Gold NanoStoves for Microsecond DNA Melting Analysis - Nano

Jan 26, 2008 - In contrast, we use 300 ns laser pulses to rapidly heat DNA bound gold nanoparticle aggregates. We show that double-stranded DNA melts ...
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Gold NanoStoves for Microsecond DNA Melting Analysis

2008 Vol. 8, No. 2 619-623

Joachim Stehr,† Calin Hrelescu,† Ralph A. Sperling,‡,| Gunnar Raschke,† Michael Wunderlich,§ Alfons Nichtl,§ Dieter Heindl,§ Konrad Ku1 rzinger,§ Wolfgang J. Parak,‡,| Thomas A. Klar,*,†,⊥ and Jochen Feldmann*,† Photonics and Optoelectronics Group, Physics Department, CeNS, Ludwig-Maximilians-UniVersita¨t Mu¨nchen, Amalienstrasse 54, 80799 Munich, Germany, and Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Nonnenwald 2, 82372 Penzberg, Germany Received November 20, 2007; Revised Manuscript Received January 8, 2008

ABSTRACT In traditional DNA melting assays, the temperature of the DNA-containing solution is slowly ramped up. In contrast, we use 300 ns laser pulses to rapidly heat DNA bound gold nanoparticle aggregates. We show that double-stranded DNA melts on a microsecond time scale that leads to a disintegration of the gold nanoparticle aggregates on a millisecond time scale. A perfectly matching and a point-mutated DNA sequence can be clearly distinguished in less than one millisecond even in a 1:1 mixture of both targets.

Compared to the current standard of blood cultures, fast DNA analysis can speed up the search of pathogens causing severe illnesses such as sepsis. Numerous pathogens can cause sepsis, and the death toll could be drastically reduced if the specific pathogen could be identified more quickly than it is usually done today using blood cultures.1,2 Determining the pathogen’s DNA is potentially faster than blood cultures,3 but it requires a rapid DNA assay with the potential for mutant identification and multiplexing. Most current DNA assays are based on thermal dehybridization or melting of the DNA duplex helix.4-8 This is because the melting temperature of DNA is determined by its base sequence.4 Usually, melting analysis of DNA is realized by slowly increasing the temperature of the DNA-containing solution.5,6 The heating element, the container, and the solution have to be heated to finally warm up the DNA, and the whole system must be in thermal equilibrium throughout the measurement. This severely limits the speed of the temperature ramp. Currently, typical time scales for a melting analysis range from several minutes up to 1 h. A faster detection of the DNA melting point is highly desirable especially for high throughput DNA analysis where process time is critical. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) can act as very efficient light absorbers in the visible due to the particle plasmon resonance. When irradiated by short laser pulses, AuNPs convert the * To whom correspondence should be addressed. † Photonics and Optoelectronics Group, Physics Department, and CeNS, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita¨t Mu¨nchen. ‡ CeNS, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universita ¨ t Mu¨nchen. § Roche Diagnostics GmbH. | Present address: Fachbereich Physik, Philipps Universita ¨ t Marburg, Renthof 7, 35037 Marburg, Germany. ⊥ Present address: Institute of Physics, Technical University of Ilmenau, 98684 Ilmenau, Germany. 10.1021/nl073028i CCC: $40.75 Published on Web 01/26/2008

© 2008 American Chemical Society

absorbed light energy into thermal energy within ∼1 ps.9,10 Within the subsequent ∼100 ps, a single hot nanoparticle thermally equilibrates with its surrounding.10,11 Large amounts of optical energy absorbed by AuNPs have been used for destructive applications like denaturation of proteins,12,13 destruction of cell membranes,14 thermal ablative therapy for cancer,15 and selective cell damage.16 If high-energy laser pulses of 106 kW/mm2 are applied to DNA-functionalized AuNPs, the thiol bond between the DNA and the particle can break.17 In contrast to these destructive applications of AuNPmediated optical heating, we apply AuNPs as nanoscopic stoves for gentle, controlled, and reversible heating. This allows us for the first time to use AuNPs for optically induced DNA melting and to establish a DNA assay. We use DNA bound AuNP aggregates as light absorbers to locally convert optical energy from 300 ns laser pulses into thermal energy. This thermal energy is used to melt double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) on a microsecond time scale. Subsequently, the aggregates disintegrate on a millisecond time scale. Both, the perfectly matching and the single base pair (bp) mismatched DNA can be clearly distinguished even in a 1:1 mixture of both targets. The millisecond observation window provides the fastest time frame for a DNA melting analysis to date with a potential for multiplexing and mutant identification. The temperature gradient outside a single hot AuNP is very steep16,18 so that a single AuNP efficiently heats a thin shell of water of approximately 5 nm thickness only. Therefore, DNA of a typical length of 10 nm would be heated very inhomogeneously and inefficiently if attached to a single AuNP. However, when AuNPs are arranged in big aggregates interconnected with DNA,19,20 the heat is accumulated

Figure 1. Gold nanostoves as DNA melting assay. (a) The sequences for a perfect matching target and AuNP-linked detection sequences. (b) After the addition of the target to the functionalized AuNPs, multiple interparticle connections form resulting in stable DNA-AuNP networks. (c) Extinction spectrum of DNA bound gold nanoparticle aggregates at 25 °C (solid line) and of dispersed particles at 60 °C (dotted line). The aggregate spectrum shows a red shift of the plasmon resonance peak and broadening of the resonance with respect to the spectrum of dissolved AuNPs. The green line indicates the wavelength of the pump laser for heating and the red line shows the probe laser wavelength. (d) Extinction of the DNA-AuNP hybrid system at 650 nm. The melting temperature of the dsDNA is 54.0 °C for the perfect matching target and 50.5 °C for a target with one bp mismatch. (e) Experimental setup: The pulsed pump-laser (green) heats the goldaggregates. The resulting change in the sample’s extinction is detected with a fast photodiode detecting the transmitted light of a 650 nm cw diode laser.

between the AuNPs and distributed homogeneously over the whole aggregate. Consequently, the linking DNA in between the AuNPs is heated homogeneously. Apart from acting as nanostoves, AuNPs can also act as spectroscopic reporters of DNA melting. The plasmonic properties of AuNPs are very sensitive to the nanoparticles’ surrounding.21 Therefore, AuNPs perform well for optical biosensing.22-24 The change of the optical properties is particularly strong for coupled particle plasmon oscillations.25 The plasmon resonance of aggregated AuNPs is broadened and red-shifted as compared to dispersed AuNPs.25 The aggregates act as indicators for the hybridization state of the DNA because a spectral shift and broadening of the particle plasmon resonance can easily be observed in the extinction spectra.7,19 Classical melting curves of AuNP aggregates are obtained by slowly increasing the temperature and monitoring the extinction. Different phenotypes of DNA will then melt at different temperatures and can therefore be distinguished.7 In our work, AuNPs with a diameter of 10 nm (BBI) are functionalized with two different types of single-stranded (ss) DNA (Figure 1a). Both types of ssDNA consist of a thiolated A15 sequence and 15 further bases as a detection sequence. 620

These two detection sequences of 15 bases each are complementary to the 30 bases of the target ssDNA. To functionalize the AuNPs, 150 mg 4,4′-(phenylphosphinidene)-bis(benzenesulfonic acid) dipotassium salt hydrate was added to 200 mL gold nanoparticle solution. The mixture was allowed to stand for several days to replace the original ligands on the gold surface with phosphine. The solution was then concentrated to ∼1 µM by ultrafiltration and incubated for several days with thiolated DNA (purchased from Metabion, 3′ and 5′ thiol modification) in a DNA/gold nanoparticle ratio of ∼200/1. After removing the unbound DNA by repeated washing with PBS buffer, the AuNPs with 3′ and 5′ thiolated DNA were mixed in a ratio 1/1 in PBS buffer with 300 mM NaCl. After addition of the 30 base target in a molar ratio of ∼30 targets per gold nanoparticle, the solution was heated to 65 °C for several minutes and subsequently was allowed to stand at 10 °C for typically 3 h. This led to hybridization and a formation of aggregates due to interlinking of the AuNPs in a tail-to-tail configuration,26 as shown in Figure 1b. AuNP-DNA-networks are formed with multiple interparticle linkages6 due to several binding sites per particle.27 Nano Lett., Vol. 8, No. 2, 2008

Figure 2. Testing for optically induced DNA melting. (a) Relative change in the extinction ∆Ext/Ext after a low-power laser pulse has been applied (IPeak ) 2.5 kW/mm2). The bath temperature is set to 25 °C, which is far below the melting temperature of the DNA. The pump laser heats the aggregates for 300 ns. The extinction shows an initial sharp decrease but fully recovers on a microsecond time scale, indicating that the aggregates cool down on a microsecond time scale without dissociation (inset). (b) After aggregate cooling, there is no long-lived change in extinction, because the laser power was not sufficient to induce enough heat for DNA melting. (c) At IPeak ) 5 kW/mm2, the initially decreased ∆Ext/Ext signal is larger than in Figure 2a because the induced temperature is higher. The reached temperature is now sufficient to melt the DNA in the aggregates. This changes the aggregate structure (inset) and consequently the extinction stays on a decreased level after the cooling period (t > 25 µs). (d) The extinction decreases further on a millisecond time scale as the unlinked nanoparticles now diffuse apart (left inset). The red arrow indicates the amplitude of the long-lived decrease in extinction as a result of DNA melting and consequent aggregate dissociation (right inset). (e) The amplitude of the ∆Ext/Ext signal at 20 ms as a function of the applied laser intensity shows a clear thresholdlike behavior. The blue lines are linear fits in the melting and nonmelting regime for an exact determination of the melting threshold IM (crossing point). Data in panels a-d are averaged over 20 single shot measurements to reduce noise.

The extinction spectrum of aggregates (Figure 1c, solid line) shows a plasmon resonance that is red-shifted and broadened compared to the plasmon resonance of dispersed AuNPs (Figure 1c, dotted line). The optical extinction at 650 nm is a good indicator for DNA melting and the successive dissociation of the aggregates. This is shown in Figure 1d, where a steep decrease in the extinction can be observed when the samples are heated and the aggregates dissolve because of DNA melting (see also ref 7). The exact values for the melting temperature are deduced from the derivatives of the melting curves in Figure 1d. As can be observed in Figure 1d, aggregates formed with a target DNA comprising a single bp mismatch (green line) show a decreased Nano Lett., Vol. 8, No. 2, 2008

melting temperature as compared to aggregates formed with a perfect matching target (black line). Instead of performing a time-consuming temperature ramp as shown in Figure 1d, we use single laser pulses from a Nd:YLF solidstate laser of 300 ns duration, a wavelength of 527 nm, and a repetition rate of 0.5 Hz to optically heat the aggregates (Figure 1e). A 650 nm continuous wave probe laser beam is spatially overlapped with the heating laser pulses in a 2 mm thick cuvette (Figure 1e). The intensity of the transmitted probe light is detected with a fast photodiode (Thorlabs DET110) connected to a 1 GHz oscilloscope (LeCroy Waverunner LT584). The temporal resolution of the setup is 20 ns. The bath temperature TB of the solution in the 621

Figure 3. Mutant identification on a microsecond time scale. (a) Transient extinction after one single laser pulse. Double exponential fits are added as a guide to the eye. Perfect matching target DNA (black line) and mismatched target DNA (green line) can be distinguished with one single laser pulse. The long-lived decrease in extinction is only present with the mismatched target DNA. The applied laser power density is 2.9 kW/mm2. The bath temperature TB is 45 °C, close to the melting temperature of the targets. (b) The same measurement at TB ) 53 °C. The applied power density is 3.8 kW/mm2. The aggregates containing only mismatched target (green line) are completely dissociated at TB ) 53 °C and show no response to the heating laser. The perfect matching target (black line) melts with a clear long-lived change in the extinction. A mixture of both targets (blue line) shows a long-lived ∆Ext/Ext signal as well but with a smaller amplitude compared to the perfect matching target. All three cases can be distinguished in the microsecond time range with one single laser pulse.

cuvette can be preset by a temperature-controlled cuvette holder. Figure 2a shows a transient of the relative change of extinction ∆Ext/Ext of aggregates at TB ) 25 °C. The applied laser pulse has a peak power density IPeak of 2.5 kW/mm2. During the laser pulse, a sharp decrease in the extinction is observed. This can be due to a thermally induced change of the dielectric permittivity in the AuNPs,10 the water, and/or the DNA. Another reason could be heat-induced inflation of the aggregates and a temporary increase of the interparticle distance. Probably, the sharp decrease in the extinction is due to a mixture of these effects, and a detailed investigation is beyond the scope of this letter. Importantly, the ∆Ext/Ext signal fully recovers with a time constant of ∼4 µs and remains recovered also on a millisecond time scale (Figure 2b). The time constant for recovery coincides with calculated cooling times for aggregates with a diameter of a few micrometers,18,28 which is a realistic size for DNA bound nanoparticle aggregates.7 TB is virtually not affected even in the laser spot, otherwise a cooling time in the order of seconds would be expected,18 which is in contrast to our observations. We can conclude that after a laser pulse with IPeak ) 2.5 kW/mm2, the AuNP aggregates remain intact and no melting of DNA has occurred. The situation changes dramatically, when IPeak is doubled (Figure 2c,d) to 5 kW/mm2. Doubling the power density in the laser pulses roughly doubles the amplitude of the sharp decrease in the extinction during the pulse (Figure 2c). Indeed, calculations show a linear dependence of the induced temperature increase on the applied laser power.18 The 4 µs time scale of the subsequent cooling of the aggregate is unchanged compared to the previous experiment using only IPeak ) 2.5 kW/mm2. However, the ∆Ext/Ext signal does not recover to zero in contrast to the previous experiment with a lower applied IPeak (Figure 2a). In fact, the absolute value of the ∆Ext/Ext signal increases again on a millisecond time scale with a time constant of 1.5 ms (Figure 2d). It saturates 622

on a ms time scale and stays as a persistent signal for seconds until the extinction recovers due to the diffusion of fresh, undissolved AuNP aggregates into the focus (not shown). These observations can be explained in the following way: The heat that stays within the aggregate for a few microseconds is sufficient to melt the dsDNA (Figure 2c, inset). The linkages between the AuNPs are loosened and the NPs subsequently diffuse apart on a ms time scale (insets in Figure 2d). In Figure 2e, the relative change of the extinction at time t ) 20 ms after the heating pulse (see red arrow in Figure 2d) is plotted against the applied power density of the heating laser pulses. A clear thresholdlike behavior is observed. A ∆Ext/Ext signal cannot be observed below a threshold power density IM ) 3.8 kW/mm2, where the optically induced thermal energy is not sufficient to melt the dsDNA. Above the melting threshold IM, the relative extinction decreases linearly with the applied laser power. This thresholdlike behavior can be explained by the sharp melting curve in Figure 1d. At a given TB, a certain amount of optothermal heating is required to kick the temperature of the aggregates over the melting barrier. However, in contrast to a temperature-ramped melting assay, our optothermal assay provokes controlled DNA melting on a much faster time scale. In the following, the influence of a mismatch in the target DNA will be analyzed. We compare aggregates linked by a perfect matching target (PMT) and aggregates linked by a single base pair mismatched target (MMT) (sequence given in the inset in Figure 3a). TB was set to 45 °C, which is slightly below the melting temperature of the MMTaggregates. The transient extinction after a single laser pulse is shown in Figure 3a. In contrast to Figure 2a-d, there is no averaging over several events. A biexponential fit to the single shot raw data is added to the graph in Figure 3 as a guide to the eye (black line). The applied laser power density for this experiment was chosen to be just below the melting threshold IM ) 3.1 kW/mm2 of the PMT-aggregates. Nano Lett., Vol. 8, No. 2, 2008

Therefore, no long-lived change in extinction was observed for this target. The result changes if the MMT-aggregates are optically heated under exactly the same conditions. A long-lived decrease in extinction now indicates DNA melting (green line). The MMT can clearly be distinguished from the PMT within an observation window of only 1 ms. Up to now, we have shown that we can distinguish two solutions containing a perfect matching target and a mismatched target, respectively. However, it is a prerequisite for a multiplexing DNA assay to discriminate different DNA targets that are present in one and the same solution. To test the AuNP-nanostove-assay also for this requirement, we prepared a mixed solution (MIX) with a 1:1 mixture of the targets PMT and MMT. TB was preset to 53 °C (Figure 3b). The pure MMT-aggregates were completely dissolved at this temperature (Figure 1d). Consequently, the transient extinction for the pure MMT-sample showed no response to the laser pulse (Figure 3b, green line). In the PMT-containing samples, the AuNPs were still aggregated at 53 °C. The transient extinction of the pure PMT-aggregates clearly showed a long-lived decrease in the extinction (black line). In the case of the MIX-sample (blue line), the extinction transient can be clearly distinguished from both transients of the PMT and the MMT samples. At 53 °C, the MIXsolution obviously is a composite of dissolved AuNPs and PMT-bound aggregates. MMT-, PMT-, and MIX-solutions can clearly be discriminated with only one single laser pulse and an observation time below one millisecond. Our results demonstrate the high potential of the goldnanostove-assay for rapid high-throughput DNA analysis with an option for multiplexing. The read-out time of the assay is less than a millisecond after the 300 nanosecond laser pulse has been applied. The aggregates of nanoparticles serve as both converters of optothermal energy to heat the DNA and as a spectral reporter of DNA melting that allows for the discrimination of different targets even when they are mixed in one and the same solution. Therefore, classification of DNA is possible on a microsecond time scale without time-consuming temperature ramps. The concept of pulsed laser heating of gold nanostoves has great potential to improve the speed of pathogen detection. It is substantially less time-consuming compared to the current standard of blood cultures or DNA melting assays that require a full temperature ramp to determine the concrete pathogen and possible antibiotic resistance. The sooner patients can be treated with specific antibiotics instead of broad-band antibiotics, the less probable is the breeding of hospitalacquired strains with multiple resistance. Apart from high-

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speed pathogen DNA identification, the gold nanostove DNA assay may also be beneficial for phenotyping or for high throughput assays. Acknowledgment. We thank Werner Stadler and Anna Helfrich for excellent technical assistance. This work has been supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the SFB 486, by the Gottfried-WilhelmLeibniz Program, and via the “Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)”, and by the Bavarian Science Foundation. References (1) Ibrahim, E. H.; Sherman, G.; Ward, S.; Fraser, V. J.; Kollef, M. H. Chest 2000, 118, 146. (2) Kost, G. J.; et al. Point of Care 2003, 2, 163. (3) Klaschik, S.; et al. J. Clin. Microbiol. 2004, 42, 512. (4) Rice, S. A.; Doty, P. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1957, 79, 3937. (5) Tyagi, S.; Kramer, F. R. Nat. Biotechnol. 1996, 14, 303. (6) Elghanian, R.; Storhoff, J. J.; Mucic, R. C.; Letsinger, R. L.; Mirkin, C. A. Science 1997, 277, 1078. (7) Storhoff, J. J.; Elghanian, R.; Mucic, R. C.; Mirkin, C. A.; Letsinger, R. L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 1959. (8) Hamad-Schifferli, K.; Schwartz, J. J.; Santos, A. T.; Zhang, S.; Jacobson, J. M. Nature 2002, 415, 152. (9) Ahmadi, T. S.; Logunov, S. L.; El-Sayed, M. A. J. Phys. Chem. 1996, 100, 8053. (10) Perner M.; et al. Phys. ReV. Let. 1997, 78, 2192. (11) Hu, M.; Hartland, G. V. J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 7029. (12) Hu¨ttmann, G.; Birngruber, R. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 1999, 5, 954. (13) Radt, B. Inaktivierung von Proteinen und Zellen durch Laserbestrahlung von Mikropartikeln., Verlag im Internet GmbH, Berlin, 2003. (14) Yao, C.; et al. J. Biomed. Opt. 2005, 10, 064012. (15) Hirsch, L.R.; et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2003, 100, 13549. (16) Pitsillides, C. M.; Joe, E. K.; Wei, X.; Anderson, R. R.; Lin, C. P. Biophys. J. 2003, 84, 4023. (17) Jain, P. K.; Qian, W.; El-Sayed, M. A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 2426. (18) Govorov, A. O.; et al. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 2006, 1, 84. (19) Mirkin, C. A.; Letsinger, R. L.; Mucic, R. C.; Storhoff, J. J. Nature 1996, 382, 607. (20) Alivisatos, A. P.; et al. Nature 1996, 382, 609. (21) Kreibig, U.; Vollmer, M. Optical Properties of Metal Clusters; Springer: Berlin, 1995. (22) Englebienne, P. Analyst 1998, 123, 1599. (23) Raschke, G.; et al. Nano Lett. 2003, 3, 935. (24) Klar, T. A. Nanophotonics with Surface Plasmons; Shalaev, V. M., Kawata, S., Eds.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2007; Chapter 8. (25) Quinten, M.; Kreibig, U. Surf. Sci. 1986, 172, 557. (26) Jin, R.; Wu, G.; Li, Z.; Mirkin, C. A.; Schatz, G. C. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 1643. (27) Zanchet, D.; Micheel, C. M.; Parak, W. J.; Gerion, D.; Alivisatos, A. P. Nano Lett. 2001, 1, 32. (28) Keblinski, P.; Cahill, D. G.; Bodapati, A.; Sullivan, C. R.; Taton, T. A. J. Appl. Phys. 2006, 100, 054305.
