Getting the Egg Out of the Bottle - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

ACS eBooks; C&EN Global Enterprise .... Never-fail method for getting the egg out of the bottle after the egg in the ... Egg in the Bottle (the author...
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Getting the Egg Out of the Bottle Apopular demonstration involves getting a peeled hard-boiled egg inside a battle, even though the neck ofthe bottle is slightly smaller than the egg. A scrap of paper is ignited and dropped into the bottle: then the egg is immediately laced on the open mouth of the hottle. The burning paper uses up the oxygen inside the battle, thus reducing the pressure. The greater pressure of the outside air pushes the egg into the bottle. (The ashes from the paper can be w2sherl ..-. ... - m,t .-.with .. ....water1 .. -.. .., People rarely have trouhle getting the egg into the battle. But many have had trouble gettingit back out. Usually the egg is removed by blowing inta the battle, holding it upside down so the egg falls inta the neck of the battle and then DODS out from the increased oressure inside the bottle. On occasion this technique works very well, hut sometimes the &gets stuck part way out and cannot be removed from the hottle. Unless you are using a flask or bottle with an ideal opening, removal of the egg can sometimes be difficult. The size of the opening in the bottle (or flask), the length of the neck and the size of the e m all seem to be factors in determinine how easilv the eee can be removed from the hottle.

down, and the egg will pap o & Doris Kolb Bradley University Peoria, IL 61625 Susan Grzanich Calvin Coolidge Middle School Peoria, IL 61604 Peggy Carrigan Longfellow Middle School Peoria, IL 61603

Volume 72

Number 6

June 1995