VOL.3, No. 6
CLASS-ROOM EMANATIONS Allotropic forms are the forms of the elements that are found in all of the tropics. A normal acid is one that may or may not exist. Chemical energy is the ability to perform chemical experiments. Transmutation means the carrying of a substance from one place to another. An isobar is a bar with two thermometers on it connecting sea levels. A physical change is one in which a substance changes into another, but still remains the same. A water cycle is a rain spout and is used to carry water down from the roof of a house and many other things. Name three physical properties of oxygen. Ans. Sulfur, mercury, and argon. Give an illustration of physical change. Ans. Soup with beans in it. Name the three scales used for marking thermometers. Ans. Fahrenheit, centigrade, and freezing. Fahrenheit is not very hot and it comes on thermometers in Spring. Centigrade comes about Fall and is good for the health. An anemometer is an instrument for measuring wind Phylosophy. The Atomic Theory was started by Mr. Atomic, an Englishman. To tell which of two samples of ammonia water is the stronger, smell of them and the one which makes the most tears come in your eyes is the stronger. Oxygen must have an atomic weight of 16, because if it didn't the atomic theory would all go to smash. When a thing is nickel plated, iron is given an electric bath. Oxidation is when something takes oxygen and they pass off together as a compound. Pewter is an alloy of lead and alimony. We breathe out carbon dioxide and beverages breathe it in. Beverages need carbon dioxide to grow.
Germanium Glass Described. Glass with higher refractive powers may be made by replacing the usual silicon dioxide with germanium dioxide. In a paper presented to the American Philosophical Saciety meeting at Philadelphia, Prof. Louis M. Dennis of Camell University revealed a new method for extracting this comparatively rare chemical element from germanium bearing zinc ores. Prof. Dennis has been conducting an extensive study of the preparation of metallic germanium and the various compounds of the metal in the chemistry department of Comell for the last six years.-Science Setvice