
(49-53) Nguyen et al. .... C1−C8 hydrocarbons in the gas phase were analyzed on a HP-PLOT Al2O3 capillary ... Survey spectra are taken in the range ...
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J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 11847–11858


Synthesis Gas to Hydrocarbons over CuO-CoO-Cr2O3/H+-ZSM-5 Bifunctional Catalysts Qiangu Yan,* Phuong Thanh Doan, Hossein Toghiani,* Amit C. Gujar, and Mark G. White* DaVe C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering, Mississippi State UniVersity, Mississippi 39762 ReceiVed: February 17, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: May 19, 2008

CuO-CoO-Cr2O3/H+-ZSM-5 (C3Z) bifunctional catalysts were prepared for CO hydrogenation to hydrocarbons. The CO conversion and hydrocarbon distribution were measured in a fixed bed flow reactor, operating at 275 to 400 °C, 300 to 1200 h-1 gas hourly space velocity (GHSV), and 700 to 1500 psig pressure. It was found that the catalyst has relatively high activity and selectivity in producing aromatic hydrocarbons. The CO conversion, hydrocarbon selectivity, and hydrocarbon distribution as a function of temperature, pressure, GHSV, H2/CO ratio of the feed, and reaction time were examined. The increase of temperature and pressure favors carbon monoxide conversion and formation of higher hydrocarbons, the selectivity to hydrocarbons increased with decreasing of the H2/CO ratio and space velocity of the feed gas. CO conversion decreased by ∼5% after 170 h run at 350 °C and H2/CO ratio of 1, while the selectivity to methane increased with reaction time, C5+ fractions decrease slightly, and aromatics almost remained constant, which may be due to copper sintering under reaction conditions. The catalyst was also investigated under a syngas containing 56.5 ppm H2S and it was found that the catalyst lost its activity gradually with increasing H2S/Cu ratio. The catalysts were characterized by physisorption and temperature-programmed reduction (TPR). The surface area of the used CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 is less than that of the fresh CuO-CoO-Cr2O3, which confirms that catalyst sintering may occur during reaction, thus resulting in modification of the catalyst structure. XRD results demonstrated that Cu, Co, and Cr were mainly present as CuO, Co3O4, and Cr2O3 in the as-prepared catalysts, copper oxide was reduced to copper metal, Co3O4 was reduced to CoO, while Cr2O3 remained unchanged after reaction. XPS results showed Cu, Co, and Cr mainly present as Cu2+, Co2+/Co3+, and Cr3+ in the fresh catalyst sample surface, almost 100% copper is Cu0 in the used catalyst and cobalt mainly exists as Co2+ after reaction, chromium is almost unchanged after reaction. The morphology and particle distribution of the C3Z samples were also characterized by using SEM and TEM. SEM and TEM images proved copper sintering and segregation from CoO-Cr2O3 and H+/ZSM-5 and led the deactivation of the catalyst. 1. Introduction The production of ultra clean fuels (e.g., diesel and gasoline) from synthesis gas (syngas) has received significantly increasing interest due to limited petroleum reservoirs and environmental constraints these days.1–4 As an important industrial raw material, syngas may be produced from relatively abundant resources, such as natural gas, coal, and biomass.5–8 Conversion of syngas to a wide range of fuels and chemicals subsequently follows the syngas production.9,10 Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis is a major part of gas-to-liquids (GTL) technology,11–16 which converts syngas into liquid fuels with a wide range of liquid hydrocarbon fuels and high-value added chemicals.17–20 However, the FT products are controlled by the AndersonSchulz-Flory (ASF) polymerization kinetics, resulting in a nonselective formation of any hydrocarbons.21–24 Many attempts have been made to circumvent the ASF distribution and to selectively produce high-octane gasoline.25–27One of the alternatives to improve the selectivity and quality limitations of the FT process is to use hybrid or composite catalysts which comprise a FT base catalyst and a cocatalyst containing the appropriate functionality to convert in a single stage the primary FT products into the desired compounds. The combination of an iron-based FT catalyst displaying high selectivity to olefins and oxygenates with ZSM-5 or HY zeolites28–33 results in an enhanced gasoline selectivity and an increased concentration * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. edu, [email protected], or [email protected].

of high-octane branched and aromatic hydrocarbons by promoting oligomerization, cracking, isomerization, and aromatization reactions on the zeolite acid sites. Another approach is first to convert syngas to methanol over a methanol synthesis catalyst and subsequently polymerize methanol to hydrocarbons over ZSM-5.34,35 During the recent decades, many investigations have demonstrated the advantages of the one-stage processes by using bifunctional catalysts compared with the two-stage and threestage processes of synthesis gas conversion to gasoline.34 The use of a bifunctional catalyst allows for simultaneously carrying out the synthesis of methanol from syngas over the metallic function and the transformation of methanol into hydrocarbons over the acidic function.36 The fulfillment of both steps in the same reaction medium promotes the displacement of the thermodynamic equilibrium of methanol synthesis. Also, the shape selectivity of the acidic function provides a high selectivity that cannot be reached in the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Bifunctional catalysts have been proven to show good performance for syngas to higher hydrocarbons.36–42 Comelli and Figoli43 have used the Cr2O3-ZnO function together with silica-alumina as an acidic function, which gives a suitable product distribution. The ZSM-5 zeolite is the acidic function most commonly used, due to its activity, selectivity, limited deactivation, and thermal stability properties. These qualities have been widely proven in the transformation of methanol into gasoline (MTG) over ZSM-5.44–46 However, the conversion of higher alcohols over ZSM-5 to produce hydrocarbons has not been studied as

10.1021/jp801640c CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 07/15/2008

11848 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 112, No. 31, 2008 extensively as that of methanol.47 The conversion of syngas over bifunctional catalysts of higher alcohol synthesis catalyst and ZSM-5 to produce hydrocarbons has not been studied yet either. Reactions of higher alcohols such as ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol, and butanol over H+/ZSM-5 produced different product distribution compared to that of methanol when operating under similar conditions.48 Cu-Co-based catalysts are important higher alcohol synthesis catalysts produced from syngas.49–53 Nguyen et al.51,52 investigated the effect of alkali additives over nanocrystalline Co-Cu-based perovskites as catalysts for higher alcohol synthesis and found the promotional effect of such alkali metals on CO hydrogenation was to improve the propagation of the hydrocarbon chain of both hydrocarbons and alcohol products. Doan53 studied higher alcohols from synthesis gas over Cu-Co-Cr-K catalysts: the productivity of higher alcohols as a function of temperature, pressure, gas hourly space velocity, carbon dioxide content of the feed, and reaction time was examined. Surgier et al.54,55 described the high selectivity of Cu1Co1Cr0.8K0.09 catalysts toward alcohols and high activity toward C2+OH; IFP catalysts are the most promising catalysts for higher alcohol synthesis under mild reaction conditions. The purpose of this study is to investigate the CuO-CoOCr2O3/H+-ZSM-5 (C3Z) bifunctional catalyst in the conversion of synthesis gas to higher hydrocarbons. The effects of the operating variables on the catalytic performance of the C3Z bifunctional catalysts were examined in a fixed bed reactor, and the catalysts have been characterized by physisorption, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. 2. Experimental Section 2.1. Catalyst Preparation. 2.1.1. Preparation of CuO-CoOCr2O3. CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 was prepared by mixing 32.34 g of Cr(NO3)3 · 6H2O, 19.72 g of copper nitrate, Cu(NO3)2 · 6H2O, 23.52 g of cobalt nitrate, Co(NO3)2 · 6H2O, and 15 mL of 2.5 wt % KOH solution. After all “precursor” metal salts were well mixed, 21.60 g of deionized water was added to the mixture with constant stirring at 65 °C for about 30 min, then 25 g of citric acid was added to the mixture. The solution was then heated at 80 °C for 1 h. After some amount of water evaporated, the resulting solution was dried in the oven overnight at 120 °C, a foam-like solid formed, and the foam staff was calcined at 400 °C for 2 h. Black fine powder CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 was ready for use. 2.1.2. Pretreatment of H+/ZSM-5. The zeolite CBV2314 (SiO2/Al2O3 ) 23) was purchased from Zeolyst International, the sample as received was in the ammonium form (NH4+/ZSM5). The H+/ZSM-5 used in the reaction was prepared by calcining the ammonium form in an oven at 550 °C for 3 h. 2.1.3. Preparation of C3Z Catalysts. A C3Z catalyst was prepared by physically mixing 50 wt % CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 and 50 wt % H+/ZSM-5. The catalyst powder mixture CuO-CoOCr2O3/H+-ZSM-5, CuO-CoO-Cr2O3, and H+/ZSM-5 were crushed and pelletized to tablets (1 cm diameter) under 15 tons of force, respectively. Each pellet (∼1 g) was then broken into 1-2 mm pieces. Finally, the broken pellets were reheated at 400 °C for 2 h before loading into the reactor. 2.2. Reaction System and Product Analysis. The reaction equipment used, Autoclave Engineers BTRS Jr., allows for working up to 1450 psig and up to 650 °C. The reactants are introduced into the reaction oven through a mixer that preheats

Yan et al. to 200 °C. The reactor is a fixed bed of 6.4 mm internal diameter and 152.4 mm length, with a volume of catalyst up to 5 cm3. It is located on the inside of a stainless steel chamber, which is heated by an electric resistance. Five grams of C3Z catalyst was loaded to the reactor. The catalyst was first preoxidized in air flow at 400 °C for 1 h, and then the system was purged by helium flow for 30 min, followed by prereducing with a hydrogen-argon mixture at 300 °C for 2 h, then syngas was fed in until reaching the desired pressure with slow adjustment of the system to the desired temperature. The flows of H2 and CO streams are controlled by mass flow controllers. The online analysis of the reaction products has been carried out with an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph provided with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and a flame ionization detector (FID). More than 45 components have been detected and identified in the product stream by the Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph. Both the inlet gas flow and outlet flow were measured; liquid products were collected and measured. H2, O2, N2, CH4, and CO were separated on MoleSieve 5A capillary column (30 m × 530 µm i.d., Ar carrier flow) and detected with a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). C1-C8 hydrocarbons in the gas phase were analyzed on a HP-PLOT Al2O3 capillary column (50 m × 530 µm i.d.) with a flame ionization detector (FID) and Ar carrier. Mass balance and carbon balance were performed based on inlet/outlet flows, gas composition analysis, and liquid product weight. Liquid samples were collected and then each analyzed by using a GC-MS. 2.3. Characterization of the Catalysts. The physical properties of the catalysts have been determined by N2 adsorptiondesorption (Quantachrome, Autosorb-1). Prior to measurements, the samples were degassed at 300 °C overnight. 2.3.1. Temperature-Programmed Reduction (TPR). Prior to temperature-programmed reduction experiments, each catalyst sample was activated under flowing O2 (10 vol %; balance He) at 400 °C for 90 min. TPR experiments were carried out with a heating rate of 10 deg/min. The reactive gas compositions were H2 (10.2 vol %/balance Ar). The TPR experiments were performed up to a temperature of 450 °C at which the sample was maintained for 5 min. 2.3.2. X-ray Diffraction (XRD). The samples of H+/ZSM-5 zeolite and catalysts were ground into powder and put into a sample cell. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns of the catalyst samples were obtained in an X-ray diffractometer operated at 40 kV and 40 mA, using Cu KR radiation with a wavelength of 1.5406 Å, from 5° to 80° at a scan rate of 0.02 deg s-1. 2.3.3. X-ray Photoelectron Spectra (XPS) Analysis. Measurement of photoelectron spectra was conducted by using a PHI model 1600 XPS instrument, with Al KR X-ray source, and the spectra was calibrated with reference to the C 1s level at 284.8 eV. The XPS operating parameters are as follows: The UHV chamber pressure is less than 8.5 × 10-8 Torr, while the pretreatment chamber pressure is 7.5 × 10-3 Torr in which pure hydrogen is the treatment gas. Survey spectra are taken in the range of 0-1100 eV with a pass energy of 46.95 eV and step size of 0.5 eV. Survey spectra are repeated 10 times with an acquisition time of 18 min. The pass energy of the high resolution spectra is 23.5 eV with the step size of 0.2 eV. The ratio of time/step is 50 ms. Finally the repeating scan number is 15 times. XPS surface characterizations were performed on fresh catalyst after overnight outgassing at room temperature in the UHV chamber. The fresh catalyst was then moved to the pretreatment chamber and reduced under 7.5 × 10-3 Torr of flowing research-grade hydrogen. The pretreatment temperature

CuO-CoO-Cr2O3/H+-ZSM-5 Bifunctional Catalysts

Figure 1. Effect of temperature on (a) CO conversion, selectivity and (b) higher hydrocarbon distribution at 1000 psig, H2/CO ) 1, and 600 h-1; 5 g 50 wt % CuO-CoO-Cr2O3-50 wt % H+-ZSM-5 was used in the reaction.

was ramped at approximately 5 deg per min to 275 °C and held at this temperature for 1 h. The pretreated catalysts were then reanalyzed by using XPS without exposure to air. The depth profiles were obtained by analyzing the surface at 30° and 60° takeoff angles. The used catalysts were retrieved from the reactor after about 1 week under reaction conditions, and then analyzed after outgassing in the UHV chamber. 2.3.4. SEM-EDX and TEM. The morphology of the zeolite and catalyst samples was investigated with SEM equipped with an energy-diffusive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) attachment (JEOL JSM-6500F), which could simultaneously provide the surface elemental composition information. The catalyst was precoated with gold before being introduced into the vacuum chamber. TEM was performed with a JEM-100CXII microscope operated at an accelerating voltage of 100 kV. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Catalytic Performance. 3.1.1. Effect of Temperature on the Catalyst Performances. The temperatures studied are 275, 300, 325, 350, 375, and 400 °C, with the remaining conditions maintained at the values previously indicated. Figure 1a shows the variation of CO conversion, C1-C6+ selectivity with temperature, the other variables remaining constant. Figure 1a shows that the influence of temperature on CO conversion is very important. CO conversion increases from 28% at 300

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 112, No. 31, 2008 11849 °C to 66% at 375 °C; however, it decreases to 63% at 400 °C. Although temperature favors the kinetics of hydrocarbon formation reactions, according to the thermodynamics only the light hydrocarbons, like methane, show higher stability in these conditions. Figure 1 shows high temperature up to 375 °C is more favorable for the CO conversion. Therefore, higher temperature enhances productivity of hydrocarbons, but it may lead to catalyst deactivation due to copper sintering.56The decrease in conversion as temperature is increased above 375 °C is most likely due to the thermodynamic restrictions of the exothermal reaction and Cu sintering, which leads to partial loss of catalyst activity. The hydrocarbon concentration in the effluent increases with temperature, as expected. Selectivity toward gasoline (C5+) first increases when the temperature increases from 275 to 375 °C, and then decreases after 375 °C. This may result from the fact that either the activation energies for the condensation steps are smaller than those for hydrogenation of light hydrocarbons, or that there are hydrocracking reactions, which are favored by temperature. No temperature gradients were observed along the catalyst bed during pretreatment, but during the introduction of the syngas process, excessive exotherms were observed. The catalyst zone temperature of the C3Z reaction rapidly rose to 325 °C in 5 min after the reaction start with a temperature of 275 °C. This was most likely due to the methanation or low hydrocarbon formation. Figure 1b clearly shows the hydrocarbon distribution changes with temperature, the light hydrocarbons (mainly methane) being favored at higher temperatures. Higher hydrocarbons are more sensitive to temperature, undergoing cracking and dealkylation reactions that become increasingly important with increasing temperature. Selectivity toward gasoline (C5+ fraction) increases first when the temperature increases from 275 to 375 °C (Figure 1a). With respect to the higher hydrocarbons and aromatic products (toluene, xylenes, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, and 1,2,4,5tetramethylbenzene, etc.) (Figure 1b), as the temperature increases the C5+ fractions increase, and the C8 fraction reaches a maximum value at 375 °C and then decreases with increasing temperature. The aromatic fractions increase with temperature, especially above 350 °C. This result is in agreement with data already published on syngas conversion over a cobalt-based catalyst mixed with H+-ZSM-5 zeolite.57 3.1.2. Impact of Space Velocity on the Catalyst Performances. Experiments have been carried out with different GHSV, 300, 600, 900, and 1200 h-1; the remaining operating conditions have been maintained at 375 °C, 1000 psig, CO/H2 ) 1. The effect of the space velocity on CO conversion and hydrocarbon distribution shows that when the space velocity increases, CO conversion decreases as expected (figure is not shown here). At the same time, C5+ selectivity also decreases. It can be concluded that CO conversion decreases with the increasing of space velocity. The effect of space time on product distribution is significant. It is observed that the hydrocarbons decrease with an increase of space velocity. The gasoline fraction (C5+) continuously decreases with increasing space velocity. It also showed lower GHSV favored higher C/H ratio products, especially for aromatics. To obtain a product with high aromatic content and with a suitable proportion of toluene, xylenes, trimethylbenzene, and tetramethylbenzene, the adequate selection of space velocity is very important. 3.1.3. Role of CO/H2 Molar Ratio on the Catalyst Performances. The synthesis gas ratio is an important parameter in higher hydrocarbon synthesis. It can affect both reaction rates and activity. A lower H2/CO ratio tends to decrease CO conversion while increasing higher hydrocarbon selectivity. A

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Figure 2. Effect of H2/CO molar ratio on (a) CO conversion, selectivity and (b) higher hydrocarbon distribution at 1000 psig, 600 h-1 and 375 °C; 5 g 50 wt % CuO-CoO-Cr2O3-50 wt % H+-ZSM-5 was used in the reaction.

Figure 3. Comparison of (a) CO conversion, selectivity and (b) higher hydrocarbon distribution at 375 °C and 600 h-1 over C3Z (physical mixture) catalyst bed and C3 + ZSM-5 (C3 on the top of catalyst bed, ZSM-5 on the bottom of the catalyst bed) two-layer catalyst bed under 375 °C and 1350 psig, 600 h-1 GHSV.

change in the ratio will also affect the partial pressure of H2 and CO under constant total pressure, thus the stoichiometry will be different for each reaction. Higher hydrogen partial pressure will eliminate coke formation, thus better activity will be obtained. Higher carbon monoxide partial pressure favors the formation of high molecular weight compounds. By decreasing the H2/CO ratio, CO insertion and C-C chain growth are more favorable, which then enhance the production of higher hydrocarbons. The feed H2/CO molar ratio of 2 to 1 has been used, and its effect on CO conversion and hydrocarbon distribution has been investigated. In Figure 2, the CO conversion and hydrocarbon have been compared with a H2/CO molar ratio of 1 to 2 in the feed. CO conversion was 66% at 375 °C for H2/CO of 1, while 70% for 2. Therefore, when the H2/CO ratio increases, CO conversion clearly increases. Figure 2b compared C5+ product distributions of different H2/CO molar ratio. It was concluded that a higher H2/CO ratio favored the formation of products of lower C/H ratio (straight chain of paraffin), while a lower H2/CO ratio favored higher C/H ratio products (aromatics). For a higher H2/CO ratio the gasoline fraction clearly increases at the expense of the lighter fractions in the product stream. For a lower H2/CO molar ratio, a higher selectivity toward aromatics is observed when the H2/CO molar ratio is 1. These results are due to the fact that a decrease in the H2/CO molar ratio favors the condensation steps over the hydrogenation steps. Consequently, products of greater C/H ratio are formed and an increase in selectivity toward hydrocarbon components of the gasoline takes place.

3.1.4. Influence of Pressure on the Catalyst Performances. An increase in total pressure will increase the equilibrium toward the product side, and increase the conversion. The change in Gibbs free energy will always be negative when pressure increases. Furthermore, a change in total pressure will not affect the water gas shift reaction but will change the equilibrium product distribution. Experiments under pressures of 700, 850, 1000, and 1200 psig have been carried out. The other operating conditions are the following: temperature 375 °C; CO/H2 molar ratio 1; and gas space velocity 600 h-1.The effect of pressure on both CO conversion and process selectivity shows that when pressure increases, CO conversion increases (figure is not shown here). Within the C5+ fraction, an important effect of pressure on selectivity is observed. The increase in pressure clearly favors the formation of C5+ and aromatics, while C1-C3 gaseous hydrocarbons clearly decrease with an increase of pressure. 3.1.5. Comparison of Catalytic Performance for the Catalyst Bed of Bifunctional Cu-Co-Cr/H+-ZSM-5 and the Two-Layer Bed of Cu-Co-Cr Oxides and H+-ZSM-5. The performance of the C3Z sample and that of C3 + ZSM-5 (C3 on the top of the catalyst bed, H+/ZSM-5 on the bottom of the catalyst bed) were compared in Figure 3. The CO conversion of the C3Z bifunctional catalyst was higher than that of the two-layer-bed system of Cu-Co-Cr and H+/ZSM-5. C3Z was found to favor the formation of tetramethylbenzene and trimethylbenzene, while C3 + ZSM-5 would produce more toluene and p-xylene under the same conditions. The synergism between CuO-CoO-Cr2O3

CuO-CoO-Cr2O3/H+-ZSM-5 Bifunctional Catalysts

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 112, No. 31, 2008 11851 TABLE 1: Physical Properties of the Catalysts

Figure 4. Time on stream of CO conversion and hydrocarbon selectivity on a C3Z catalyst at 350 °C, 1000 psig, 600 h-1, and H2/ CO ) 1/1.

Figure 5. Effect of H2S (56.5 ppm; H2/CO ) 1/1) on (a) CO conversion, CO2 yield and (b) hydrocarbon selectivity of a C3Z catalyst for syngas to hydrocarbons at 1100 psig, and 375 °C; 3.6 g 50 wt % CuO-CoO-Cr2O3-50 wt % ZSM-5 was used in the reaction.

and H+/ZSM-5 of the bifunctional catalyst could enhance the CO conversion or enable the effect. 3.2. Lifetime Performance and Impact of Contaminant H2S on the Catalyst Performances. 3.2.1. Time-on-Stream Performance. The effect of time on stream on the performance of the catalyst was studied at 350 °C over a period of 170 h.


BET surface area (m2/g)

pore vol (cm3/g)

pore diameter (µm)

H+-ZSM-5 Fresh C3 Used C3 Fresh C3Z Used C3Z

303.2 38.75 26.62 169.38 147.25

0.15 0.202 0.249 0.179 0.21

2.8 0.123 0.174 1.82 2.1

The evolution of CO conversion and hydrocarbon distribution with time on stream are shown in Figure 4 for a C3Z catalyst. The activity of the catalyst reached a steady state after a period of approximately 2 h under operating conditions. The reaction temperature was set to 300 °C in the beginning of the reaction since the temperature went up 30-50 °C when feeding syngas to the fresh reduced catalyst. The temperature then was slowly adjusted to 350 °C. The catalyst was continuously run for 1 week. Figure 4 also shows the corresponding hydrocarbon distribution at different times. After 170 h, the CO conversion drops by ∼5%, but the selectivity toward C5+ hydrocarbons is more affected by the time on stream. The increase in the proportion of methane during the aging process is observed. The proportion of aromatics in the C5+ fraction remains constant. These results indicate a slow deactivation of the catalyst, probably due to copper sintering on the surface of the CoO + Cr2O3 oxides and the ZSM-5 zeolite. 3.2.2. Impact of H2S on the Catalyst Performance. To investigate the impact of H2S on Cu-Co-Cr/H+-ZSM-5 catalyst performance, 3.6 g of C3Z catalyst (Cu-Co-Cr /ZSM ) 1 weight ratio) was charged to the reactor. This catalyst contained 0.72 g of CuO (0.009 mol of Cu). The catalyst was first prereduced at 300 °C with hydrogen for 1 h. Then sulfur-free syngas was passed over the catalyst at 300 °C for 3 h. The reaction temperature was then adjusted to 375 °C and the system pressure was raised to 1110 psig. After achieving steady-state conditions with the sulfur-free synthesis gas, the feed to the reactor was changed to a premixed synthesis gas, containing H2S at ppm levels (56.5 ppm; CO/H2 ratio ca. 1/1). The H2S-contaminated synthesis gas was fed to the reactor at a flow rate of 300 mL/ min for 2 h. At this time, the cumulative moles of hydrogen sulfide fed to the reactor are equivalent to a molar ratio of H2S/ Cu of 1/100. The feed was switched back to sulfur-free synthesis gas for 12 h at a flow rate of 100 mL/min. A gas sample of reactor effluent was then analyzed. These steps were repeated, to examine H2S/Cu molar ratios of 1/20 (10 h), 1/10 (20 h), 1/5 (40 h), 1/2 (100 h), 3/4 (150 h), and 1/1 (200 h). A gas sample was taken after each molar ratio, after sulfur-free synthesis gas had passed through the reactor for 12 h at a flow rate of 100 mL/min. The CO conversion and CO2 yield after each exposure are shown in Figure 5a. CO conversion decreased with increased exposure to H2S. This may be due to sulfur reacting with the active copper sites to form copper sulfide (Cu + H2S f CuS + H2; Cu2+ + S2- f CuS; CuO + H2S f CuS + H2O). The catalyst was found to completely lose its activity (CO conversion around 2%) after running 300 h (H2S/Cu ) 1.5/1). CO2 yield was almost constant if the H2S/Cu ratio was less than 1/2. CO2 yield increased a little bit after H2S/Cu more than 1/2. Selectivity to hydrocarbons is illustrated in Figure 5b. It was found that with the increase of fed H2S (1/100 to 1/2), CH4 selectivity decreased slowly, and CH4 selectivity decreased significantly after H2S/Cu ) 1/2. C2H6 and C3H8 selectivity were found to be almost constant with a increase of fed H2S (1/100 to 1/2). However, the selectivity increased after a H2S/Cu ratio higher than 1/2. C4+ selectivity increased with the increase of fed H2S. Hydrocarbon distribution from on line GC-FID signals

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Figure 6. H2-TPR results of a Cu-Co-Cr oxide mixture and C3Z catalysts.

(not shown here) as a function of the total amount of H2S fed during the reactions proved that with the increase of fed H2S (1/100 to 1/20), higher aromatics, i.e., tetramethylbenzene, decreased first, while toluene and p-xylene and part of the strait chain of paraffin increased a little bit. However, if the fed H2S increased further (1/10 to 1/2), all the hydrocarbons decreased due to total CO conversion decrease. 3.3. Catalyst Characterization of CuO-CoO-Cr2O3/H+ZSM-5 Bifunctional Catalysts. 3.3.1. Physical Properties of the Catalysts. Table 1 lists the surface areas, pore volume, and average pore diameter of H+/ZSM-5, CuO-CoO-Cr2O3, and CuO-CoO-Cr2O3/H+-ZSM-5. From Table 1 it can be seen that H+/ZSM-5 has the largest BET area of 303 m2 g-1. BET surface areas of CuO-CoO-Cr2O3, fresh C3Z, used CuO-CoO-Cr2O,3 and used C3Z are 38.75, 169.38, 26.62, and 147.25 m2/g, respectively. The surface area of used CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 is less than that of fresh CuO-CoO-Cr2O3, which confirms earlier 400 °C activity and lifetime performance indicating that sintering may occur during reaction, thus resulting in modification of the catalyst structure. 3.3.2. H2-TPR of the Catalysts. The reducibility of catalysts is examined by temperature-programmed reduction. Prior to temperature-programmed reduction experiments, each catalyst sample was activated under flowing O2 (10 vol %; balance He) at 400 °C for 90 min. TPR experiments were carried with a heating rate of 10 deg/min. The reactive gas compositions were H2 (10.2 vol %/balance Ar). The TPR experiments were performed up to a temperature of 450 °C at which the sample was maintained for 5 min. The H2-TPR behavior of the Cubased catalyst is well-documented in the literature to elucidate the state of copper oxide and metallic copper.58,59 Figure 6 illustrates the TPR profiles of the CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 and CuOCoO-Cr2O3/H+-ZSM-5 used in the present study. As shown in Figure 6, a large peak centered at 193.3 °C was observed for CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 catalyst. The H2 consumption peak was assigned to the reduction of Cu2+ to Cu0 (CuO + H2 f Cu0 + H2O). Such a large peak can be attributed to the reduction of CuO species because no reduction peak was observed for CoO and Cr2O3 in the temperature range 150-450 °C. The hydrogen consumption peak, centered at 195 °C, with strong intensity was observed for Cu-Co-Cr/H+-ZSM-5 catalyst. The hydrogen consumption peaks are also assigned to the reduction of Cu2+ ions in the Cu-Co-Cr/H+-ZSM-5 catalysts. 3.2.3. XRD Analysis. XRD was used to identify the crystalline phases present on the ZSM-5, Cu-Co-Cr oxides, and CuO-

Figure 7. XRD patterns of the H+/ZSM-5 zeolite, CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 oxide mixture, and C3Z catalysts.

CoO-Cr2O3/ZSM-5 catalysts before and after reaction. Figure 7 shows the XRD patterns of the samples. The XRD peaks corresponding to CuO at 2θ of 35.5° and 38.7° are observed in the fresh catalyst sample. Cobalt and chromium are found as Co3O4 and Cr2O3 crystallites in the fresh sample. Cu0 (at 2θ ) 43.3°, 50.4°, and 74°, JCPDS-4-836) is clearly detected by XRD in the used catalyst samples. XRD of used samples indicates that Co3O4 was converted to CoO after reaction, whereas the reflection lines of Cr2O3 are unchanged after reaction, meaning Cr2O3 is not reduced under reaction conditions. 3.2.4. XPS Analysis. Copper High-Resolution Spectra. The binding energies of the detected elements obtained from XPS high-resolution spectra are calibrated based on 284.8 eV, the adventitious carbon 1s. The Cu 2p3/2 XPS spectra taken from the fresh, reduced, and used catalysts are shown in Figures 8a. The peak deconvolutions, shown in Figure 8b,c, are based on the assumption that the peaks are Gaussian. The Cu 2p3/2 peak has a BE value of 932.5 eV, which corresponds to either Cu0/ Cu+ species. Only through examination of Auger transition parameters can the differentiation of Cu+ and Cu0 species be obtained.60 A shoulder in the Cu peak is evident at 933.7 due to the presence of Cu2+.61 The high-resolution spectra of fresh catalyst exhibited copper mainly exists as Cu2+ other than Cu0, Cu+. However, these Cu2+ forms disappeared with exposure to H2 at 275 °C, and Cu0 species in the near-surface increased. A summary of atomic concentrations of Cu 2p3/2 peaks based on model area is shown in Table 2. The Cu2+ species totally disappeared, and only Cu0, with a much more intensified and narrower peak, was detected in the catalyst after reaction. These effects may be due to the reduction of Cu2+ species to copper metal. Also, reduction in the Cu2+ shoulder indicates that the catalysts are reduced under higher temperature. The results agree with Monnier et al.,62 who observed that reduction of CuO in the Cu-Cr oxide catalyst to Cu0 occurs upon exposure to H2 at 270 °C. Likewise, Apai et al.63 and Capece et al.64 have also stated that the CuO in Cu/Cr2O3 catalysts is reduced to Cu0 upon pretreatment. According to the literature, the amount of stable surface Cu+ sites was directly related to methanol production rate.65,66 Both Cu0 and Cu+ sites are required for methanol synthesis since the Cu0 and Cu+ sites are essential

CuO-CoO-Cr2O3/H+-ZSM-5 Bifunctional Catalysts

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Figure 8. XPS of C3Z catalysts: (a) high-resolution spectra of Cu 2p3/2, Cu 2p3/2 peak deconvolutions of (b) fresh catalyst and (c) after 1 h reduction at 275 °C, and (d) used catalyst.

TABLE 2: Copper Species Concentration of Cu 2p3/2 Peaks fresh reduced at 275 °C used




61.62 88.55 100.00

38.38 11.45 0.00

1.61 7.74

for H2 and CO adsorption, respectively. Courty et al.67 speculated that Cu+ species were stabilized in the spinel or as copper chromate phases, which were responsible for CO adsorption, while Cu0 was responsible for CO desorption and C-C bond formation. The Cu peak observations also agree with Calafat et al.,68 who stated that Cu2+ species in CuZnCr catalyst are completely reduced after the reaction. Also, surface Cu species increase in the catalyst after reaction indicating that no loss in activity is observed because, according to Chinchen et al.,69 the activity of the catalyst is a function of copper metal concentration. Cobalt High-Resolution Spectra. XPS high-resolution spectra of Co are shown in Figure 9. The primary peaks are assigned to Co2+/Co3+ with the shoulder of Co0 species. Co2+/ Co3+ species differentiation could not be obtained due to the closeness of their binding energies. The spectra investigation do not agree with Sheffer et al.60 that satellite peaks of 2p3/2 are more intensified in the reduced catalyst compared to fresh catalyst, and much more intensified in used catalyst. Forst et al.70 stated that the high-intensity satellite peaks indicated the presence of Co2+ species, and less intense satellite structures of Co3+ species. Thus, Co in fresh catalysts was present as Co3+, indicated by a low-intensity satellite structure at about 9.4 eV from the 2p3/2 main peak. Likewise, observation of used catalysts is in agreement with Calafat et al.68 that Co was present as Co2+ species, mainly proven by the high-intensity satellite peak at about 6 eV from the 2p3/2 peak. After reduction in situ by H2, no significant changes in satellite peaks were observed, which

Figure 9. Co XPS high-resolution spectra of C3Z catalysts.

indicated no significant reduction from Co3+ to Co2+ at the reduction temperature of 275 °C. At 400 °C, Fornasari et al.71 observed the reduction of Co3+ to Co2+ in Cu-Zn-Cr catalyst, and Sugi et al.72 also observed that some Co2+ species are reduced to the metallic state at 300 °C in modified cobalt catalysts with the presence of Ru. On the basis of the observation and overlapping of O auger features/Co 2p3/2, no conclusive results about Co reduction could be made. In general, Co species on the near-surface region are less than those deeper in the bulk. Castner et al.73,74 also emphasized that Co species at near-surface regions can be substantially different from those in the bulk, and the direct comparison by using a fraction of surface Co reduction is not advisable. Otherwise, the Co spectra investigation showed that the surface Co peaks varied significantly in size and shape with the temperature of reduction. Stiles et al.75

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Figure 10. XPS of C3Z catalysts: (a) high-resolution spectra of Cr 2p3/2, Cr 2p3/2 peak deconvolutions of (b) fresh catalyst and (c) after 1 h reduction at 275 °C, and (d) used catalyst.

stated that a tolerable quantity of cobalt may produce a catalyst that had the capability of producing ethanol, as well as propanol. Chromium High-Resolution Spectra. The highresolution XPS Cr 2p3/2 spectra are shown in Figure 10. The broad peak width indicates that a mixture of chemical states is present near the surface. They appear to be Cr0, Cr3+, Cr(OH)x, and Cr6+ at binding energies of 574.8, 576.5, 577.5, and 578.3 eV, respectively. Reduction of Cr6+ species is observed with exposure to H2. Cr6+ to Cr3+ reduction is expected since a strong oxidizer metal salt was used to form the catalyst precursor.67 Cr(OH)x species are also observed at increasing pretreatment temperature. The change in Cr3+ shoulder shape indicates a reduction in Cr3+ since Cr3+ species are reducible.76 The increase in the shoulder at the Cr0 species region and shift in the binding energy indicate that other Cr species may be partially reduced to Cr0 species. After the reaction, more Cr0 species are exhibited in the near-surface region. 3.2.5. Scanning Electron Microscopy. Figure 11 shows the SEM photograph of the fresh ZSM-5 and fresh and used C3Z samples. It is noted that the catalyst surface is covered with small crystallites of cobalt oxide, Co3O4.77 The surface crystallites could also be copper or chromium. It is apparent that both C3 and zeolite in the fresh C3Z sample are in a uniform size distribution and C3 and zeolite are mixed well, i.e., zeolite particles are evenly covered by porous C3 oxides. In addition, the size of these small crystallites grew larger by agglomeration in the used catalyst, which may be due to sintering after the reaction, while on the surface of the used sample, there are many obvious sphere particles, indicating that the aggregation of copper particles exists in the catalyst. Zeolite particles are exposed and uncovered by C3 after reaction. Therefore the agglomeration of C3 oxide particles and the formation of larger Cu particles may be a factor of the deterioration of the catalytic

performance. This observation is in agreement with Galarrage,77 who indicated that temperature could cause agglomeration of these small crystallites, which leads to catalyst deactivation under high temperature. The agglomeration is also caused by the inhomogenity distribution of metal precursors. 3.3.6. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The particle size of C3 species and their level of dispersion on the zeolite particle in C3Z catalysts before and after reaction were compared. A Jeol JEM-100CXII TEM was used for the analysis the Cu-Co-Cr-ZSM-5 catalysts. Micrographs of fresh and used catalysts are shown in Figure 12. Zeolite particles are between 0.1 and 1 µm in the fresh H+/ZSM-5. Cu-Co-Cr and ZSM-5 were well-mixed in the fresh sample; Cu-Co-Cr mixture oxides were both porous and nanosized. Copper particles grow to an average size of 30-50 nm after reaction at 350 °C for 170 h. At this temperature, aggregation of copper particles becomes larger due to sintering and is accompanied by partial separation from CoO-Cr2O3 and zeolite. Therefore, at higher reaction temperatures, copper particles sinter, and so the number of copper crystallites is decreased. This implies that sintering of the catalyst takes place at higher temperature; consequently, the number of active sites is decreased. Figure 12 are TEM images of the used C3Z catalyst (after 300 h of reaction under 375 °C). In these micrographs, evidence of sphere-shape particles is present. These particles are between 30 and 50 nm in size. TPR results showed that only CuO was reduced at temperatures under 450 °C; thus, it is hypothesized that these distinctive particles are reduced metal copper that has partially separated from the Cu-Co-Cr oxides after 170 h of reaction. Copper is sintering and segregated from both CoO-Cr2O3 and H+ZSM-5.

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Figure 12. TEM images of H+/ZSM-5 (top, 100K mag), fresh C3Z catalyst (middle, 100K mag), and used C3Z catalyst (bottom, 67K mag).

Figure 11. SEM images of H+/ZSM-5 (top), fresh C3Z catalyst (middle), and used C3Z catalyst (bottom).

4. Discussion 4.1. Syngas to Hydrocarbons over Bifunctional C3Z Catalysts. Bifunctional transition metal oxide-ZSM-5 catalysts are capable of converting syngas to gasoline in a single reaction step for they contain both the CO hydrogenatuion function (CuCo-Cr oxides) and the hydrocarbon synthesis function (ZSM5). There are two steps involved in the conversion of syngas to hydrocarbons over the bifunctional catalyst. First, alcohols are synthesized from the syngas over a Cu-Co-Cr oxide catalyst.

Cu-Co-Cr-based catalysts are utilized for the production of higher alcohols. In the following step, alcohols are converted to higher hydrocarbons over zeolite ZSM-5. The ZSM-5 catalyst dehydrates the alcohols including methanol and rearranges the remaining hydrogen and carbon atoms into a concentrated highenergy fuel. Although alcohols themselves have been used in motor fuels both as an octane booster to conventional gasoline and in their pure form, each gallon of gasoline has twice the energy content of a gallon of methanol. A lot of work has been done with the conversion of methanol to gasoline. However, little work has been done with the conversion of higher alcohols to gasoline so far. Some primary results have been reported in

11856 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 112, No. 31, 2008 our laboratory on conversion of higher alcohols to higher hydrocarbons;48 it was found that the methanol reaction over H+/ZSM-5 gave aromatics including p-xylene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, and 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene and oxygenates including dimethyl ether, 3-methyl-2-butanone, and acetone among others. The reaction of ethanol under similar conditions gave ethyl-substituted aromatic compounds including 1,3diethylbenzene and 1,2-diethylbenzene and alkanes like 3-methylheptane and 4-methyloctane among others. When ethanol was used, the production of oxygenates was less than that obtained for methanol. Propanols when reacted over H+-ZSM-5 resulted in different product distributions for 1-propanol and 2-propanol. Employing 1-propanol as the reactant resulted in product distribution almost exclusively composed of alkenes and branched alkanes like 2-methyl-1-propene, 4-methylhexane, and 4-methylheptene among others. No traces of aromatic compounds were observed. In contrast, employing 2-propanol as a reactant resulted in a product distribution containing both aromatics including p-xylene and 1-ethyl-2-methylbenzene and olefins including 3-methyl-2-hexene and 3-methyl-2-pentene, etc. Another interesting observation was the presence of 2-propanol in the product when 1-propanol was used as a feed. Of all the butanols reacted over H+-ZSM-5, only 2-methyl-2propanol (tert-butanol) gave significant aromatic yield. The remaining butanol isomers mainly gave branched alkanes and alkenes. Thus, it is concluded that the tendency for aromatics formation over ZSM-5 increases as follows: tertiary alcohol > secondary alcohol > primary alcohol.48 The conversion of syngas into higher alcohols as well as hydrocarbons is strongly dependent on the process variables. Selectivity toward gasoline (C5+ fraction) increases first when the temperature increases from 275 to 375 °C (Figure 1a). With respect to the higher hydrocarbons and aromatic products (toluene, xylene, 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene, and 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene) (Figure 1b), as the temperature increases the C5+ fractions increase, and the C8 fraction reaches a maximum value at 375 °C and then decreases with increasing of temperature. The aromatic fractions increase with temperature, especially above 350 °C. From these results it can be said that there is a balance between two trends: the CO hydrogenation reactions yielding alcohols, mainly due to the Cu-Co-Cr metal oxides, with an optimum temperature of 250-300 °C and the acid function-based reactions, i.e., conversion of oxygenates to hydrocarbons or aromatization, mainly due to the ZSM-5 zeolite, with an optimum temperature of 350-400 °C. A compromise between these two trends leads to an optimum reaction temperature to give the maximum C5+ yield. On the other hand, although the C5+ fraction decreases in absolute terms, the aromatic fraction increases relative to the total C5+ fraction when the temperature increases above 375 °C, that is, the liquid fraction becomes richer in aromatics. This result is in agreement with data already published on syngas conversion over a cobaltbased catalyst mixed with HZSM-5 zeolite.57 It has been proved that for all FT catalysts having an increase in operating temperature results in a shift in selectivity toward lower carbon number products and to more hydrogenated products.78 The degree of branching increases and the amount of secondary products formed such as ketones and aromatics also increases as the temperature is raised.79 These shifts are in line with thermodynamic expectations and the relative stability of the products. As Co is a more active hydrogenating catalyst the products in general are more hydrogenated and also the CH4 selectivity rises more rapidly with increasing temperature.80 The synthesis rates of both alcohols and hydrocarbon are dependent

Yan et al. on the syngas pressure over C3 catalyst. Therefore, increasing syngas partial pressure results in an increased productivity of all products with the exception of CO2, which is not very sensitive to the change in syngas pressure. In the present study, a stoichiometric H2/CO ratio of 1 seems to be an appropriate syngas composition for the synthesis of hydrocarbons. 4.2. Reactive Sites of C3Z Catalysts for Syngas to Hydrocarbons. Cu-Co-Cr based catalysts are utilized for the production of higher alcohols. The chain growth of higher alcohol formation is favored at high cobalt concentration or low copper content, and/or alkali metal content.81 Many reported that the selectivity of higher alcohols is directly related to the Cu-Co interaction.82–88 In another words, the cobalt ions in combination with metallic Cu or the interaction phase are important to oxygenate synthesis. The Cu-Co interaction formed after reduction is the active site for the reaction89 as mentioned earlier. Also, some researchers mentioned that the unreduced cobalt ions are responsible for higher alcohol synthesis.86–88 XRD results show metallic copper and CoO probably are active components for CO hydrogenation. It has been proven that Cu0/ Cu+ is the active species in the synthesis of methanol over conventional Cu-based catalysts. XPS results show copper species are mainly present as Cu2+ in fresh catalyst. When exposed to H2, Cu0 species in the near-surface region increased while the Cu2+ shoulder was reduced. Likewise, higher nearsurface Cu0 peaks are noticed while the Cu2+ peak totally disappeared in the catalyst after reaction. The cobalt species in fresh catalyst is Co3+, and in used catalyst it is Co2+. Moreover, no significant reduction from Co3+ to Co2+ is observed during the reduction procedure. In general, fewer cobalt species are on the surface compared to in the bulk. Chromium features in the near-surface region appeared to be Cr0, Cr3+, Cr(OH)x, and Cr6+. Cr3+ could not be differentiated. Nevertheless, the presence of Cr3+ species has been proven by others, and reduction in Cr3+ species is observed. Increasing treatment temperature results in Cr6+ to Cr3+ reduction. Other Cr species are also partially reduced to Cr0 species. Finally, more Cr0 species in aged catalyst existed in the near-surface region. In higher alcohol synthesis, copper sites are responsible for hydrogen dissociative chemisorption and CO associative adsorption since these are the main elements in methanol synthesis. Metallic cobalt sites are responsible for CO dissociation, carbon-carbon chain growth, and hydrogenation since cobalt is the FT synthesis metal. By surface migration, the adsorbed CO molecule moves to an adsorbed alkyl group and inserts between metal sites and the alkyl group. Hence, cobalt and copper sites must be close to each other for the possibility of this surface migration. Separation of the two metals or the heterogeneous distribution during catalyst preparation will cause selectivity deterioration for alcohol synthesis, hence, higher hydrocarbon production.90 4.3. Stability of the C3Z Catalysts. The effect of temperature on syngas to higher alcohol reactions over Cu-Co-Cr oxides has been reported both in the thermodynamics and experimental.53 High temperature is more favorable for the average alcohol production rate. Therefore, higher temperature enhances productivity of alcohols, but can also lead to catalyst deactivation due to sintering, or simply the alcohol synthesis reaction will change to the methanation synthesis or another hydrocarbon synthesis. The catalysts have a limited range of operating temperature from 275 to 300 °C since the catalyst deactivation due to sintering is normally a concern above 300 °C for copper catalysts.90 The sintering of copper metal was the main contribution to the decreasing of CO conversion of the C3Z catalyst at temperatures above 375 °C. Figure 1 shows

CuO-CoO-Cr2O3/H+-ZSM-5 Bifunctional Catalysts high temperature is more favorable for the CO conversion. Therefore, higher temperature enhances the productivity of hydrocarbons, but it may lead to catalyst deactivation due to sintering. The decrease in conversion as temperature is increased above 375 °C is due, first, to the thermodynamic restrictions of the exothermal reaction and, second, to Cu sintering, which leads to partial loss of catalyst activity. The presence of larger metallic copper crystallites may be a contributing factor in enhancing selectivity to gaseous hydrocarbons in the lifetime performance case, in contrast to the synthesis of higher alcohols that decreases as the copper dispersion is decreased. Moreover, both alcohol and hydrocarbon yields decreased monotonically with reaction time, demonstrating the lower catalytic stability of the catalyst at higher temperature. This can be explained by the possibility that the metal surface is sintered gradually during the reaction process. It is also noted that the catalyst lifetime is dependent on the sulfur level in synthesis gas. It has been generally assumed that catalysts for CO hydrogenation such as the FT process and methanol synthesis are poisoned by a small amount of sulfur compounds in the feed.91,92 It was reported a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst loses its methanol synthesis activity even in the presence of a 1.6 ppm concentration of H2S.92 Sulfur content in the syngas is seriously high especially when the syngas is produced from a coal and heavy oil. The syngas produced from biomass and waste materials that are thought to be promising carbon resources for the future contains H2S to some extent also. Berg et al.93 reported that the H2S content is in a range from 20 to 200 ppm when the syngas is produced from a noncatalytic gasification of biomass while the syngas from waste plastics contains H2S and COS in 300 ppm concentration.94 To avoid the sulfur poisoning, conventional plants are equipped with a huge desulfurizer unit that removes the sulfur compounds almost completely from the feed. Considering these situations, the development of sulfur-tolerant catalysts is expected to contribute to increasing the versatility of the syn-fuel process. 5. Conclusions CO hydrogenation to hydrocarbons was examined over a bifunctional C3Z catalyst in a fixed bed flow reactor, operating at 275 to 400 °C temperature, 300 to 1200 h-1 gas hourly space velocity (GHSV), and 700 to 1500 psig pressure. It was found that CO conversion increases from 28% at 300 °C to 66% at 375 °C; however, it decreases to 63% at 400 °C. Selectivity toward gasoline (C5+ fraction) increases first when the temperature increases from 275 to 375 °C. With respect to the higher hydrocarbons and aromatic products (toluene, xylenes, 1,2,3trimethylbenzene, and 1,2,4,5-tetramethylbenzene, etc), as the temperature increases the C5+ fractions increase, and the C8 fraction reaches a maximum value at 375 °C and then decreases with increasing temperature. CO conversion decreases with increasing of GHSV, while C5+ selectivity also decreases. It can be concluded that CO conversion decreases with the increasing of space velocity. The gasoline fraction (C5+) continuously decreases with increasing space velocity. CO conversion and hydrocarbon have been compared with H2/CO molar ratio of 1 and 2 in the feed. CO conversion was 60% at 350 °C for H2/CO of 1, while it was 70% for 2. It was found higher the H2/CO ratio favored the formation of products of lower C/H ratio (straight chain of paraffin), while lower H2/ CO ratio favored higher C/H ratio products (aromatics). For a lower H2/CO molar ratio, a higher selectivity toward aromatics is observed when the H2/CO molar ratio is 1. CO conversion increases as pressure increases. The increase in pressure clearly

J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 112, No. 31, 2008 11857 favors the formation of C5+ and aromatics, while C1-C3 gaseous hydrocarbons clearly decrease with increasing pressure. The C3Z bed favored the formation of tetramethylbenzene and trimethylbenzene, while the C3 + ZSM-5 two-layer catalyst bed would produce more toluene and p-xylene under the same conditions. The CO conversion drops by ∼5% over the C3Z catalyst after running for 170 h, but the selectivity toward the C5+ hydrocarbons is more affected by the time on stream. The increase in the proportion of methane during the aging process is observed. The proportion of aromatics in the C5+ fraction remains constant. These results indicate a slow deactivation of the catalyst, probably due to copper sintering on the surface of the CoO + Cr2O3 oxides and the ZSM-5 zeolite. The catalyst was investigated under a syngas containing 56.5 ppm of H2S and it was found that the catalyst lost its activity with increasing S/Cu ratio. The surface area of used CuO-CoO-Cr2O3 is less than that of the fresh CuO-CoO-Cr2O3, which confirms that catalyst sintering may occur during reaction, thus resulting in modification of the catalyst structure. XRD results demonstrated that Cu, Co, and Cr are mainly present as CuO, Co3O4, and Cr2O3 in the as-prepared catalysts, copper oxide was reduced to copper metal, Co3O4 was reduced to CoO, while Cr2O3 remained unchanged after reaction. XPS results showed Cu, Co, and Cr mainly present as Cu2+, Co2+/Co3+, and Cr3+ in the fresh catalyst samples, almost 100% copper is Cu0 in the used catalyst surface and cobalt mainly exists as Co2+ after reaction, and chromium is almost unchanged after reaction. SEM and TEM images proved copper sintering and segregation from CoOCr2O3 and ZSM-5 zeolite, which leads to the deactivation of the catalyst. Acknowledgment. Funding for this work was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant DOE-DE-FG3606GO86025 to the MSU Sustainable Energy Research Center. The assistance of Mr. Richard F. Kuklinski and Ms. Amanda Lawrence of the Electron Microscope Center at Mississippi State University is gratefully acknowledged. References and Notes (1) Li, S.; Krishnamoorthy, S.; Li, A.; Meitzner, G. D.; Iglesia, E. J. Catal. 2002, 206, 202. (2) Thomson, R.; Montes, C.; Davis, M. E.; Wolf, E. E. J. Catal. 1990, 124, 401. (3) Matsuda, T.; Sakagami, H.; Takahashi, N. Catal. Today 2003, 81, 31. (4) Bertole, C. J.; Kiss, G.; Mims, C. A. J. Catal. 2004, 223, 309. (5) Horn, R.; Williams, K. A.; Degenstein, N. J.; Bitsch-Larsen, A.; Dalle Nogare, D.; Tupy, S. A.; Schmidt, L. D. J. Catal. 2007, 249, 380. (6) Wang, H. Y.; Ruckenstein, E. J. Catal. 1999, 186, 181. (7) Yan, Q. G.; Wu, T. H.; Weng, W. Z.; Toghiani, H.; Toghiani, R. K.; Wan, H. L.; Pittman, C. U. J. Catal. 2004, 226, 247. (8) Rapagna`, S.; Jand, N.; Foscolo, P. U. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 1998, 23, 551. (9) Epling, W. S.; Hoflund, G. B.; Hart, W. M.; Minahan, D. M. J. Catal. 1997, 169, 438. (10) Woo, H. C.; Nam, I. S.; Lee, J. S.; Chung, J. S.; Kim, Y. G. J. Catal. 1993, 142, 672. (11) Martı´nez, A.; Rolla´n, J.; Arribas, M. A.; Cerqueira, H. S.; Costa, A. F.; Aguiar, E. F. S. J. Catal. 2007, 249, 162. (12) Girardon, J.-S.; Quinet, E.; Griboval-Constant, A.; Chernavskii, P. A.; Gengembre, L.; Khodakov, A. Y. J. Catal. 2007, 248, 143. (13) Gormley, R. J.; Rao, V. U. S.; Anderson, R. R.; Schehl, R. R.; Chi, R. D. H. J. Catal. 1988, 113, 193. (14) Mills, G. Alex Fuel 1994, 73, 1243. (15) Morales, F.; de Smit, E.; de Groot, F. M. F.; Visser, T.; Weckhuysen, B. M. J. Catal. 2007, 246, 91. (16) Liu, Z.-W.; Li, X.; Asami, K.; Fujimoto, K. Appl. Catal. A: General 2006, 300, 162. (17) Dry, M. E. Catal. Today 2002, 71, 227.

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