Green Goggles: Designing and Teaching a General Chemistry Course

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Green Goggles: Designing and Teaching a General Chemistry Course to Nonmajors Using a Green Chemistry Approach Sarah Prescott* Science and Technology, University of New Hampshire, Manchester, New Hampshire 03101, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: A novel course using green chemistry as the context to teach general chemistry fundamentals was designed, implemented and is described here. The course design included an active learning approach, with major course graded components including a weekly blog entry, exams, and a semester project that was disseminated by wiki and a public symposium. Results include self-reports of gains in knowledge of both general and green chemistry concepts as well as how they are related, and that the project and wiki participation contributed most to their learning gains in the course. Other qualitative results include attitudinal changes and increase in critical thinking skills. Course improvements for future offerings are also reported. KEYWORDS: First-Year Undergraduate/General, Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary, Collaborative/Cooperative Learning, Inquiry-Based/Discovery Learning, Internet/Web-Based Learning, Problem Solving/Decision Making, Green Chemistry, Nonmajor Courses

INTRODUCTION There have been several courses for nonmajors recently described in this Journal, in areas such as food chemistry,1 science and art,2−4 and the chemistry of perfume.5 These courses use their topic areas as the context through which fundamental chemistry concepts are discussed and explored. Although green chemistry has made good in-roads into the chemistry curriculum for majors,6 there are no reported green chemistry courses for nonscience majors. Specifically described here is a green chemistry course for nonmajors that uses the principles and practice of green chemistry as the lens through which to teach the fundamental concepts of chemistry. The effectiveness of the use of a contextual basis for teaching has been well established, including increases in student motivation for learning and attitudinal changes.7 A novel course that used this approach, specifically using green chemistry as the context (or lens) by which to teach general chemistry was designed, implemented, and evaluated. The main goal of this course was for students to demonstrate understanding of fundamental chemical principles using the principles and practice of green chemistry. It was also a purpose of this course, as it is part of the inquiry course curriculum at our university, that students (i) reflect on their learning processes; (ii) develop their own strategies to address questions, problems or subject matter in their coursework; and (iii) effectively convey and present the results of their inquiry.

(UNH), and class sizes are typically small (25 is considered a large class size). This course was a new course in the Discovery (formerly General Education) curriculum, and was also designated as an Inquiry course. Students met once weekly for 3 h at a time, in an interactive lecture−discussion format. Because this is a commuter campus, it is often more convenient for students to have a course once a week; therefore, a majority of courses are offered in this format. This does make it necessary for the class sessions to be interactive, to keep students engaged and actively learning. Often there were small group discussions and in class activities. Some discussions were planned, although more often, students would come in to class with ideas, questions, or interesting things they had discovered since our last session that they wanted to share, and this would spark authentic discussion and learning. The course ran for 15 weeks (a full semester), and used lecture topics adapted from Stanley Monahan’s online text8 that was used as a resource for the course. Students were asked to read the chapter in the text prior to the class on that topic. This text is available as a free download, which had appeal for students. The content in this green chemistry text used an approach of incorporating needed chemistry topics when appropriate as was the intent of the course, so it was an asset to the course. While it was intended to discuss most of the chapters in the Monahan text to guide the course, it became clear that this was not feasible for this type of course. We ended our discussion with Air and the Atmosphere (gases). Ending with this chapter allowed for a discussion of most of the major concepts typically seen in the first-semester general chemistry course (see Table 1). While a discussion of liquids and gases in the context of chemistry was not done, exploration of water chemistry and its role in the environment, and some

FORMAT OF THE COURSE AND ASSIGNMENTS The course was designed in the spring and summer of 2011 and offered for the first time during the fall semester 2011. Initially, 11 students enrolled in the course; 2 students stopped attending after midsemester. This institution is a small commuter college of the University of New Hampshire © XXXX American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.

A | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX


Energy Relationships

Energy Relationships

Water, the Ultimate Green Solvent: Its Uses and Environmental Chemistry Air and the Atmosphere (where course stopped)

Air and the Atmosphere (where course stopped) Final Exam and Science Symposium







Carbon: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry


7 8





The Elements: Basic Building Blocks of Green Chemicals Compounds: Safer Materials for a Safer World Chemical Reactions: Making Materials Safely Without Damaging the Environment (continued in Weeks 5 and 6) Chemical Reactions: Making Materials Safely Without Damaging the Environment Chemical Reactions: Making Materials Safely Without Damaging the Environment Midterm Exam Carbon: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry


Lecture Topics

Chemistry and Green Chemistry



Table 1. Course Outline by Week General Chemistry Fundamentals

Combined gas law, Ideal gas law, gas stoichiometry

Combined gas law, Ideal gas law, gas stoichiometry

Types of reactions, organic compounds, naming organic compounds, writing structures for basic alkanes/alkenes/alkynes, identifying cis/trans isomers introduction of biochemistry (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids) Types of reactions, organic compounds, naming organic compounds, writing structures for basic alkanes/alkenes/alkynes, identifying cis/trans isomers introduction of biochemistry (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids) Energy from hydrocarbons, exo/endothermic changes, heat calculations, heat capacity, writing thermochemical equations, calculating bond energies Energy from hydrocarbons, exo/endothermic changes, heat calculations, heat capacity, writing thermochemical equations, calculating bond energies Water structure, water reactions and properties

The mole, molecular mass, calculating grams/moles/number of atoms, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, balancing chemical reactions, stoichiometry calculations, computing molar mass, molecular formula calculations, atom economy, percent yield The mole, molecular mass, calculating grams/moles/#atoms, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, balancing chemical reactions, stoichiometry calculations, computing molar mass, molecular formula calculations, atom economy, percent yield The mole, molecular mass, calculating grams/mol/#atoms, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, balancing chemical reactions, stoichiometry calculations, computing molar mass, molecular formula calculations, atom economy, percent yield

What is chemistry?, basic units of measurement, scientific method, 12 Principles of Green Chemistry Parts of the atom, periodic table, isotopes and calculating parts of the atom, mass number, atomic number, names of elements Nomenclature, ionic/covalent bonding, writing chemical formulas, Lewis structures

Blog Assignment

Describe the use of a specific renewable chemical feedstock: what it is used for, how its use impacts other aspects. Reflect back on the coursehow would you describe the field of green chemistry to a friend? What examples struck you as the most intriguing excellent examples of green chemistry at work? What are 3 major chemical principles you understand now that you did not when you started the course? Comment on at least 3 other blog entries.

Find an agricultural example (either brown or green) and describe its current state (remediated, helpful in some way, etc.). Describe the cogeneration plant used at UNH in Durham.

Find and describe a specific example of a biological interaction with environmental chemicals.

Describe a specific example where water was used as a green solvent. Find and describe a specific example of an air pollutant, and what has been done to mitigate its damage to the environment.

None: project work

Comment on at least 3 other blog entries.

Describe a material now made safer using a greener process, including the chemical reaction of formation. Find an organic compound that is used in a green process and describe it.

Find a label: describe 3 chemical compounds listed, including correct formulas and purpose for each.

What is green chemistry?

Journal of Chemical Education Article | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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introductory organic chemistry and thermochemistry was covered. Extra time was needed to explore chemical reactions than was anticipated. Because students had little to no knowledge of chemistry prior to this course, it was important to make sure that they had the time necessary to understand the basic reaction chemistry they would need in order to apply that to how the principles of green chemistry are applied to chemical reactions. In-class assignments were not graded, but much of the work on learning the fundamentals took place in class using an active learning approach via solving problems as a group, and interactive lecture, which incorporated the green chemistry ideas as the jumping off points and provided the incentive and motivation to learn the material. Concepts were introduced on a need-to-know basis (referred to as just-in-time teaching, originally developed at Indiana University and reviewed in Novak et al.’s book9), so it was clear to students why we were discussing them. For example, in order to discuss atom economy as a green chemistry principle, students needed to understand about chemical reactions, including balancing of equations. Many of the discussions were modeled after the problem-based learning approach, in which students are given a problem or question, and discussion ensues after they learn the information or skills they need in order solve the problem. This approach has been demonstrated to facilitate the comprehension of new information and enhance long-term memory.10,11

beginning of that class all the different compounds they remembered were put on the board. Students were not instructed to bring them into class, so this was a gauge of their interest based on memory of the compounds they found. Their ability to remember so many of the compounds was a testament to the interest and motivation such an activity engendered. This activity was then used as a jumping off point to start talking about how compounds are named. This turned into a very fruitful conversation, and students were quite interested in finding more labels and compound names. Several students asked in later classes (or by e-mail) about other compounds they had found. A connection to toxic compounds was also incorporated into this discussion, and an interesting point about whether someone could determine the toxicity of compounds from the name. Students’ prior misconception was generally that the longer, more complicated sounding names would be more toxic. This presented an interesting teaching point to help them resolve this misconception and continue to extend this after that particular class session. These discussions were the norm for the beginning of class sessions, and set the tone for active and open discussion for the remainder of the class session. Students commented that they felt comfortable contributing to class and that these discussions help keep them interested in the class material. Exams

A midterm exam and final exam assessed both the learning of general chemistry fundamental concepts discussed in the course and some green chemistry concepts. Assessment of the general chemistry concept understanding was done primarily through multiple-choice questions, similar to the problems and questions discussed and solved together during class. Short essay questions were asked on several key ideas of green chemistry discussed in the class. Class averages on the midterm and final exams were 78 and 62 points, respectively. The final exam average was significantly lower, likely as a result of including more complicated concepts (i.e., stoichiometry). Students struggled in class with problems that required multiple steps to solve, and this was likely the largest factor in the low final exam scores. In future offerings, this course will use more frequent assessment in the form of five quizzes placed throughout the semester so that the material can be assessed in more manageable units. Several students suggested this would help them in being able to focus and master smaller bits of material for assessment. A representative comment (from UNH evaluation), [T]he way of grading could be done different, instead of having 4 grades having more possible grades, also having grades readily available to you each week. Quizzes will include fewer questions and incorporate a few questions for which students are asked to map out their problem-solving approach to the question (without solving). This approach will also be used in class time, in order to more effectively model the problem-solving approach in order to enhance student’s metacognitive ability.10,11 Because one of the objectives of this course is to improve students’ problemsolving and critical-thinking skills, focusing on this in the learning assessments will help to keep the course objectives and assessments in sync.

Weekly Blog Entries

The main graded course components included a blog, midterm and final exams, and a project (40, 30, and 30% of the course grade, respectively). The blog involved a weekly assigned guided entry and required comments on other students’ entries (see Table 1). These entries kept students involved in the course between class sessions, and allowed for discussions to continue outside of class. These blog entries also allowed the less outgoing students a venue for actively participating in the course that they might not otherwise have. Several students commented that they appreciated the variety of ways that they could participate and learn (and demonstrate their learning) in the course. The students all agreed to have their blog entries open to be public,12 and they can be viewed online.13 None of the students prior to this course had ever created their own blog. Several had read blogs, but none with any scientific content. At the end of the course, several students asked me to send them the link to the blogs, so that they could share their work with family and friends. Students generally found these entries interesting, and not to be burdensome “busy work”. The blog assignment listed in Table 1 was the question or entry they were assigned to have posted by the following week. The instructor evaluated blogs during the semester at the midterm and final periods. Blogs were evaluated based on content and required comments on other posts based on a rubric (available as Supporting Information). Evaluating blogs was timeconsuming and in the future the blogs will be reviewed and commented on weekly by the instructor and a revised rubric (that focuses more on participation in the assignments and engagement) will be used. This change will spread out the workload on this task for the instructor, as well as provide more frequent feedback to students, which is something students said they would prefer. Blog entries were used to spark discussion at the beginning of the next class. For example, when the students were posting about chemical compounds they found on labels, at the

Green Chemistry Project and Course Wiki

Lastly, students completed a project in an area of green chemistry, with the requirement to demonstrate the general chemistry fundamental concepts that were incorporated in their C | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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project. The main components for this project were: (i) examining a green chemistry topic that discusses its direct connection to areas of general chemistry; (ii) an innovative or creative aspect; (iii) producing some product that will be available to be used following the course (i.e., a podcast, video, or curricular materials), and preserved electronically in a wiki site. (This is a summary: see the Supporting Information for full guidelines and grading rubric.) In addition to these components, all projects were disseminated via the wiki site mentioned, and at a Science Symposium that was held at UNHM and open to the public. The wiki sites for the projects can be found online.14 Students had no experience with creating a wiki site before, and found the experience to be less daunting than they initially thought. Projects were discussed from the beginning class session and frequently throughout the semester, to provide students the support they needed to complete this project. Students could work together or on their own. One unexpected outcome was that because there was no limit on the number of similar topics, there were several almost identical projects (on green cleaners and natural soaps). To diversify the projects in the future, a suggested topic list will be given and only one project may be done in a particular area. Projects varied in quality, and generally varied based on the student’s relative engagement with the course. Students were very creative in how they approached the project, and a lot of flexibility was given in order to encourage this. All projects had to have a formal written proposal that included how the project involved both green chemistry and general chemistry. The instructor met with each project team or individual student several times outside of class to provide guidance. Projects were completed outside of class aside from a brainstorming session at the second class session on project topics. Students presented their projects at a Science Symposium, and they all were actively engaged with people who came to talk to them about their project. They were proud of their project outcomes and products.

Table 2. Selected Questions and Results from the SALG Postsurvey Items As a result of your work in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in your UNDERSTANDING of each of the following? The main concepts explored in this class The relationships between the main concepts The following concepts that have been explored in this class The fundamental concepts of chemistry What is meant by green chemistry How general chemistry and green chemistry are connected How ideas from this class relate to ideas encountered in other classes within this subject area How ideas from this class relate to ideas encountered in classes outside of this subject area How studying this subject area helps people address real-world issues As a result of your work in this class, what GAINS DID YOU MAKE in the following? Enthusiasm for the subject Interest in discussing the subject area with friends or family Interest in taking or planning to take additional classes in this subject Confidence that you understand the material Confidence that you can do this subject area HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING? Attending lectures Participating in discussions during class Listening to discussions during class Participating in group work during class Doing hands-on classroom activities Specific Class Activities Green chemistry research project Using a wiki HOW MUCH did each of the following aspects of the class HELP YOUR LEARNING? Graded assignments (overall) in this class Wiki project Opportunities for in-class review (given by the instructor or TA) The number and spacing of tests The fit between class content and tests The mental stretch required by tests The way the grading system helped me understand what I needed to work on The feedback on my work received after tests or assignments

COURSE EVALUATION AND DISCUSSION Postcourse surveys using the SENCER-SALG (Student Assessment of Their Learning Gains) instrument15 were used. These surveys allow students to self-evaluate their learning gains in a course. Additionally, blog entries from the reflective entry at the end of the semester and open-ended comments supplied on university evaluations were analyzed. Table 2 lists results for the majority of the SENCER-SALG survey (those questions relevant to this discussion; complete data are available in the Supporting Information). Only 6 students out of 9 completed this survey, as 2 students had stopped attending the course following the midterm exam. The survey was made available online outside of class time and was voluntary for students to complete, so this is why not all students completed surveys. In the future, the survey will be administered during a class session to obtain higher numbers of completed surveys. Students reported “good” to “great” gains in understanding of how general chemistry and green chemistry are connected (4.2 for each), as well as large gains in understanding the fundamental concepts of chemistry (4.7). Students reported the green chemistry project and creating a wiki as the items that contributed the greatest gains to their learning in the course (4.8). The fact that they felt both contributed greatly to their learning is a positive outcome for this particular course approach. Much of the other larger gains reported surround



3.8 3.8

0.75 0.75

4.7 4.2 4.2

0.52 0.75 0.98







3.5 3.3

1.38 1.63



3.5 3.2

1.22 1.47

4.3 3.7 4.0 4.2 4.2

1.21 1.51 1.26 1.17 0.98

4.8 4.8

0.41 0.41

3.2 4.2 3.7

0.75 0.75 1.51

3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7

1.21 0.82 0.82 1.21




Scale: 1, no gain; 2, a little gain; 3, moderate gain; 4, good gain; 5, great gain. bN = 6.

the interdisciplinary and discussion-based aspects of the course. Students felt that the group work and in-class interactions helped their learning. The lowest score on this survey was the question that asked whether students would want to take another course in this area (2.2). This is likely due to the fact that these are nonmajor students who were taking this course as their only required physical science course, and it was apparently not enticing enough to convince them to switch to a science major. Several of the SALG questions were open ended and offered more qualitative insight into students’ particular reactions to D | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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most intriguing example (learning about this was an assigned blog entry), and their own project topic. In terms of major chemical principles at work that the students understand now but did not at the start of the course, several responses were interesting: Three major principles of green chemistry that I understand now are the use of recyclable feedstocks, prevention, and reducing the use of derivatives. ...Feedstocks should be recyclable so the companies are not wasting raw materials, if they become recyclable then they can be used again and again creating less waste because you are re-using the same product repetitively. Prevention is a good thing for companies to start to practice if they want to go green, they should not be creating waste to just have to clean it up later. This student learned the principles of green chemistry and is able to apply them in ways she had not been able to prior to this class. She was very passionate about how companies operate and interested in the ethics of being “green”. While a discussion of the ethics of chemical practice was not discussed in the course, it is encouraging that students were extending their learning to other areas. Since this is a nonmajor course, it is all the more important that we are able to educate the next generation of citizens in the responsible use and practice of chemistry. The first chemical principle I understand that I didn’t know when we began this course was pretty much anything to do with moles because I had never even heard of them. Another was naming or drawing hydrocarbons in chemistry. I remember the nutrition class I took previous to this class and we didn’t need to know these types of structures but my professor still showed us them sometimes. When I’d look at them I’d always wonder how I could understand all the lines and letters. Now that I have a basic understanding in chemistry, these structures don’t scare me anymore. Students often commented about no longer being afraid or scared of chemistry. These attitudinal changes, while not expected, are certainly promising in terms of outcomes for a nonmajors courses, especially considering this may be the only physical science course that these students ever take. I thought I had a bit of an understanding of green chemistry when I started taking this course. I definitely think that the more I learn; I realize that I really knew very little in the first place. I would describe green chemistry as the study of how to lessen the environmental impact of industrial and chemical processes. Replacing materials with green-friendly alternatives and making reactions as efficient as possible is something that green chemistry is all about. Some things that will stick with me are the real-life applications of this that are really beneficial. I still remember the example about ibuprofen that was discussed early on in the course, and how green chemists were able to greatly reduce the amount of waste obtained during the production process. This student demonstrates a good working knowledge of how green chemistry principles can be used, and how it is distinct from just “being green”. The ibuprofen example was introduced in the first class session, so it is a positive outcome that this student remembered this example and it clearly stuck with her.

the course. Selected questions asked are followed by selected student responses. When asked about the way this class was taught and how it helped you remember key ideas, one student commented: Listening to the professor and taking notes is one thing. Actually doing an example and talking it over with our classmates in class is very helpful remembering what was taught. It is clear that this student appreciated the effectiveness of the active learning approach of the course. This was the general consensus that students also voiced during the class sessions. The instructor checked in frequently to ask how students were responding to the class climate and format, and feedback was positive. When asked to comment on how has this class changed your attitudes toward this subject, a student responded: I would have certainly have struggled with a regular chemistry class, but “green goggles chemistry” has a little spark to it. When I say spark I mean it’s the green part of chemistry that makes this topic so interesting (it’s still a new and growing idea). This comment gets at one of the initial motivations to design such a course; it is promising that students felt, as was hoped, that using a context (green chemistry) as the lens for approaching general chemistry was effective in keeping their interest in the course. The fact that it is in response as to how her or his attitudes have changed toward this subject makes the response even more encouragingnot only did it provide motivation, but also an attitudinal change about chemistry in general. On the other end, when asked what will you carry with you into other classes or other aspects of your life, a student responded: [T]he “green” topic of this class is what will be carried with me. I mean by “green” is recycling, even using greener soap products, and supporting methane gas as a source of energy. This student demonstrates a lack of understanding one of the key course ideas, that green chemistry is a design phase of chemistry, where the initial plan for making the product is designed such that the whole life cycle of the product is considered before making the product (thus hopefully negating the need for recycling). Even though effort was made to help students understand this, it is clear that more work needs to be done in this area. This student fell back on preconceived notions of what is meant by “green” and missed the point. Students identified specific gains in critical thinking, quantitation, and chemistry content knowledge, as skills they gained as a result of the class, stating, for example: “I’m getting somewhat better at math concepts”; “Critical thinking skills”; “Creating a blog and creating a wikispace. Aside from this, I take a great deal of new knowledge in the subject of chemistry.” The other data set available to evaluate this course was the final blog entry students composed, which asked them to reflect back on the course, including these prompts: How would you describe the field of green chemistry to a friend? What examples struck you as the most intriguing excellent examples of green chemistry at work? What are three major chemical principles you understand now that you did not when you started the course? Entries varied a bit, but several themes emerged. Most students mentioned the cogeneration plant at UNH in Durham as the

CONCLUSIONS A novel course has been developed and implemented that uses green chemistry as the lens through which to teach general chemistry. This approach showed significant impact on the students’ self-assessment of their gains in learning both green E | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

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(13) The Green Chemistry Blog of UNH Manchester. http:// (accessed Feb 2013). (14) Green Goggles Wikispace Home. http://greengogglesf11. (accessed Feb 2013). (15) SALG Web Site for Instructors (Student Assessment of their Learning Gains). (accessed Feb 2013).

chemistry and general chemistry concepts, and significant gains in their ability to connect these concepts and how studying in this subject area helps people address real-world issues. The free responses also indicate that students felt the course format and the majority of course components (specifically in class discussions, blogs, and wiki project) aided in their learning. Students often came to class with ideas about their project or other things they wanted to share that they had found independently of the class. Students were highly engaged in the course, both in class sessions and online via the blogging component. It is of note that some students demonstrated a lack of clear understanding of green chemistry and how it is distinct from other green concepts or ideas that they had prior knowledge of before the course. It is clear that in future offerings of the course this needs to be made more explicit with more examples of what green chemistry is and, more importantly, is not. The main course improvement needed is in redesigning the exams to give more frequent feedback and assessment of students’ understanding of key concepts. More frequent feedback on the blog entries will also enhance this course offering in the future.


S Supporting Information *

Course syllabi, project guidelines, project grading rubric, blog grading rubric, midterm and final exams, and raw survey data from SENCER-SALG. This material is available via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many thanks to the students for participating in this novel course and providing excellent feedback. Thanks to Ryan Sweeder for the initial review of the manuscript.


(1) Miles, D. T.; Bachman, J. K. J. Chem. Educ. 2009, 86, 311−315. (2) Smieja, J. A.; D’Ambruoso, G. D.; Richman, R. M. J. Chem. Educ. 2010, 87, 1085−1088. (3) Uffelman, E. S. J. Chem. Educ. 2007, 84, 1617−1624. (4) Nivens, D. A.; Padgett, C. W.; Chase, J. M.; Verges, K. J.; Jamieson, D. S. J. Chem. Educ. 2010, 87, 1089−1093. (5) Logan, J. L.; Rumbaugh, C. E. J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 613−619. (6) A list of these references is provided in the Supporting Information. (7) King, D. Stud. Sci. Educ. 2012, 48 (1), 51−87. (8) Manahan, S. E. Green Chemistry and the Ten Commandments of Sustainability; 2nd ed., ChemChar Research, Inc.: Columbia, MO, 2006. (9) Novak, G.; Patterson, E. T.; Gavrin, A. D.; Christian, W. Just-InTime Teaching: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology; Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1999. (10) Schmidt, H. G.; Rotgans, J. I.; Yew, E. H. J. Med. Educ. 2011, 45, 792−806. (11) Dolmans, D.; Schmidt, H. Postgrad. Med. J. 1996, 72, 535−538. (12) The students explicitly consented to have the blog entries and other course artifacts presented, analyzed, and used in publication. F | J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX