GREEN CLAIMS - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Oct 25, 2010 - “ECO-FRIENDLY,” touts the tag hanging from an insulated lunch tote. “Environment-friendly,” reads the label on a household clea...
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quired under law should not be advertised, FTC adds. Although it digs into claims of greenhouse gas emissions offsets, FTC’s proposal Federal Trade Commission proposes to steers clear of three widely used environmental marketing terms: “sustainable,” tighten ECO-MARKETING guidelines “natural,” and “organic.” The commission says it either “lacks a sufficient basis to provide meaningful guidance” or wants “ECO-FRIENDLY,” touts the tag hangto avoid duplicating regulations or ing from an insulated lunch tote. “Enguidelines from other agencies. For vironment-friendly,” reads the label on instance, the Department of Agricula household cleaner. Yet exactly what ture has a program establishing the these green marketing claims mean isn’t acceptable use of the word organic for clear to consumers, according to the items derived from agricultural Federal Trade Commission. products, FTC says. Now, FTC, the federal agenThe other words are fraught cy tasked with ferreting out with ambiguity. For example, a unfair or deceptive advertismarketer may intend to convey ing, is putting pressure on that a product has environcompanies to drop overly mental benefits by using the broad environmental word sustainable. Yet for a sigclaims. This includes such nificant number of consumers, phrases as environmentally this term either carries no single friendly and eco-friendly. environmental meaning or con“Such claims are likely veys that the product is durable to suggest that the product has or long-lasting, FTC says. specific and far-reaching environmental expand current guidance on Many in industry are backing BUY ME FTC is proposing tougher benefits,” says an FTC proposal issued earclaims that a product is “free expansion of FTC’s green marguidelines for lier this month. “Very few products, if any, of ” a particular chemical. The keting guidelines. The Consumer product claims such have all the attributes consumers seem to changes would clarify that Specialty Products Association as “eco-friendly,” perceive from such claims, making these such claims are deceptive if the (CSPA) sought several of the pro“environmentally friendly,” and claims nearly impossible to substantiate.” substance has never been used posed changes, says Beth L. Law, “degradable.” The agency proposal would revise the in similar products. “Free of” the industry group’s assistant green marketing guidelines FTC initially claims would also be approprigeneral counsel and vice presiestablished in 1992. That guidance describes ate even when an item has trace dent for international affairs. the appropriate use of claims such as “enviamounts of the chemical, FTC says. They include proposed guidance on bioderonmentally preferable,” “biodegradable,” gradability and “free of” claims, Law says. and “ozone safe.” FTC last updated its enviTHE PROPOSAL ALSO, for the first time, Meanwhile, FTC’s proposed guidance ronmental marketing guidelines in 1998. would target marketing claims for carbon for environmental certifications and seals “In recent years, businesses have offsets. Purchases of offsets fund projects of approval has the support of CSPA and increasingly used ‘green’ marketing to that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the American Cleaning Institute (formerly capture consumers’ attention and move such as capturing methane from landfills the Soap & Detergent Association). Green Americans toward a more environmentally or planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide certifications and seals have proliferated in friendly future,” FTC Chairman Jon Leifrom the atmosphere. Companies, univerrecent years, which can lead to consumer bowitz says. “But what companies think sities, and other organizations or people confusion, says Michelle Radecki, general green claims mean and what consumers who purchase offsets equivalent to the counsel for the cleaning institute. Conreally understand are sometimes two difamount of greenhouse gases they emit can sumers need more information on what ferent things.” claim they are “carbon neutral.” these credentials mean, she tells C&EN. For instance, FTC’s proposal would clarCompanies need “competent and reliable FTC’s proposal would caution marketers ify the meaning of “degradable,” a term that scientific evidence to support their carbon not to use certifications or seals that do not includes biodegradable. To use this claim, offset claims,” the FTC proposal says. These state the basis for these credentials. Qualithe current guidelines say, marketers must include accounting methods ensuring that fications for the certification or seal would substantiate that the entire package or prodthe emissions reductions are properly quanhave to convey that it refers only to specific uct breaks down “within a reasonably short tified and that the offsets aren’t sold more and limited benefits, the proposal says. period of time” after disposal. Under the than once, the commission says. The commission is accepting public proposal, the time period would be specified The proposal also would advise marcomment on the proposed changes to its as “no more than one year after customary keters to disclose whether the emissions environmental marketing guidelines and disposal,” such as placement in a landfill. offsets would take place within two years is expected to finalize them next year.— In addition, the commission would of purchase. Emissions offsets that are reCHERYL HOGUE




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