Q.005 A per hour drift .repeatability. 0.002 A ...three decade absorbance rano;e. 0 to 3 A range with a. 0.5% accuracy .digital readout of wavelength...
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The Gilford 240 Spectrophotometer gives you numbers that count .. stability Q.005 A per hour drift

.repeatability 0.002 A

...three decade absorbance rano;e 0 to 3 A range with a 0.5% accuracy

.digital readout of wavelength


... digital readout of slit width ! A 3SLIT WIDTH

digital readout of true linear absorbance


2.4 5 I


. . . p l u S V e r s a t i l i t y The Gilford Model 240 ance recording and equipment for gel scanning. illustrated is a complete manual spectrophotometer. YOUR FIRST STEP - find out how the new Its stability, sensitivity and range coupled Gilford Model 240 can meet your present with a variety of accessories make it the s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r y needs without ex­ ideal spectrophotometer for many applica­ cessive expenditure, yet give you the tions. You may add at any time labor sav­ foundation and the flexibility to meet the ing accessories . . . such as a programmed expanding and changing needs of the a u t o m a t i c sample h a n d l i n g system, INSTRUMENT LABORATORIES INC. future. Write for your copy of booklet B42, continuous flow cells, automatic absorb- OBERLIN, OHIO 44074 or better still, phone Area 216/774-1041.


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120 A
