German readings in science for intermediate students - Journal of

German readings in science for intermediate students. Joel W. Hedgpeth. J. Chem. Educ. , 1954, 31 (6), p 335. DOI: 10.1021/ed031p335.1. Publication Da...
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Nelson van de Luyster, The Cibrlel, The Military College of South Carolina. American Baak Co., New York, 1953. viii 280 pp. 14 X 19.5 om. $2.85.


Tars should he especially useful to students of physical sciences and medicine, as moat of the excerpts are taken from competent popularizations in these fields. A particularly useful device is the inclusion of the article with nouns in the glossary instead of the traditional designation of gendei. The subject matter is highschool or junior-college level material, although the German may be on the second- or third-year level as the language is presented in most of our schools. The first third of this book is given over to grammar review. JOEL W. HEDGPETH

THE PROTEINS: CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY AND METHODS. VOLUME I, PART B Edited by H a n s Neurath, Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington, and Kenneth Bailey, D e p a h e n t of Biochemisky, University of Cambridge. Academic Press, Ino., New 566 pp. 51 figs. 16 X 24 em. $13. York, 1953. vii


THE present book completes Volume I of the projected twovolume treatise on the chemical, physical, and biological properties of the oroteins. This D& follows the oattern set in Part A. which was'reeently reviewed in THLS JOURNAL, and consists of the last five of the eleven chapters that make up Volume I. I n these eleven chapters one will find a comprehensive account of the general properties of proteins, particularly as they have been elucidated by application of many new and diverse research tools from the fields of chemistly, physics, biochemistry, and biophys-

Edited by Allen G. Gray, Technical Editor, Steel Magazine. 563 pp. 62 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1953. xii figs. 16 X 23.5 cm. 58.50.


SINCEthe Electrochemical Society discontinued its Transaelions and started its Journal, there has been no grouping of the many excellent papers given a t the various symposia of the society. "Modern Electroplating" began as such a symposium in October, 1941, appeared in the Tmnsaetias and, because of its importance, was later published separately under this title. A decade later the progress in the field of electrodeposition made necessary a book entirely rewritten and expanded. The new book covers essentially the entire field of electrodep osition practice. There are 19 chapters, same of which are divided into subsections on dissimilar plating baths for the same metal (as copper, tin, and zinc). These have been contributed by 39 authors, each of whom is well known in electroplating for his contributions to his particular field. A comparison of chapters in the present book with the earlier book shows that many of the original authors have rewritten their original chapters. New chapters were added on methods of control, indium, uncommon metals, plating on aluminum and magnesium, and subsections on tin by immersion and tin alloys. The new chapter on uncommon metals discusses briefly all metals not discussed elsewhere. It is essentially a literature review of what has been done an metals from actinium to zirconium. Some of the recent work done a t the National Bureau of Standards and other work sponsored by the A. E. C. appears - to be overlooked. Such faults are minor in comparison to the large amount of authoritative information given in the chapters on large production met&, as copper, chromium, nickel, cadmium, and zinc. This book is an important addition to the general field of electrochemistry and will serve as the source of basic practice in electroplating. All chemists and engineers working in electroplating will want a copy of this book. KENNETH A. KOBE



This is not a book for the casual reader. However, for the advanced student and research worker in the field of protein chemistry it can hardly fail to he a continual source of information and stimulation. The authors h w e not hesitated to present the highly technical parts of the experimental work being reviewed or to discuss in detail controversial issues that arise from the different experimental approaches that have been employed in studying the physical and chemical properties of proteins. As evidenced from references to papers as late as 1953, date and present the writers have brought their subjects the current thinking in light of the latest research. Tn~ Chanter 7~~(the first chaoter in Part Bi. ,.J . T. Edsall discusses in considerable detail the size, shape, and hydration of protein molecules. This is followed by a chapter on protein interactions by I. M. Klotz. Proteindenaturation, Chepter9, and the chemical modification of proteins, Chapter 10, are topics contributed by F. W. Putnam. I n the last chspter of the book, R. R. Porter discusses the relation of chemical structure to the biological activity of the proteins. Many interesting discussions appear in these chapters, as, for example, the changes in proteins during denaturation (Chapter 19) or the effect on sedimentation rate in solutions containing two proteins, one of which sediments faster than the other (Chapter 1). In a short review, such as this, it is impossibleto elaborate on the many t h i n e which will claim the attention of the reader. Suffice it to say that there are few features of the modern work on protein structure that have not received attention. Extensive literature references are given as footnotes. An author and subject index far both Part A and Part B appears at the end of thevolume.



F. A. CAJORI U~rvensmrOF COLOB*DO SCAOOG OP MEDIC~NE D s ~ a ~Cno.~ o n * o o





The Standing Committee on Combustion Symposia, Bernard Lewis, Chairman. The Williams & WilIdns Co., Baltimore, 1953. rx 926 pp. Many figs. and tables. 17.5 X 26 cm. $7.



THISbook is a coUectian of the 112 usoers which were ore*mted st tht. Fo~rrth Cmil>u.stiorrSynll,ohm held at thp MHSSH~