Chapter 13
Geochemistry of Organic Acids in Subsurface Waters Field Data, Experimental Data, and Models 1
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Paul D. Lundegard and Yousif K. Kharaka
Unocal Science and Technology, 376 South Valencia Avenue, Brea, CA 92621 Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey, Mail Stop 427, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Integration of field observations, experimental data, and computer simulations provides valuable insights into the origin and inorganic interactions of organic acids and organic acid anions in subsurface waters. Present-day concentrations show significant variations with respect to temperature, basin, and reservoir age, reflecting complex interaction of biological, geological, and geochemical factors that influence the production or destruction of these species. Hydrous pyrolysis experiments demonstrate that most dissolved organic acids are produced by thermal degradation of kerogen, and that variation in kerogen chemistry can cause relative generating capacities to vary by a factor of two or more between samples of equal thermal rank. A mathematical model of the kinetics of organic acid generation from kerogen shows that variations in thermal gradients can cause significant variations in maximum organic acid concentrations, and in trends of organic acid concentrations with depth and temperature. Experimental and field studies of acetate decarboxylation rates indicate that they are strongly affected by temperature and catalysis. In nature, halflives of acetate are on the order of 20 to 60 million years at 100° C. Geochemical models predict that major organic acid species 1) are important proton sources in subsurface waters, 2) buffer pH, but increases in p C O are still likely to favor calcite undersaturation in most subsurface waters, 3) do not form important complexes with Pb, Zn, and U , and 4) do form important complexes with Fe, Ca and possibly A l . 2
In recent years there has been considerable interest in the origin and significance of dissolved organic acids in natural subsurface waters (1). Geochemical interest in these species stems from their potential influence as proton donors for a variety of pH-dependent reactions, as p H buffering agents, and as complexers of metals such as aluminum, iron, lead, and zinc (2-7). This paper reviews the occurrence of dissolved organic acids in subsurface waters, and discusses their origin and geochemical significance. Present-day concentrations of organic acids are influenced by factors that control the competing processes of organic acid production and destruction. Together, field and experimental data allow identification of the important factors and provide insight into the processes they control. A kinetic model of organic acid production from kerogen is described which illustrates the impact of thermal and burial history on patterns of organic acid concentrations. Finally, several examples of geochemical speciation and reaction 0097-6156/90/0416-0169$06.25/0 c 1990 American Chemical Society
path models are given which illustrate the importance of organic acids to specific diagenetic processes.
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O C C U R R E N C E OF DISSOLVED ORGANIC ACIDS Data on the concentration of dissolved organic acids in natural formation water come predominantly from analysis of samples from Cenozoic reservoirs (Fig. 1), although sampled strata range in age from Permo-Triassic to Pleistocene. These data show that: 1) concentrations in subsurface waters are highly variable, both for a given temperature range and age, 2) concentrations greater than 3000 mg/1 (0.05 m) acetate equivalent are apparently rare, an important observation for geochemical modeling, and 3) maximum concentrations vary with temperature, generally showing a peak in the range 80-120°. Studies of individual basins show that average organic acid concentration in the temperature range 80° -120° C is related to the age of the reservoir sampled. While variations in source material influence concentrations, this relationship between geologic time and organic acid concentration is apparently caused by the kinetics of organic acid decarboxylation and will be discussed later. As shown by figure 1, maximum organic acid concentration increases from less than a few hundred mg/1 at temperatures less than 40° C, to a peak of a few thousand mg/1 at approximately 100° C, and then declines rapidly again with further increases in temperature. Available data suggest that maximum concentrations probably do not exceed 100 mg/1 at temperatures greater than 200° C. Water samples from two geothermal wells (temperatures greater than 250° C) at Salton Sea, California, showed no detectable organic acids (Y.K. Kharaka, unpublished data). Organic acid anions can dominate the total alkalinity of subsurface waters, and the anions of short-chain aliphatic acids contribute the great majority of the organic alkalinity. Acetate is by far the most important individual species (4. 8-10). The abundance of other aliphatic acids generally decreases with increasing carbon number (propionate > butyrate > valerate). In low temperature waters (less than 80° C), where bacterial alteration has presumably been active and total organic acid concentrations are low, propionate is sometimes more abundant than acetate (8. 11). Recent data indicate that propionate dominance at low temperature is less common than previously thought (5. 10. 12.13-14) and may be a product of primary organic acid generation (14). At temperatures less than 80° C, the low and variable concentrations of organic acids are controlled by several factors. These include 1) bacterial consumption of organic acids, especially acetate (8), 2) reduced generation of organic acids, and 3) dilution by mixing with meteoric water (10.13). Few data are available on the concentration of dicarboxylic acid anions in subsurface waters. C through C-.Q saturated acid anions have been reported in addition to maleic acid (c/s-butenedioic acid) (5. 15-16). Oxalic acid (ethanedioic) and malonic acid (propanedioic) appear to be the most abundant. Reported concentrations range widely from 0 to 2540 mg/1 but mostly are less than a few 100 mg/1. Concentrations of these species in formation waters are probably limited by several factors, including the very low solubility of calcium oxalate and calcium malonate (5), and the susceptibility of these dicarboxylic acid anions to thermal decomposition (16). This paper will focus on the monocarboxylic acids because they are much more abundant and widespread, and stability constants for their complexes with metals are better known. We do recognize that dicarboxylic acid anions may be locally important, especially for complexing metals. 2
ORIGIN OF MAJOR SPECIES Field Data. Variations in the organic acid concentrations of diverse waters with respect to temperature suggest a strong thermal influence (Fig. 1). In Cenozoic age reservoirs maximum organic acid
Figure 1. Compilation of organic alkalinity analyses (n = 263) for waters produced from Cenozoic reservoirs versus reservoir temperature (5. 8-10).
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concentrations consistently occur in the temperature range 80° to 120° C. If, as is conventionally believed, bacteria can not survive in the subsurface at temperatures greater than approximately 80° C (17), the distribution of organic acids with respect to temperature suggests that bacterial processes are not important in their production. Bacterial processes dependent on meteoric water invasion for an energy source or for transport into the subsurface appear unimportant in organic acid production. Many waters with high organic acid concentrations are produced from deep overpressured reservoirs, where oxygen isotopic data indicate no mixing with meteoric water has occurred (9). Fisher (10) reported that in the Pliocene of the Eastern Venezuelan Basin total aliphatic acid concentrations are lower in waters associated with biodegraded oils). High organic acid concentrations found in association with non-biodegraded oils suggest that biodégradation is not a major acid-producing process. Carothers and Kharaka argued that at temperatures less than 80° C, bacterial consumption of acetate is an active process because in that environment propionate sometimes shows a dominance over acetate (8). Fisher, however, found no propionate dominance in waters associated with biodegraded oils in the Eastern Venezuelan Basin (10). Organic acid concentration in formation water also bears no relationship to whether samples are collected from oil or gas wells. Field data show, therefore, that thermal energy is required to produce the major organic acid species. Biological processes are unimportant in the production of organic acids but are important in their destruction at temperatures less than 80° C. Experimental Data. Laboratory experiments provide convincing evidence for a thermal origin for the major dissolved organic acids. Heating kerogen or rocks containing kerogen in the presence of water under laboratory conditions is commonly referred to as hydrous pyrolysis (18). While experimental artifacts exist (14), due to the catalytic effects of reactor materials and the high temperatures commonly used to reduce reaction times, hydrous pyrolysis has proven a useful method for studying the general controls on organic acid synthesis (14.19). Thermally immature kerogen contains appreciable oxygen, from about 8 to 25 weight percent, depending on type (20). Variations in the atomic O / C ratios of kerogen and its infrared adsorption spectra as a function of thermal maturity (Fig. 2), indicate that oxygen is liberated from kerogen during the thermal stress associated with burial (21. 22). Most of the oxygen is liberated at thermal ranks lower than those needed for major hydrocarbon generation. Further, carboxyl and carbonyl groups are the oxygen functions that are liberated earliest. Hydrous pyrolysis experiments demonstrate that low molecular weight organic acids and carbon dioxide are among the oxygen-containing products of thermal degradation of kerogen ( 14.15.19). Unless total organic acid yields are specifically of interest, experimental data are most usefully normalized to the amount of organic matter in the unreacted rock. Quantitative comparison of the organic acid generating capacities of different types of organic matter further requires that thermal maturity be held constant. This requirement is not always easy to meet when comparing samples from different localities. Small differences in thermal maturity can result in substantial differences in organic acid generating capacity (Fig. 2). In experiments with terrestrial mudrocks (250°-350° C, 72 h), Lundegard and Senftle (14) produced C-. through C^ aliphatic acids, but no oxalic acid. These experiments show that as much as 1.2 weight % of the organic carbon in kerogen of low thermal rank can be converted to short-chain aliphatic acids. Acetic and propionic acids were the dominant acids produced. Propionic was the more abundant acid in the lower temperature experiments and acetic was the more abundant acid in the higher temperature experiments (Fig. 3). Propionic acid was destroyed in higher temperature experiments, while acetic acid yields simply increased. Initial studies suggest that higher relative yields of low molecular weight organic acids correlate with high vitrinite content and Rock-Eval oxygen indices, which are proportional to kerogen oxygen content. However, these bulk geochemical parameters do not account for all the variations observed in hydrous pyrolysis experiments (Table I; 14)· Further, some samples
Organic Acids in Subsurface Waters
401 -J,
2 *
30| 20
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10 0
τη n
1 2 R
3 0
Figure 2. Plots of atomic O / C ratio and the infrared adsorption peak characteristic of carboxyl and carbonyl groups in Type III kerogen (circles) and coals (squares) as a function of vitrinite reflectance. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 22. Copyright 1980 Editions Technip).
-J 250
I 275
I 300
I 325
L_ 350
RUN T E M P E R A T U R E (°C)
Figure 3. Relative yields of acetate (C ) and propionate (C3) for (72 h) hydrous pyrolysis experiments with a terrestrial mudrock containing Type II and Type III kerogen. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 14. Copyright 1987 Pergamon Journals). 2
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like the Kishenehn oil shale (samples 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 in Table I) generate abundant organic acids in spite of low oxygen indices. Evidently, the oxygen present in these samples has a strong tendency to be liberated as acids. The low relative yield of the Monterey sample in Table I (sample 2-1) suggests that the anomalously high concentrations of organic acids in California oil field waters (8) are controlled more by the high organic content of the source rocks than the quality of the organic material. Experiments with closely spaced samples in a single core show that relative organic acid generating capacities can vary by a factor of two or more in narrow stratigraphie intervals. Samples 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 came from a three meter interval of a single core (Fig. 4, Table I). This variation is attributable soley to properties of the organic matter, because mineral matrices and thermal rank were very similar in all three samples. Since organic matter type and content of shaly rocks vary considerably, these experiments predict the primary organic acid generating capacity will show similar variation. The probability of such variation should be considered in any attempt to quantitatively model the effects of organic acids on mineral reactions (4. 6). Liquid hydrocarbons are a possible intermediate source in the production of some organic acids, but this has yet to be investigated. Since their oxygen content is significantly lower than most immature kerogens (20. 23). it seems likely that the organic acid generating capacity of liquid hydrocarbons is also lower. Organic acids are also abundant in both oil-productive and non-productive reservoirs suggesting that oil is not an intermediate source of universal importance. SURVIVABILITY OF ORGANIC ACIDS The data in figure 1 show that maximum organic acid concentrations occur between 80° and 120° C in sedimentary basins. This suggests that at higher or lower temperatures they are either produced in lesser abundance or that they are somehow destroyed or diluted. Experimental Data. Acetic acid and other organic acids are thermodynamically unstable at sedimentary conditions and will eventually decarboxylate to C 0 and alkanes (24). Experimental studies of acetic acid decarboxylation show that the rate is extremely sensitive to temperature and the types of catalytic surfaces available (Table II; 25-26). Extrapolated rate constants for acetic acid decarboxylation at 100° C differ by more than 14 orders of magnitude between experiments conducted in stainless steel and catalytically less active titanium (Table II; 26). Inherent (uncatalyzed) decarboxylation rates are similar for acetic acid and acetate (26). However, in catalytic environments their rates of decarboxylation differ markedly (25-26). and therefore a pronounced pH effect on total decarboxylation rate is observed. 2
Field Studies. While experimental studies of organic acid decarboxylation have established some of the controls, the relevance experimentally determined rate constants for natural systems, where potential catalysts of many types abound, is questionable. Field calibrations clearly are advantageous from the standpoint of eliminating the effects of kinetic artifacts, but other limitations exist. In trying to relate the effects of time and temperature on decarboxylation rates in natural systems, the effects that variations in the type and abundance of organic matter can have on the production of organic acids, and therefore on their primary concentration, must be minimized. In the Gulf Coast Basin, broadly similar sedimentary facies are represented throughout the Cenozoic section. As a result, organic matter type and abundance is reasonably similar. Using data from Eocene through Pleistocene reservoirs in the Gulf Coast Basin, Lundegard and Land (7) showed that the average organic acid concentration in formation water in the
Organic Acids in Subsurface Waters
Table I. Comparison of Relative Acetate and Propionate Yields in Hydrous Pyrolysis Experiments (325° C, 72 h)
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Kerogen type
H index
Ο index
Acetate (mmole/g C)
Propionate (mmole/g C)
1-1 1-2 1-3
320 498 433
242 91 192
.55 .55 .55
.351 .261 .167
.060 .057 .044
3-1 3-2 3-3
459 420 1048
51 62 26
.37 .28 .39
.335 .417 .201
.047 .059 .048
Samples: 1- Tertiary of Cook Inlet, Alaska; 2- Monterey Fm., California; 3- Kishenehn Fm., Montana. For explanation of kerogen types see Tissot and Welte (20). Yields are per gram of carbon in the unreacted rock.
10 ρ
1 250
1 275
1 300
1 325
1 350
RUN T E M P E R A T U R E (°C)
Figure 4. Relative yields of acetate for (72 h) hydrous pyrolysis experiments with three terrestrial mudrocks of identical thermal rank and similar mineral matrices. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 14. Copyright 1987 Pergamon Journals).
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Table II. Experimental Decarboxylation of Acetic Acid and Acetate. Data from Kharaka et al. (25) and Palmer and Drummond (26)
Reactor material
acetic acid
Treated Ti Ti SS
3.7 X 1 0 4.0 X10Î 1.2X10
SS Au Ti
3.9 X10; 1.6 X 10; 2.6 X 10
sodium acetate
Ti = titanium; SS = stainless steel; A u = gold
Halflife at 100° C (years)
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Organic Acids in Subsurface Waters
temperature range 80-120° C decreased with increasing age of the reservoir (Fig. 5). This trend represents the existence of fewer samples of low concentration in the younger reservoirs. These data indicated an approximate halflife of 60 million years for total acetate. In the Gulf Coast Basin maximum organic acid concentrations are not related to reservoir age in the same way as the average concentrations. Older reservoirs can have higher maximum concentrations than younger reservoirs. This fact probably reflects local variations in the primary generating capacities of the source rocks. Combining data from three different basins, Kharaka estimated halflives of 27 to 51 million years at 100° C (27). Field calibrations of these types are approximations and probably give maximum halflives. The greatest unknown is the residence time of the dissolved organic acids at a particular temperature. This is a function of the thermal and hydrologie history of the basin, and is difficult to reconstruct. Nevertheless, the field data demonstrate a substantially shorter halflife than indicated by experimental determinations of the inherent stability of acetate (Table II). However, at 100° C, concentrations in Cenozoic waters have probably been reduced by at most a factor of two or three, and a much lower factor for late Cenozoic waters. Low concentrations of organic acids at temperatures less than 80° C occur for several reasons. One reason is the decreased organic acid generation from kerogen as a result of low thermal stress. The second reason is that dilution can occur where upward-moving acid-rich, formation waters mix with acid-poor waters of meteoric or other origins. This situation may exist in the Palo Duro Basin of west Texas (13) and the Pleistocene of offshore Louisiana (5). The third reason is that bacterial consumption of organic acids can occur at temperatures less than 80° C (8). M O D E L I N G ORGANIC ACID GENERATION By analogy with the first-order kinetic behavior of oil production from kerogen (28), organic acid production from kerogen should be affected by variations in geothermal gradient and burial rate. These factors will induce spatial (with respect to depth of burial) and temporal variations in the rates of organic acid production. Primary organic acid concentration will vary directly with these variations in production rate and inversely with porosity at the time of production. Primary concentration is considered here to be the concentration that exists before significant organic acid destruction takes place. High geothermal gradients should increase production rates. But, because shale porosity decreases exponentially with depth (29), it is not obvious what net effect high geothermal gradients will have on the dissolved concentration of organic acids. To evaluate this, a mathematical model is next discussed. Although activation energies and Arrhenius frequency factors for organic acid production from kerogen are poorly known, rough estimates can be made that are compatible with known relative rates of oxygen and hydrogen loss from kerogen, and field data on the temperature distribution of organic acids in basins. Relative effects of time, temperature, and porosity on organic acid concentration can then be incorporated into a simple mathematical model. Oxygen functional groups in kerogen are lost at thermal ranks lower than those of principal hydrocarbon production (Fig. 2; 21-22). Furthermore, carboxyl and carbonyl groups are the oxygen functions that are most readily liberated from kerogen. Based on these observations an activation energy at the low end of the spectrum of activation energies observed for hydrocarbon generation (28-29) was used. A n activation energy of 23 kcal/mole and an Arrhenius frequency factor of 5 χ 10 (30) was used. Because these values are only rough estimates, calculated yields and concentrations are plotted with respect to an arbitrary relative scale (Fig. 6). The emphasis here is on the relative impact of variable thermal histories. The model simulates the history of shaly source rock for an assumed burial and thermal history. The results discussed here are based on a constant sedimentation rate of 500 m/m.y., and a geothermal gradient of either 30° C/km or 60° C/km A Gulf Coast-type porosity gradient for shale is used, where porosity = 0.39 e " * P W (31). For each increment 000095 x
d e
t h
< IUJ ϋ < 2 (D Ο
Figure 5. Mean organic alkalinity in temperature range 80-120 C versus reservoir age for Gulf Coast formation water. Trend suggests an acetate halflife of approximately 60 m.y. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 7. Copyright 1989 Elsevier).
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5 CL
o o
S o o
Organic Acids in Subsurface Waters
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2000 h
— I Q_ LU Q
4000 0
Figure 6. Results of a mathematical model of organic acid generation from kerogen for two geothermal gradients (30 and 60 C/km). Sedimentation rate equals 500 m/m.y. in both cases. A n arbitrary scale is used on X axes because of uncertainties in the accuracy of chosen kinetic parameters (see text), a, Organic acid yield versus depth; b, organic acid concentration versus depth. Continued on next page. e
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Figure 6. Continued, c, Organic acid concentration versus temperature. Note that the higher geothermal gradient produces a higher peak yield but a lower maximum organic acid concentration. See text for details.
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Organic Acids in Subsurface Waters
of time the average depth, temperature, porosity, and rate constant are calculated. From these values, the incremental yield of organic acid is calculated from the rate constant and the time interval. Organic acid concentration at any depth is equal to the sum of the organic acid concentrationa at the beginning of the time interval, plus the incremental yield of organic acid divided by the porosity. For both the high and low thermal gradient models, the time-integrated or cumulative yield is the same and is controlled by initial oxygen content of kerogen. However, in the presence of the higher thermal gradient, oxygen is liberated from kerogen at shallower depths and over a narrower range of depths (Fig. 6a). Peak yield is greater in the case of the higher thermal gradient, and occurs after less time at a slightly higher temperature. Accounting for the effect of ambient porosity in the source rock, predicted organic acid concentrations were calculated. In the case of the higher thermal gradient, higher acid concentrations are expected at shallow depths, but higher maximum concentrations are obtained when the thermal gradient is lower (Fig. 6b). At all temperatures, the higher geothermal gradient actually results in lower concentrations, in spite of the higher production rates (Fig. 6c). The explanation lies in the competing effects of production rate and porosity. Peak production in the high thermal gradient model occurs at higher porosity conditions, which mediates the effect of the greater peak yield on acid concentration. Conversely, when the geothermal gradient is lower, the lower porosity at the time of peak yield results in higher maximum acid concentrations. This analysis shows that high organic acid concentrations may, surprisingly, be favored by low thermal gradients. Maximum concentrations would presumably be achieved when geothermal gradients increase with time at a rate that results in rapid generation at depths where porosities are low. The model results discussed above express only the effects time and temperature on organic acid production from kerogen, and the effect of porosity on organic acid concentrations. They do not account for the effects of time and temperature on organic acid decarboxylation. Therefore, the results are best applied to Neogene and source rocks where the field data discussed earlier indicate that decarboxylation effects on total acetate concentrations are small, where temperatures do not exceed approximately 150° C. R O L E OF ORGANIC ACIDS IN DIAGENESIS The concentration of organic acid anions in formation water can be high, especially between 80° and 120° C, where acetate is usually the dominant anion (9. 27). Because acetate and other organic acid anions are proton donors or acceptors, depending on the pH of water as well as the anion, they play an important role in all pH-dependent homogeneous and heterogenous reactions (32). Also, these organic anions form strong complexes with some metals and other cations and have been suggested as the mechanism for the transport of many metals, including Pb and Zn in Mississippi Valley-type ore deposits (2), and A l in sedimentary basins (4. 16). Thus, organic acid anions and their complexes with inorganic species should be included in geochemical codes to study mineral diagenesis. Metal Complexation. The role of organic acid anions in the transport of U , Pb, and Zn in sedimentary basins was examined using detailed inorganic and organic compositions of formation waters from several oil and gas fields. Using the computer code SOLMNEQ, Kraemer and Kharaka Q2) showed that in Gulf Coast geopressured-geothermal waters the portion of U complexed with organic anions is negligible. In the case of Pb and Zn, Kharaka et al. (34) showed that the concentrations of organic complexes of Pb and Zn in metal-rich brines from the central Mississippi Salt Dome basin form a very small percentage of the total metal. Their calculations indicated that at subsurface conditions, 65 to greater than 99 percent of the dissolved Pb is present as chloride complexes, and more than 99 percent of the Zn is present as chloride complexes.
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The role of metal complexes with organic acid anions in mineral diagenesis in sedimentary basins was investigated using the geochemical code SOLMINEQ.88 (35)· This code has thermochemical data for various metal complexes with acetate, oxalate, and succinate, and an option to add the complexes of two additional (user specified) organic anions for a total of 80 organic species (see also, Perkins et al., this volume). At present, stability constants for calcium and aluminum oxalate have only been measured at 25° C and thermochemical data are insufficient to accurately extrapolate these constants to higher temperatures (35). As a first approximation, the 25° C constants are currently used for all temperatures. The chemical composition of water from Pleasant Bayou #2 well (Texas Gulf Coast Tertiary) was used as a test case (33). The runs were made for subsurface temperature (150° C) and pressure (700 bars) conditions. The pH of the formation water measured at the well site was 6.50; the pH calculated for subsurface conditions from detailed inorganic chemistry (including gases) and organic chemistry of the fluid was 4.92. To test the effects of organic-metal complexing in the presence of extreme amounts of organic acid anions, 10,000 mg/1 acetate and 2,000 mg/1 oxalate were added. These concentrations are well beyond those normally found in natural waters and were chosen to investigate maximum complexing capabilities. Simulations were made at pH 4.92 +/- 2 to investigate the role of pH in complex formation and mineral diagenesis. Selected results of runs with and without the added organics at pH 4.92 are compared below. Results showed that a significant percentage of iron and calcium were complexed with acetate and oxalate (Table III). The percentage of calcium complexed by oxalate is relatively low, perhaps because the stability constants used are for 25° C. No stability constant data for calcium-oxalate are currently available at higher temperatures (35). Only a small portion of sodium and other monovalent metals form complexes with acetate and oxalate. The percentage of aluminum complexed with these organic species is only 10 percent of total aluminum. The fact that much more of the aluminum is complexed with acetate than with oxalate may reflect the availability of stability constants for aluminum-acetate at elevated temperatures (S. E . Drummond, 1989, pers. communication) and lack of such data for aluminum-oxalate complexes. The amount of aluminum complexed with these organic species generally increases as the pH of the water decreases. The increase results even though more of the organics are protonated, mainly because the percentage of A l is higher at lower pH values. In the case of the sample from the Pleasant Bayou #2 well (Table III), the percentage of aluminum complexed with these organics at pH 3.92 and 2.92 is 46 and 81, respectively; at pH 5.92 and 6.92 the percentages are less than 0.1. These simulation results for aluminum should be contrasted with experimental studies which suggest greatly enhanced aluminum concentrations in the presence of these organics (4.16). The discrepancy may be related to the fact that thermochemical data for A l are incomplete and unreliable. Or, it is possible that the experiments were terminated before equilibrium with aluminosilicates was reached. The saturation states of selected minerals with and without the added organics in the Pleasant Bayou #2 water at subsurface conditions and pH 4.92 are shown in Table IV. The saturation state of halite is unchanged because the Na-organic complexes are insignificant. On the other hand, albite, kaolinite, anhydrite and calcite are significantly more undersaturated in the presence of the organics because an important proportion of the Ca and A l are complexed. The saturation state of siderite shows the largest change, from -1.9 to -2.6 kcal/mole. This is a result of the particularly strong complex that Fe forms with acetate (36), and suggests that high concentrations of Fe can be retained in solution at temperatures of 80° to 120° C, where organic acid anions are in highest concentration. At higher temperatures, where decarboxylation destroys organic acid anions (Fig. 1), complexed Fe may be released to solution to promote siderite or ankerite formation. Ankerite is a common late-stage cement in Eocene sandstones of the Texas Gulf Coast (37-38). In the computation of metal-organic complexes and mineral saturation states discussed above, the aim is not to quantify the changes in all natural waters, but to show when organic complexing can be significant. The results warrant the effort to include dissolved organics in the
Organic Acids in Subsurface Waters
chemical analysis of water and in chemical modeling. It must be clear that there is a great need for improved thermochemical data on metal-organic complexes. pH Effects. As proton sources, organic acids have an important influence on a variety of pH dependent reactions, especially between 80° and 120° C. Using the geochemical algorithm P H R E E Q E (39), the effect of acetic acid addition on calcite solubility was investigated. P H R E E Q E was used in preference to SOLMINEQ because it allows the user to specify saturation with respect to specific mineral phases and gases. Addition of 0.04 m (2400 mg/1) acetic acid to a calcitesaturated solution in equilibrium with a fixed p C 0 of 10 atm at 100° C, will increase calcite solubility by nearly 3 times (Table V). Buffering of pH by organic acid anions has potential consequences for various pHdependent reactions, such as carbonate precipitation and dissolution. Organic acid anions commonly dominate the total alkalinity of formation waters, especially in the 80-120° C range (Fig. 7). Some workers have suggested that an increase in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pC0 ) may promote the precipitation of carbonate minerals in waters whose alkalinity is dominated by organic acid anions (15). Their reasoning was that if pH is fixed by organic acid buffers, then an increase in pCO^ should cause carbonate precipitation by increasing the activity of dissolved carbonate ions. This hypothesis was quantitatively evaluated by Lundegard and Land (6-7) using the reaction path modeling program P H R E E Q E (39) and including thermochemical data for complexing of Ca and Na by acetate (40). They modeled the response of acetic acid solutions, initially at calcite saturation and a specified p C 0 , to changes in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Most of the simulations were done for conditions of 100° C, 0.5 m NaCl concentration, and a change in CO^ pressure from 0.1 to 1.0 atm, however these conditions were varied to determine the sensitivity of results. The simulations showed that at 100° C, initial acetic acid concentrations must exceed approximately 0.06 m (3600 mg/1) in order for increases in p C 0 to cause calcite precipitation in initially calcite-saturated solutions (Fig. 8). The minimum initial concentration of acetic acid needed to cause precipitation instead of dissolution (crossover cencentration) decreases with increasing temperature as a result of the decreasing pK^ of acetic acid (Fig. 9). However, this effect should largely be compensated by the rapidly decreasing concentrations of organic acids at temperatures above 100° C (Fig. 1). The position of the crossover acetic acid concentration is relatively insensitive to modest changes in ionic strength (0.5 to 1.0 m NaCl), initial calcium concentration (0 to 0.01 m), and the magnitude of the change in p C 0 (0.1 to 1.0 atm versus 1.0 to 10.0 atm) (7). Given the existing empirical data on organic acid concentrations (Fig. 1), increases in p C 0 should promote calcite dissolution in the majority of natural waters.
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CONCLUSIONS Concentrations of organic acids in formation waters are controlled by a number of factors that influence their production and/or destruction. These factors include organic matter type and abundance in source rocks, temperature, and burial history. Hydrous pyrolysis experiments confirm the thermal generation of short-chain aliphatic acids from kerogen, and indicate that natural concentrations will be strongly influenced by the abundance and nature of organic matter in the reacting system. Thermal and burial history of source rocks influences the primary concentration of dissolved organic acids because of their effect on the timing and rate of organic acid production from kerogen, and on the porosity at the time of organic acid production. A mathematical model, incorporating the effects of time and temperature on organic acid generation and depth-dependent porosity changes, illustrates that while high geothermal gradients promote rapid generation of organic acids, the consequent generation at shallower depths (higher porosities) will tend to reduce maximum dissolved concentrations of organic acids, and therefore their diagenetic impact. In the temperature range 80-120° C the rate of
CHEMICAL MODELING OF AQUEOUS SYSTEMS II Table III. Concentrations of Selected Cations and Anions from Pleasant Bayou #2 Well and the Percent of Cations Complexed with Added Organics. Calculated with SOLMNEQ.88 Temp. Press. pH = 4.92 Constituent
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132,000. 365. 5.4 120. 80,000. 38,000. 9,100. 62. 0.01
Acetate 10,000 mg/1 Oxalate 2,000 mg/1
150° C 700 bars
CI Na Ca Fe Al
% Complexed With Oxalate Acetate 0.4 3. 54.
ο ο
ο ο
Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II Downloaded from by EMORY UNIV on 04/13/16. For personal use only.
Organic Acids in Subsurface Waters
0.5 m NaCl P : 0.1—1.0 ATM
125 100
HAc +Ac* (moles/L) Figure 9. Temperature dependence of the acetic acid crossover concentration for calcite, 0.5 m NaCl concentration, and a p C 0 change from 0.1 to 1.0 atm. Crossover concentration (see Fig. 8) decreases with increasing temperature as a result of the decrease in the pK^ of acetic acid. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. 7. Copyright 1989 Elsevier). 2
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organic acid synthesis from kerogen greatly exceeds the rate of thermal decarboxylation in sedimentary basins. At higher temperatures, the acid generating capacity of kerogen is diminished, while rates of decarboxylation greatly increase. Consequently, observed concentrations of organic acids are lower at temperatures greater than 120° C. Assessment of the geochemical significance of cation complexing by organic acid anions is preliminary due to uncertainities in the thermochemical data for complexes at elevated temperatures. Complexing of Pb and Zn by organic acid anions in brines appears to be less important than chloride complexing. Significant organic complexing of calcium and iron probably occurs in sedimentary basins and may have an important impact on carbonate diagenesis. The role of organic complexing of aluminum in formation waters is still incompletely resolved due the absence of reliable thermochemical data for organic complexes at elevated temperatures. As proton sources, organic acids are likely to have an important influence on a variety of pH dependent reactions, especially between 80° and 120° C. Geochemical models predict that addition of typical amounts of acetic acid to calcite saturated solutions at 100° C, can increase calcite solubility by several times. Organic acid anions also have an appreciable impact on the alkalinity and pH buffering capacity of formation waters. However, in most formation waters it is unlikely that calcite precipitation will result from simply increasing the p C 0 of calcite-saturated solutions, unless pH is buffered by systems other than the acetate and carbonate systems. 2
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dan Melchior, Bob Sweeney, and two anonymous reviewers provided many comments that substantially improved this manuscript. We also would like to thank Unocal Corporation for permission to publish this paper. LITERATURE CITED 1. 2. 3. 4.
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RECEIVED August 24, 1989