GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1924, 16 (7), pp 766–766. DOI: 10.1021/ie50175a047. Publication Date: July 1924. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Vol. 16, N o . 7

GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Muscle Shoals. Report by Mr. Norris from the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Submitted June 2, 1934. Report 678 (to accompany H . R . 518). 31 pp. Opium. An Act prohibiting the importation of opium for the purpose of manufacturing heroin. H . R . 7079 (Report No. 636). Passed June Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce 7, 1924. 1 p. Same. Hearings before the House Ways and Means Committee on H . R . British Dyestuffs Industry. F. E. BREITHUT. Trade Information Bulletin 7079. April 3, 1924. 55 pp. 231. 30 pp. Issued May 19, 1924. Report to accompany H . R . 7079. Submitted by Mr. Hadley, Chemical Trade of Japan. T. W. DELAHANTY AND C. C. CONCANNON. Same. April 17, 1924. H . Report 525. 3 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Trade Information Bulletin 217. 44 pp. Issued April 14, 1924. International Trade i n Cement. Part 11-Europe. R. M. SANTMYERS.Potash. An Act authorizing joint investigations by the United States Geological Survey and the Bureau of Soils of the United States DepartTrade Information Bulletin 213. 38 pp, Issued March 17, 1924. ment of Agriculture t o determine the location and extent of potash deSame. Part 111-Asia, Australia, and Africa. R. M. SANTMYERS. Trade posits or occurrence in the United States and improved methods of reInformation Bulletin 220. 25 pp. Issued April 14, 1924. covering potash therefrom. Passed the Senate May 20, 1924. ReItaly's Foreign Trade in Iron, Steel, and Nonferrous Metals in 1923. A. ferred t o Committee on Mines and Mining, May 24, 1924. S. 3047. A. OSBORNR. Trade Information Bulletin 237. 6 pp. Issued June 2, 5 PP. 1924. Tariff Commission. Kesolution directing the Tariff Commission to furnish Mexican Market for Paper and Paper Products. Trade lilformation the Senate information relat.ive t o the number of industries requesting Bulletin 214. 13 pp. Issued March 31, 1924. tariff investigation and the probable cost of complying with such bona Nitrogen Survey. Part 11-General Review of the Nitrogen Situation in fide requests. Introduced by Mr. Walsh; considered and agreed t o the United States. H . A. CURTIR. Prepared as part of the investigation M a y 12, 1924. S. Res. 221. 2 pp. of essential raw materials authorized by the Sixty-seventh Congress. Department of Agriculture Trode Infovmation Bulletin 226. 63 pp. Issued May 5, 1924. The Italian Dyestuffs Industry: Production, Export, and Import Statistics. Chart Showing Import Food and Drug Control of the United States with F. E;. BREITHUTAND J. A. PALMER. Trade Information Bullelin 234. Chart Showing Interstate Food and Drug Control of the United States. 11 pp. Issued M a y 26, 1924. W. W. SKINNER AND W. I,. MORRISON. 2 pp. 1924. Experimental Milling and Baking, Including Chemical Determinations. Bureau of Mines J. H. SIIOLLENBERGER, W. K. MARSHALL',A N D D. A. COLEMAN. DeJ. W. Assay Report Studies of T e n Typical Oil Shales. W. L. FINLEY, partment Bulletin 1187. 54 pp. Paper, 15 cents. HORNS, D. w. GOULD,A N D A. D. B A U E R . Reports Of I l 2 W S t i g f l t i O ? Z S Handbook of United States Grades for Grain Sorghums. Recommended 2603. 9 pp. Issued May, 1924. by Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 8 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Coal-Mine Fatalities in th'e United States and Europe. W. W . ADAMS. Practical Hints on Running a Gas Engine. A. P. YERKES. Farmers' Reports o j Investigations 2592. 12 pp. Issued April, 1924. Bulletin 1013. Reprint, 1924. 16 pp. Paper, 5 cents. The Bureau of Chemistry of t h e United States Department of Agriculture: Combustibility of Coke and Rate of Combustion. T. I,. JOSEPH. Repovts Organization, Enforcement of Food and Drugs Act, Enforcement of Tea of Inoestigations 2604. 5 pp, Issued May, 1924. Act, Research Work. Department Circular 137, revised February, 1924. Oil Shale. A Historical, Technical, and Economic Study. M . J. GAVIN. 23 pp, Paper, 5 cents. Bulletin 210, revised. 201 pp. Paper, 35 cents. The Capillary Distribution of Moisture in Soil Columns of Small Cross Properties of California Crude Oils. 11-Additional Analyses. A. J. Section. W. W. MCLAUGHLIN. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 1221, KRAEMERA N D H. M. SMITH.Reports of Insestigations 2608. 1 p. Is23 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Issued April 23, 1924. sued May, 1924. Tentative Specifications for Rock Dusting to Prevent Coal-Dust Explosions Geological Survey in Mines. G. S. RICL?, J. W. PAUL,AND R . R. SAYERS.Reports of Additional Ground-Water Supplies for the City of Enid, Oklahoma. B. Inuestigations 2606. 6 pp. Issued May, 1924. C. RENICK. Water-Supply Paper 520-B. Contributions t o the HyBureau of Standards drology of the United States, 1923-24, pp. 16-26. Published May 27, 1924. United States Government Specification for Numbered Cotton Duck. Gold a n d Silver in 1922. General Report. J. P. DUNLOP. Mineral Circular 136, 2nd ed. 4 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Resources of the United .States, 1922. Part I, pp. 595-635. Published Bureau of the Census June 4, 1924. Stone in 1922. G. F. LAUGHLINAND A. T. COONS. Mineral Resources Clay and Refractory Products, 1922. 23 gp. Paper, 5 cents. of the United States, 1922. P a r t 11, pp. 261-344. Published April 10, Pulp-Wood Consumption and Wood-Pulp Production. Compiled in co1924. operation with the Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Forest

Notice-Publicat;ons for which price i s indicated can be purchasrd from :he Superidendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D . C . Other publications can usually be supplied from the Bureau or Department from which they originate.

Products, 1922.

16 pp.

Paper, 5 cents.

Congress Dairy Bureau. An Act t o establish a Dairy Bureau in the Department of Agriculture and for other purposes. H . R . 7113. Public Law No. 156. Passed May 29, 1924. 2 pp. Engineering Experiment Stations. A Bill t o establish State engineering experiment stations in the States and Territories in connection with institutions of higher technical education for the promotion of engineering and industrial research as a measure of industrial, commercial, military, and naval progress and preparedness in times of peace or war. Introduced by Mr. Upshaw, June 7, 1924. €I, R . 9770. 8 pp. Foreign Commerce Service. A Bill t o establish in the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Commerce, a Foreign Commerce Service of the United States, and for other purposes. Introduced by Mr. Jones, May 24, 1924. S. 3384. 7 pp. Helium. A Bill authorizing the conservation, production, and exploitation of helium gas, a mineral resource pertaining t o the national defense, and to the development of commercial aeronnutics, and for other purposes. May 2, 1924, reported with amendments, committed t o the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union, and ordered t o be printed. H . R . 5722 (Report No. 627). 4 pp. Same. Hearings before the House Committee on Military Adairs on H . R . 5722. Thursday, March 20, 1924. 3.5 pp.

Indian Af€airs Office

Regulations to Govern Prospecting for and Mining of Metalliferous Minerals on Unallotted Lands of Indian Reservations. 19 pp.

Navy Department Test of Lubricating Oils:' Laboratory Test of Lubricating Oils a t Engineering Experiments Station, Annapolis, Md.-Instructions for Conducting Service Tests of Lubricating Oils. N. Eng. 198. 17 pp.

Public Health Service Hydrogen Sulfide Literature. C. We MITCHELLA N D S. J. DAVENPORT. Reprint 892 from Public Health Reports. 13 pp. Paper, 5 cents. Mercurial Poisoning: A Report on Poisoning from Small Quantities of Mercurial Vapor. J. A. TURNEK. Reprint 903 from Public Health Reports. 13 pp. Paper, 5 cents. The Preparation of & Crystalline Picrate Having the Antineuritic Properties of Vitamine B. ATHERTONSEIDELL.Reprint 902 from Public Health Reports. 6 pp. Paper, 5 cents. The Prevalence and Trend of Drug Addiction in the United States and FacKOLB AND A. G . DuMsz. Public tors Influencing It. I,AWHENCE Health Reports 39 (May 23, 1924), pp. 1179-1204. Viscosity and Toxicity of Arsphenamine Solutions. CARL VOEGTLIN,J. M. JOHNSON, A N D HELEN DYER. Reprint 898 from Public Health Reports. 17 pp. Paper, 5 cents.