Graduate Students & Postdocs! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Graduate Students & Postdocs! Chem. Eng. News , 2014, 92 (28), Inside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-09228-ad34. Publication Date: July 14, 2014. Copyri...
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Events for you at the 248th ACS National Meeting Monday, August 11 Opportunities for International Careers and Studies 9:00 – 11:00 AM, 4:00 – 5:30 PM Moscone Center, Room 135

Meet professionals from international embassies and consulates, as well as private funding organizations, who will explain how international experience (internships, scholarships, or exchanges) can beneft your future academic and professional endeavors. Organized by the ACS Ofce of International Activities

Tuesday, August 12 International Collaborations with International Impact: Chemistry for Global Change 8:30 – 11:35 AM and 1:30 – 4:40 PM Moscone Center, Ballroom 304

A group of graduate students from the University of Washington make up the Fall 2014 Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC). Tis symposium will spotlight the impact that international research collaboration has on chemistry intended to beneft the world at large. Sponsored by CHED

Wednesday, August 13 Perspectives on Graduate Education in the Chemical Sciences 1:30 – 4:45 PM

Moscone Center, Esplanade Ballroom 304 Tis symposium will highlight results from the 2013 ACS Graduate Student Survey wherein graduate students from over 260 universities provided feedback on their graduate programs. In addition, speakers will discuss using individual development plans, research centers, chemical information literacy, and blog writing to enrich the graduate student experience. Sponsored by CHED

ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars Reception Monday, Monday, August August 11 11

7:00 – 8:30 PM Moscone Center, Room 135 Network with graduate students and postdocs, as well as ACS Division and YCC representatives!

Free Free food, food, drinks, drinks, and and prizes! prizes! Co-sponsored by ACS Divisions and YCC

S U N DAY – W E D N E S DAY, A U G U S T 1 0 - 1 3 Professional Development Workshops • Moscone Convention Center, TBA Further advance your career by attending Career Pathways’ workshops:

• Finding Your Path • Working in Government • Acing the Interview • Working in Higher Education • Working in Industry

Check out other programs of interest to graduate students and postdocs at Consult the onsite meeting program to confirm event locations and times.