[German students] - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

[German students]. J. Chem. Educ. , 1929, 6 (12), p 2233. DOI: 10.1021/ed006p2233.2. Publication Date: December 1929. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 6, 12, ...
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lighter than the solution and of a lower boiling point, e. g., ether with water solutions. In this type of extractor no advantage is gained from hanging the extraction tube in the flask. Since the solution has a higher boiling point than the extraction fluid the contents of the tube will not boil. The extraction tube T is an ordinary test tube which carries a funnel tube P like the one used in extractor Number 1. The distilling flask is a 300-cc. Kjeldahl flask. The extraction fluid after rising through the solution collects in a layer at the top of the tube T and simply runs over into the flask below. The temperature of extraction in using extractors Numbers 3 and 4 is of course approximately the boiling point of the extraction fluid. If it is desired to extract a t any lower temperature, extractor Number 1 may be used in place of Number 4 and extractor Number 2 in place of Number 3 with the extraction tube in a controlled water-bath. These extractors are, however, less efficient than Numbers 3 and 4 due to condensation i n the side arms.

UNITED STATES CIVIL-SERVICE EXAMINATION The United States Civil-Service Commission announces an oDen competitive enam-

January 21, 1930. The examination is to fill vacancies in the Federal classified service in Washington, D. C., and in t h e field. The duties are in connection with different phases of chemistry, chemical engineering, and industrial technology. The facilities of the different bureaus make them in many rcspects thc best-equipped laboratories in the world, and close contact with the industries make the experience thus obtained ideal preparation and training for industrial research. Chemists who desire to continue college work are offered good opportunities to do so, not only in the universities in Washington, which arrange their dass hours to suit the convenience of persons in the government service by giving courses in most subjects in late afternoon or evening, hut, in addition, the departments themselves, in a number of cases, offer courses in advanced work which are given suitable credit by recognized colleges. Competitors will he rated on general chemistry and elementary physics, and an optional subject. The optional subiects are: advanced inoraanic chemistrv, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry. Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil-Service Commission a t Washington, D. C., or from the secretary of the United States Civil-Service Board of Examiners a t the post office or customhouse in any city.

The number of students taking courses in Germany last (summer) term was 2679 in the universities, and 2407 (including students of metallurav) in the technical schools. -Chenz. Age