FeS ), galena (PbS), sphalerite (ZnS), covellite (CuS), orpiment (As S ) and other precipitates at Eh below -50 mV (Figure 7). The precipitation of minerals significantly lowers the concentrations of corresponding metals in solution. The calculation also shows that various metals are sorbed over a wide range of pH during sulfate reduction (Figure 8). 2



O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

410 Most metal ions remain in solution as long as the pH is below 3.5. As the pH value increases over the reaction path, sorption of metals on HFOs becomes significant in the reacting geochemical system. As(V) sorbs strongly onto the protonated weak sites of ferric hydroxide over the entire range of calculation (Figure 8). Arsenite dominates at lower oxidation potentials and low pH conditions and its sorption is also favored by increasing pH according to +

(w)FeOH + As(OH)

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-> (w)FeH As0 + H 0 + H 2





Modeling results indicate that As is increasingly sorbed onto the ferric hydroxide surface as pH increases under acidic condition. The results imply that high A s concentrations are not expected in S-rich, acidic reducing system since such geochemical environments favor As precipitation (i.e., as orpiment or realgar) or sorption. However, at very low oxidation potentials as pH increases to about 5.8, As desorbs and becomes mobilized as it reacts with dissolved sulfide to form thioarsenite complexes (Figure 9). This result is consistent with the As speciation models (Figures 1 and 2) and indicates that the formation of thioarsenite species may enhance As mobility in S-rich, reduced aquifers.


I I I I 1 1 I I I I Fe(0H)




o Ε ο

Ι «s

Sphalerite ~










Galena ι



200 100 Eh (mV)


ι ι ι


Figure 7. Predictive cumulative mineral assemblage precipitated as Eh decreases as a result of bacterial sulfate reduction.

Figure 8. Predictions of the amounts of metals sorbed onto HFO as a function of pH.

Biogeochemical Linkage of As, Fe, and S To evaluate As geochemical behavior under sulfate-reducing conditions, we investigated As-bearing pyrite from the drainage basin of Choctafaula Creek in east-central Alabama. At this site, SRB use macro wood fragments in Holocene alluvium to fuel sulfate reduction (J4). Pyrite locally fossilizes the wood and the individual growth bands contain up to 6200 mg/kg As. Ion microprobe

O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

411 1 Figure 9. Calculated I molality of predominant \ arsenic species of a reaction path in which arsenite sorbs onto ferric hydroxide to form FeH^sO^ complexes as pH f increases. The value of pH \ increases as a result of ^ bacterial sulfate reduction. \ Arsenite later desorbs to I form thioarsenite complexes under reducing, neutral-pH conditions.

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3 ο

-16 '·" 3



4.5 pH





analyses were conducted for As content and ô S across single pyrite crystals. Results (see Figure 5 in Saunders et al., this volume) show two cycles of the depletion of S (with ô S values as low as -50%o), characteristic of the kinetic isotope fractionation of SRB (27). However, the trend of moving toward isotopically heavier 5 S values from core to rim (e.g., over time) in each cycle is definitive evidence of SRB metabolism. The ion microprobe data indicate that As tends to be preferentially incorporated into pyrite (6,28) and removed from groundwater at the start of a sulfate-reduction cycle. The subsequent decline of As levels in pyrite for the remainder of a cycle illustrates (Figure 5 in Saunders et al., this volume) that As reacts with H S generated by sulfate reduction to form aqueous thioarsenic complexes (Figures 1 and 2). A relatively flat As pattern in the second cycle suggests that As reactivity declines as Fe contents in solution drop after initial precipitation. It appears that the dissolved H S/Fe ratios control whether As is incorporated into pyrite or remains in solution. Our data suggest that As coprecipitates in pyrite from Fe-rich fluids at the beginning of a sulfatereduction cycle (Figure 10). When iron is depleted by pyrite precipitation during SRB metabolism, As apparently forms stable thioarsenite complexes that compete with the growing pyrite surfaces for As. The overall effect of SRB is to remove As from groundwater enriched in dissolved iron, however the reaction product H S can enhance arsenic solubility when dissolved Fe is exhausted. Thus for the groundwaters that have elevated iron contents, SRB will effectively remove arsenic as pyrite is formed. 34






Conclusions This study utilized numerical modeling techniques to link the natural biogeochemical reactions among of Fe, S, and As to the widespread As

O'Day et al.; Advances in Arsenic Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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412 contamination of shallow groundwater resources. Our modeling results are consistent with the hypothesis (29,30) that As is strongly sorbed by H F O under oxidized conditions and the subsequent bacterial reductive dissolution mechanism might be an important process for releasing As. Geochemical models suggested that deposition of stream sediment HFOs and organic matter in alluvial deposits ultimately triggers the activity of Fe(III) reducing bacteria, resulting in the release of sorbed As to groundwater. High As concentrations are not expected in S-rich, reducing systems because such environments favor the precipitation of arsenic sulfides (e.g., orpiment, realgar) or iron sulfides (e.g., pyrite, mackinawite). Modeling results have implications for remediating As contamination in groundwater. Attention should be given to the formation of thioarsenite species in Fe-depleted, reduced aquifers since thioarsenites are less readily adsorbed compared to arsenite. Our study indicates that dissolved H S/Fe ratios control whether As can be incorporated into pyrite or remains in solution. We propose that bioremediating As-contaminated groundwater is possible by adding Fe-bearing solids (or solutions) and a carbon electron donor (e.g., sucrose, molasses, methanol, acetate, methanol, etc.) through injection wells. Injection of soluble Fe(II) into groundwater: 1) insures the availability of Fe for SRB metabolism; 2) limits the buildup of potentially toxic levels of H S ; 3) keeps the H S/Fe ratio low enough to prevent thioaresenites from occurring to significant extent, and 4) provides Fe needed for the As-"encapsulating" FeS phases. This approach can be effective in treating As-contaminated groundwater as the conditions for As-coprecipitation in FeS are optimized. 2



Acknowledgments We thank M . Fayek and L . Riciputi of Oak Ridge National Laboratory for help with the ion microprobe analysis of pyrite. The research described here does not necessarily reflect the views of the EPA, and no official endorsement should be inferred. Mention of the trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

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