The Gilford 240 Spectrophotometer gives you numbers that count .. stability Q.005 A per hour drift
.repeatability 0.002 A
...three decade absorbance rano;e 0 to 3 A range with a 0.5% accuracy
.digital readout of wavelength
... digital readout of slit width ! A 3SLIT WIDTH
digital readout of true linear absorbance
2.4 5 I
. . . p l u S V e r s a t i l i t y The Gilford Model 240 ance recording and equipment for gel scanning. illustrated is a complete manual spectrophotometer. YOUR FIRST STEP - find out how the new Its stability, sensitivity and range coupled Gilford Model 240 can meet your present with a variety of accessories make it the s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t r y needs without ex ideal spectrophotometer for many applica cessive expenditure, yet give you the tions. You may add at any time labor sav foundation and the flexibility to meet the ing accessories . . . such as a programmed expanding and changing needs of the a u t o m a t i c sample h a n d l i n g system, INSTRUMENT LABORATORIES INC. future. Write for your copy of booklet B42, continuous flow cells, automatic absorb- OBERLIN, OHIO 44074 or better still, phone Area 216/774-1041.
Circle No. 137 on Readers' Service Card
120 A