gow-mac instrument co. - ACS Publications

teristics that would make the en- tire science of analytical ... four Gold-sheathed filaments for extra oxidation resistance under severe ... you mone...
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The Justifiable GC

Editors' Column

of action. Each manuscript submitted for publication is studied not only for traditional scientific merits, but for those unique characteristics that would make the entire science of analytical chemistry just a little bit better as a result of publication. Authors, editors, and reviewers must find those unique characteristics and emphasize them. Through the feature material in the journal we can attack the same problem from a different way—by telling the story of what is new in other fields, what is old in other fields that is new to chemical analysis, and what analytical chemists are contributing to their own and other fields. This is accomplished, with varying degrees of success, by maintaining an "intelligence network" that embraces personal contact with leaders and innovators in the field, by travelling to scientific meetings and expositions to gather information on what is old and what is new, and by availing ourselves of the suggestions of a fairly large group of advisors. New analytical methods of major significance do not appear on an everyday basis, however, and this is as it should be. If a new entree is to be added to a menu filled with delectable items, it had better be good if it is going to stay there. So much experimenting with seasoning, basting, and probing is in order before piece de resistance status is achieved. By concentrating on the new and useful aspects of analytical chemistry and other sciences, the Journal becomes a part of the stepwise procedure for progress. There is little doubt that a good part of analytical chemistry is couched (if not concealed) somewhere comfortably between theoretical science and technology that relates to items of commerce. As long as man needs and wants the things that are made possible by manipulation of the chemical elements, it is likely that chemical analysis will be required at every step of progress. John K. Crum

GOW-MAC MODEL 6 9 - 5 0 0 Maybe the job you need done doesn't justify the several thousand dollar price tag on some gas chromatographs. Still the job needs doing. Do it w i t h the GOW-MAC MODEL 6 9 - 5 0 0 . At less than $ 8 0 0 , it's dependable and has features not f o u n d in m u c h higher priced models, features such as four Gold-sheathed filaments for extra oxidation resistance under severe conditions, and the new self-healing septum system. The thermal conductivity detector gives rapid response and high sensitivity. Independent flow control of dual columns. Independent temperature control of detector and c o l u m n oven. Operates to 3 0 0 ° C . This is a rugged, analytical, yet economical gas chromatograph — it couldn't have been built a couple of years ago, but today it's a reality. The GOW-MAC Model 69500. Even if you use it only once a week it'll save you money. Designed by GOW-MAC to meet the need for a practical approach to today's laboratory and plant requirements. Also available at lower sensitivity is the utility Model 6 9 - 1 0 0 at less than $ 6 0 0 . Send for free, illustrated brochure of features and specifications.

G O W - M A C I N S T R U M E N T CO.

Gas Analysis




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